My First Attempt at a Hidden Grow (Tips Please) Pics Included


Well-Known Member
Ive never tried growing a thing in my life not even a sun flower seed so i believe im doing well , alot of people with big lights and place todo it just knock my grow tho. Im in it all for the experience more than yield. I do like all newbs have a couple of questions.

Height is an issue this is the only space i can do this so did some research read a little about topping plants but apprently u can only do this twice. Im guessing i should go this route and start to flower before i run out of room.

im trying to train them because of height restriction also , i have realised one error on the first go , my lights were to far away in the begging , so unfortunatly there a lil streched. I plan to lower that fluro light 2mrw tho.

i think my lights are a bit too under powered things seem well but i want more growth :P will those cfl bulbs i keep reading about work in that desk lamp ?

Thanks for reading and all help is appreciated :D

sorry for typos u know how it is :P



Well-Known Member
You need to get the fluorescent within 2-3 inches to the tops of the plants. Thats why they are already stretching so much.

What kind of bulb is in that lamp?

I don't see how that fan hasn't blown over your seedlings.

I would look into LST form you plants. (low stress training)


Well-Known Member
hard to tell what kind of light set up u have. u have 2 lights, but what kind of lights r they? as suggested LST is going to be the way to go LST (tying ur plants down little by little, so they grow more horizontally) & then possibly topping.


Well-Known Member

Ive since moved things about so i can adjust the height of the lamp with some extra clips.
Yeah i lol'd @ the fan but its all i had luckily its low setting is actually v low.
I dont know what bulb is in the lamp i added it because like billy said i needed more light , no money atm so i decided light was light. I have since turned that lamp off tho as it was making the room way too hot.

Im now looking for a cfl to put into the lamp.


Well-Known Member
Yeah ive been reading on lst , i started using wire to spread my leafs a little to get more light into the nodes , then read about lst , hah.

Ive tied one down u can probably see him at the back but because theyve streched its made lst quite trick because all my nodes are so far up :/


Well-Known Member

Ive since moved things about so i can adjust the height of the lamp with some extra clips.
Yeah i lol'd @ the fan but its all i had luckily its low setting is actually v low.
I dont know what bulb is in the lamp i added it because like billy said i needed more light , no money atm so i decided light was light. I have since turned that lamp off tho as it was making the room way too hot.

Im now looking for a cfl to put into the lamp.
Yea that looks like an incandescent light bulb. That is doing more harm then good (heat). Definitely switch it out for a cfl.


Well-Known Member
I cant run a hid living here unfrotunatly. Im also pretty broke hense the noob mistake of just throwing things together and over heating with that lamp.


Well-Known Member
Get proper ventilation like an exhaust and intake fan. For the sake of spending £150!!! Show me a CFL grow that beats a HPS grow. I have 2 of the 600w HPS lights and the heat is not to bad to be honest.


Well-Known Member
problem is mate i have 40-50 to spend on a bulb max so ill get what the budget allows.

yeah i didnt think just placing a fan in there was the greatest idea but heard it helps thems stems and tbh it did and brought down the heat the lamp m8.

But im guessing i need inlet and exhaust and fans blowing in appropriate directions.

I might pull my pcs apart and have the fans outta that.


Well-Known Member
Get proper ventilation like an exhaust and intake fan. For the sake of spending £150!!! Show me a CFL grow that beats a HPS grow. I have 2 of the 600w HPS lights and the heat is not to bad to be honest.
Who said CFLs grow better/bigger buds than HPS?

Okay so the OP already said he dosent have the money.
You said get an HPS--------$120 shipped
exhaust ventilation---------another $70-100 shipped

So now hes up to a Minimum of about 200 pounds.

That is money he dosent have right now.


Well-Known Member
Who said CFLs grow better/bigger buds than HPS?

Okay so the OP already said he dosent have the money.
You said get an HPS--------$120 shipped
exhaust ventilation---------another $70-100 shipped

So now hes up to a Minimum of about 200 pounds.

That is money he dosent have right now.
4 pc fans can be run off 2 fone chargers. Prob obtain these with little outlay or no outlay. 250w light delivered £100. Says he got £50, I'm sure he could get another bulls eye from somewhere