Thai Skunk


Well-Known Member
Finally is right. so your plants look like straight sativa, while mine look like mostly indica. I emailed AMS and they responded that all there info about there strains is right. I dont no how anything crossed with thai can be mostly indica. I dont no what to make of all this. Im sure glad mine didnt turn out mostly sativa or id be screwed for room. When i was doing research on this strain i noticed that everywhere else on the net has it advertised as mostly sativa. I just started flowering yesterday. After 5 weeks of veging my biggest plant is only about15" tall.


Well-Known Member
ya I know its a while. The thing is I ordered these from AMS and their site says that it takes from 8 - 10 wks for flowering
and it also says that this strain is mostly Indica which doesent make no sense because of the thai and just the way this plant is growing


Well-Known Member
Ya thats cool man, I kinda woulda liked the more Indica genitics since I have these plant growin thru my ceiling.
I guess I cant complain either! Hey whats yours smellin like, cause mine has a very differant type of smell to it.
I kinda smell that original skunk smell but then it has a lil spice/citrus smell mixed in its unreal!!


Well-Known Member
MightyStoned I really like how your plants are comming out tho. The intrinodes are very close and the plants are nice and green.
They got that classic compact stacked Indica leaf structure


Well-Known Member
Ya man that was my first time ordering from AMS. I ordered these and some Haze. Which thats a classic Sativa strain. I didnt grow any yet. I thought AMS was a decent seedbank I just didnt like how much they charge for shipping. Its allmost the cost of the seeds. Im lookin into Attitude next.
They got a great selection and they come in breeder packs


Well-Known Member
i have 4 that smell like skunk,and he other two smell like grass or outdoor type of earthy smell. Im pretty happy with the way there turning out. I do wish they would be a little taller,so my yield would be greater but, Im just happy i got my seeds.(first time buying seeds)


Well-Known Member
i ve been hearing good things about the attitude. I didnt like AMS shipping rates either. Outrageous. I also had to buy a prepaid CC wich also cost me an extra 15dollars. I cant get over how much your plants look like THAI. They have that unmistakable thai leaf structure,and the stretching is a thai characteristic also. I wonder if they sent one of us wrong seeds or the strains just not stable.


Well-Known Member
yea i just recently placed aan order with attitude and i messed up on my shipping address and they responded promptly so im pretty happy overall so far...i hope my seeds get hear soon most likely next week....


Well-Known Member
llemonn skunk looks great i was gonna get that but i decided to go with the wreck....even if its not the same as the clone as long as its good then i dont care....


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure you cant go wrong with greenhouse genetics. There strains win so many CC's and im debating on trying there colored fem seeds


Well-Known Member
I've never grown lemon skunk but it's a good smoke, never smoked trainwreck but i've always wanted to.

Mighty, your plant looks indica for sure. I'd say you got the wrong seeds, because i see no sativa traits. Thai should def be tall with skinny leaves, your leaves are FAT as fuck.


Well-Known Member
NO DOUBT 100% At least the beans all germd and i think my plants are doing all right. I also sent AMS an email and there gonna take care of it. They sent me there hawaii skunk free of charge Also on this page post #12 i meant to write 5 weeks vegging not flowering. I just caught that as i read over the thread

Brick Top

New Member
I wonder if they sent one of us wrong seeds or the strains just not stable.

When it comes to genetics unless you are dealing with a landrace strain almost anything can happen at any time regardless of how stable something supposedly is since it goes have mixed genetics.

Pot plants that are crossed strains can be very much like people. One of my friends had a great grandfather that was a redhead. Every member of his family since, on both sides of the family, had either brown hair or black hair but when he had his first child it was a redhead.

If something is in a genetic code at some point in time some certain part may resurface and be more predominant. You may have received a pack of beans from a run where the much lesser indica genetics of the cross resurfaced and are dominant. That can happen from any breeders gear regardless of their skill and knowledge and the quality of their product. It is a gamble, a roll of the dice that goes along with any cross. Often times it is a very low percentage gamble so while the probability may be low the possibility nonetheless still remains.

Look at how many times over the years people have written about growing AK-47 but how seldom it is you will read something about how someone had a strawberry phenotype among their plants. It is not all that common but it can sure happen. Why does it happen? Some portion of the genetic code resurfaces now and then and presto chango you have something different than you expected.


Well-Known Member
i often wonder about that. thanks thats really helpful. It makes perfect sense too. I always here about people growing and plants grow with all different phenos

Brick Top

New Member
i often wonder about that. thanks thats really helpful. It makes perfect sense too. I always here about people growing and plants grow with all different phenos

That is why at best a breeder will say some strain is ‘highly stable.’ They will not say 100% stable because they know that eventually someone will get some bean or beans were some certain part of the genetic code that is normally a lesser percentage/less dominant part will surface and the buyer/grower will get something different than the beans description and what the purchaser expected to get. It may be in one plant and it may be in all their plants, there is just no way to predict what will always happen when dealing with crosses other than to predict that there will be different phenotypes now and then. On that you can be totally certain.


Well-Known Member
Is it normal to have same seeds from same breeder have every plant be completely different, as mine where mostly indica and someones being completely sativa? wouldnt at least a couple plants havethe same phenos?


Well-Known Member
Absolutely nothing, that's the way they grew. I was able to keep a 400watt mh 8" away from the plants without burning them. I dont no if that had anything to do with it.


Well-Known Member
Here are my babies doing pretty good so far. 5 females 1 male 1 undecided.
So here is my dilema, I was only expecting 3 females tops, My grow room is not big enough for 5 females(maybe 6). I dont have enough dough to buy more lights or setup another room. I had a hard enough time throwing away the 1 male. Any suggestions.

