towelies first grow


Well-Known Member
I finally started my grow, and with that my growjournal.

11. 0ct 2008 / day 1
bag seed that i didnt think would come through germinated.


day 2

lil mo'fo growing fast under my fluorescence lamps

more plants to follow, and maybe even a HPS :D
if you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to write them :D


Well-Known Member

bought 2 new 23 watt CFLs.

I'm planning on adding more and more CFLs as they get bigger, how many do you think i need for some mentionable bud?

and should i buy more CFLs for Veg or flowering.

any feedback is welcome, tell me how i'm doing since its my first grow :D


Well-Known Member
intersing setup.... differnet .... but okay.... remember you can put those light pretty close about an inch or two away.... id put the cfl's in between the plants... and move the floros up higher on the side....but looks okay....


Well-Known Member
intersing setup.... differnet .... but okay.... remember you can put those light pretty close about an inch or two away.... id put the cfl's in between the plants... and move the floros up higher on the side....but looks okay....
hmm maybe i should take a pic from a different angel...

the CFLs are 1 inch away from the plants, and the fluros are on top.

gonna get more CFLs and push all the plants together to raise the lumen per plant.

thanks for the input...


New Member
Since you got 2 cfls you should have one lamp between every pair.>>> XoXoX <<< and get that tube up closer to the tops.


New Member
Great minds think alike. ;-)

Teehee... It's all I could think to say and I was just scanning for pics..... wasn't trying to step on toes.

Do what my main man Cheezy here said... he'll keep you on point.


Well-Known Member
Great minds think alike. ;-)

Teehee... It's all I could think to say and I was just scanning for pics..... wasn't trying to step on toes.

Do what my main man Cheezy here said... he'll keep you on point.
spoken like a true prodigy....:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Since you got 2 cfls you should have one lamp between every pair.>>> XoXoX <<< and get that tube up closer to the tops.

can one see the fluros on top?? thats actually my "main" lamp :D

that fluro on the side is just a sidelamp, but i'll move it up further.

i'll post a pic of the new setup in a couple of hours.



Well-Known Member
changed the setup a couple of times, since my biggest plant started to grow it leafs vertically when i put the CFLs next to it.

heres what i mean:

day 11

lamp fell down and burnt 2 plants a little :cry:

current setup:

how am i doing for day 11?
and is this setup any good?

(moved the 2 hanging CFLs closer together after i took the pic...)


Well-Known Member
I would put the floros on top, and the cfls....leave them got a temp/hum gage....?????
nah i think i dont need em since its not a closed growbox, temp and hum never get to high. but what would be the ideal temp and hum?

if you mean the floro in the back, i took it out since its really low watt and only caused the plant to grow its leafs vertically. maybe i'll put it back in when their bigger...

the tip of 1 leaf one my biggest plant is turning yellowish and feels kinda crispy like when its burnt, but its not...

heres some pics:

same spot from below with light shining trough.

whole plant, yellowness is on the very bottom of the pic:

i have no clue what the cause could be...

oh and here a pic of my growsetup in stealth-mode



Well-Known Member
added 3 Co2 makers GROWFAQ

here are some pics after 16 days, need some feedback on how i'm doing:

this is my best plant, named her big mama:

this is lil mama my second best plant

this is lefty, got burnt a while back and has really stunted growth now

she got burnt a little to, but is doing fine compared to lefty. havent named her yet.


Well-Known Member
they look ..... not bad ....not bad at all.... is that dr. pepper you c02


whoa im'a stick in for this one.......ur plants look like theyre doin great!....(exept for lefty..lols) you live in the U.S. too?


oops...i forgot to ask....but how does that water bottle co2 thing work?