First DWC build


Well-Known Member
I've always been an outdoor grower and with that I have a vast knowledge of growing all types of plants outdoors. However, after a failed attempt at hydroponics many years ago simply due to cost cutting, I thought it was high time to give it another go.
I Initially was going to build an aeroponic system, but found this to be too prone to failure due to a number of factors.

I did some research and as of last night made a clear cut decision to give a bubbleponic system a try. So today I went out and bought all the parts I could think of off the top of my head and upon coming home from work, decided to get into it and see the final result.
With help of other methods and builds I came up with the finished product as follows.

Basic storage tub with lid

Astro/Insulation taped the lid to aid in prevention of light entry. However this will be minimal as the container is thick, and no light seems to enter normally.

Measured and cut holes in lid for 125mm netted pots.

Drilled holes for airlines on either side of container

Drilled hole for tap. This will be used for sampling and drainage

Tap installed and all Silicon'd up.

Added a sight window in order to keep accurate track of water level

Drilled holes in PVC conduit to hold air-stones and fed air-line through and pushed air-stoned into hole to sit securely in place. Placed T pieces on either end to provide balanced support, and have used silicone to hold it down.

You can see the air-lines entering the top of box.

Another shot of sight glass and tap.

Finished product!

The sight glass won't be an issue and neither will the opaque air-lines be an issue regarding mould or algae build up as have seen many systems like this with owners saying they have experienced no such thing.

It's a bit too hot to start growing at the moment as I grow in my shed, so will wait for weather to cool down in the next month; by which time I should have my propagation area all complete also.

Not bad for an overnight decision if I don't say so myself lol



Active Member
Hell yeah Hoochy! top build and nice and neat, we're all glad now that you havnt cost cutted this build! i love the tap you have place as the drain very effecient, as mine is an inline one.
I love your dogs paw in the first pic ;)

give us a bit of background info on the whole grow
grow area size:
mesh pot size:
volume of tub:

Sub's and cant wait for an update


Well-Known Member
Thanks tricka!

Grow won't occur for another month. It's still 30+ here in Perth which places my shed at close to 40 degree's Celsius. I'm now in the process of setting up lighting and propagation area. All of which will have pictures also.

I have 1x150w and 1x250 HID's, but also have a number of 2x36w 865 spectrum daylight fluro's. I prefer the use of fluro's as it significantly reduces the heat. I'll veg with fluro's and should the weather have cooled down by they time I start flowing then will throw her onto HID's during this time.

Mesh pots are 125mm. Reason I've kept them small is because I don't plan on growing the ladies too tall, and will build another DWC of identical size to run along side her in order to hopefully have a veg and flowering setup in process.

My shed is probably 10m x 10m so I have plenty of space, but the grow area will be closed off to about 10m x 2m.

I have always had this dream of growing bubblegum and don't fancy paying $100 for seeds with the risk of losing them to customs just yet. I will purchase some 'White Skunk' and 'Voyager' in coming weeks to prepare for germination.

Tub volume I am not sure of as of yet. It didn't say anything on the tub but I'd predict it'd be 30L to 40L in volume. Will confirm this upon setting up.

Nutes I'm a bit grey in what to use at this stage but am open to suggestions


Active Member
wow looks great dude!!!!

I went with cyco and they work a treat:
a + b (need a veg and flower)
root tonics
H202 (not needed and alot of ppl will suggest agaisnt it as it can make ur plants weak.....i prefer to use it though in LOW ppm)
Hydrozyme (this stuff IS GREAT it kills all the root rot)
Pk 13/14


Active Member
Ahh another Perth fella, i only just came back from a little stay in Scarborough, very nice indeed, im down in melb.

yeah sames with the shed grow man, but then mine is in a tent, good choice on running the cfls for veg, then yeah icrease to the HID's, are they metal halide or high pressure sodium?
Bubblegum or bubblisious is def one that i want to grow also.....yumm!

Thanks for the reply any ways....oh and yeah when ya fill up your res a normal 9ltr bucket sometimes have little 'litre'increments, very handy for running tests and filling res's, my 0.2 would be to mark with a black texture (fine not a thick mark) on your viewing tube every 2-3ltrs, starting from say 15 thru to max litres.

i'll have to go read up on those strains now ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice and comments guys.

tricka, yeah my cousin lives in scarbs, I'm about 40mins south.
I have previously run metal halide for veg and HPS for flower, but will stick with 250w HPS for flower and fluro's for veg for now I think. It'll either work or not :p

I will post pics of my grow room once complete, and will take progress pics. I have considered a grow tent, but have yet to decide. I think I'll try without one for now and see how I go and should I come into complications then I'll invest in one for sure.

skiz, is there really a need for that much nutrients? I'm not the biggest fan of hydro bud simply because many just don't flush properly and unfortunately this then gives bad headaches and shotty tastes. Both of which I prefer not to have when using my vap. It's for this reason I'll try to stick to natural nutrients and will add some boosters along the way. I still have plenty to learn in the nutrient department as it's quite clear that growing in soil is far different than growing hydro when it comes to nutes


Well-Known Member
check odlaws ice kush man he just used superthrive with cyco veg an bloom and his plant turned out awesome. u dnt have to go crazy

im gonna go canna veg an canna flores with super thrive i think

hey skiz

aint that potash an pk 13/14 like the same thing?

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Nice build Hoochy !
I'm only worried that those air stones won't pump enough dissolved oxygen to the root zone.
I could be wrong too.
+Rep on the construction nonetheless ! lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the rep flo.

I'll test the airstones, but have seen them used before with huge success so am going to give it a try. If it looks like it'as not doing enough then I'll upgrade to something bigger. I got a big pump so hopefully it will allow for growth


Well-Known Member
I had a look at the container and it does say how big it is. I must have missed it :p It's a 54L tub :D

I'm of the general consensus and has always been a known fact that the larger the mass of water, the easier it is to manage PH levels, so based on that it should be an adequate size


Active Member
I had a look at the container and it does say how big it is. I must have missed it :p It's a 54L tub :D

I'm of the general consensus and has always been a known fact that the larger the mass of water, the easier it is to manage PH levels, so based on that it should be an adequate size
shit yeah Hoochy thats why i run a 50ltr res also


Well-Known Member
I have some bag seed that's just germinated so if I have enough time this weekend I'll throw them in and have a bit of a test grow before the weather cools down. At least I can trial and error as well as test P.H levels of both my BORE water, and my tap water as to which is best to use. Bore has magnesium and copper in it hence the general staining you see from bores, so if I used this I'd need little nutes I'd imagine, but will have to balance out the NPK.

Worst case scenario I fail. I have plenty more bag seed, and by the time the weather cools down I'll have enough knowledge and experience in DWC or hydro in general in comparison to outdoors that will see some quality seeds flourish.

Would love to see an outdoor grow bubbleponic system in a 40 gallon drum :p Bit over the top, but I'm always up for a laugh lol


Active Member
I have some bag seed that's just germinated so if I have enough time this weekend I'll throw them in and have a bit of a test grow before the weather cools down. At least I can trial and error as well as test P.H levels of both my BORE water, and my tap water as to which is best to use. Bore has magnesium and copper in it hence the general staining you see from bores, so if I used this I'd need little nutes I'd imagine, but will have to balance out the NPK.

Worst case scenario I fail. I have plenty more bag seed, and by the time the weather cools down I'll have enough knowledge and experience in DWC or hydro in general in comparison to outdoors that will see some quality seeds flourish.

Would love to see an outdoor grow bubbleponic system in a 40 gallon drum :p Bit over the top, but I'm always up for a laugh lol
Hell yeah id fly over just to stand there and laugh and have a beer with ya just watching it!


Well-Known Member
Didn't say I'd give it a try, although it does sound amusing. I don't think I'd have enough room for discretion to be honest lol


Well-Known Member
Yo Hooch,
Welcome to the world of DWC. I personally believe there is no faster/better way to grow....when done right! I run a six bucket system. I can tell you that after buying darn near every pump, and air stone combo on earth.....from .25 at the pet store, to $10 at the grow show.....this is the best solution.

for your airstones.


for your pump. At 600 GPH it is a commercial grade pump and is cheaper than the 4 outlet GH one!

The more air you have with DWC, the better your yield This comes from experience, not something I read and the solution I suggest is under a hundred bucks, but could double your yield.

I will say for two plants vs six, you can get away with a smaller air pump, but the big one won't hurt things in any way. Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice man.

I have the same air-stones. Just basic ones with a 400L 2port pump. I'm using a T-piece to get the extra stone


Well-Known Member
I also have an extra water pump I can use. I can connect to a piece of conduit near the lid and drill holes in it. Water pump would drop water and disturb the surface even more providing more aeration?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments allywady. Yeah it is a weimeraner. The big sook never leaves my side. she's a bit of a princess lol