First grow ever: Bubba


This is my first go at growing. I started my fifth week of flowering today and figured it was time to give this site a try as well. I also just signed on over at THCfarmer too under the username Frosty_Love but this first post is pretty similar there.
Unfortunately, though, this means I don't have the beginning logged when they all fit on a 4X4 tray, but I'll do a better log on the second grow. I have a few photos of the room getting ready, then when I first got them, and when I first started flowering but I'll upload those in a bit.

Anyway, I have a 16X10' room with a concrete floor and IR blocked walls with 8x1000W bulbs running now. There is one 4X4 tray in the back of the room and the rest are in 3 gallon bags of soil on the floor.
I wanted to give both soil and hydro a shot to see which I prefer and which I personally grow better...also giving me a future reference for cost efficiency versus quality.
The soil is simple sunshine 4, as the priority went to getting good equipment that will be lasting much longer than the plants but I have heard coco is much better if I continue to go the soil route as opposed to hydro in the future.

Nutrients used:
- General Hydroponics 3 part
- General Hydroponics KoolBloom
- Botanicare Cal-Mag
- Advanced Nutrients CarboLoad
- Snow Storm Ultra
- Hygrozyme

I'm watering them today so I'll upload more recent pictures tomorrow. The ones I have included here are more from week 4.



Well-Known Member
Sounds awesome, although for 4 weeks those buds look a little small for bubba considering how much light you have. How far are your tops from the light? might want to move them a bit closer. But very nice setup, im jealous, wish I had that kind of space. +rep


Give or take a foot and a half. Closer?

But thank you..the room is 30X10' with the door almost in the middle. I just sectioned off 16' and can add another 9X10' or so section on the other side later.


Active Member
talk about diving in the deep end, nice set up for your first time. im on my second grow and my first was iced bery under a 1000 hps and they wernt that impressive at 1 month but than they hit there growth spurt cuz by 2 months they were 15 times bigger. good luck


Then painted the floor from the abused green to beige and the hideous pinkish brick on the sides to white (looks more sterile and is more sterile):


Thank you stuccodude! That's how it has been for me as you can see from above...Hopefully they will hit their growth spurt soon too.


Well-Known Member
This is a great start! Looks like your on the right track!! Your buds look fine, if anything my bubba is a p,k hog and hits her stride at week 6 ....
Anywho if you see purple stems I rock a touch of pk boost an Epsom salts... But you should be great with the recipie your on it looks like .. Your spot makes me look so dirty... Rep+


Well-Known Member
Nice job! Welcome to the boards and looks like you have everything locked down! Good Luck on the rest and hope your success continues!


Well-Known Member
Give or take a foot and a half. Closer?

But thank you..the room is 30X10' with the door almost in the middle. I just sectioned off 16' and can add another 9X10' or so section on the other side later.
Space...the final frontier. Location, Location. This looks so good, I drool.

I'm a bathroomer, at present and very glad for it. Was in a corner of an unheated garage until I showed Ms. Doer the proper spirit in failure. :)