1st timer; my aero shopping list...


Well-Known Member
So, unfortunately we had to start from seed again. We have 11xak47 seeds from serious going just now and a few Chronic seeds left over.

Since we need to go from seed, wait for females etc I thought I would get parts needed for my 1st aero project.

I need 360 degree spray/misters. Epix and others use these;

http://www.bchydroponics.com/ez-clone360degreereplacementsprEz-Clone 360 Degree Replacement Sprayer (Red)ayerred.aspx

But I live outside the US, has anybody used this company before? Also, would these misters be suitable?



Dont want the clogging up on my first go...so your advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

Also, any help filling in the shopping list below would be great. Brands, models etc

Shopping list so far

360 Degree Sprayers
Ez-Clone 360 Degree Replacement Sprayer (Red)

Large Container (Res and Flower tub)

Net Pots
8.7cm Heavy Duty Net Pot

Truncheon Meter
Bluelab (NZH) Nutrient (cF) Truncheon

Botanicare Nutrients:Cal-Mag Plus:Liquid Karma:Botanicare Nutrients:
Botanicare Nutrients:Cal-Mag Plus:Sweet:Liquid Karma:Pure Bend Pro Bloom


Res Thermometer
- Any suggestions?

Neoprene Collars


Timer (1on5off?)


Well-Known Member
one thing about spray heads, do not use any heads that have caps on them like the bottom 2 there, half wont even work and clog too easy, bghydro has good ones 330 degree micros for like .35, try to find one piece spray heads. you should see if they ship internationally. for pumps you need atleast 25gph per spray head used, if theres 10 sprayers in your tub then a 250gph pumps is fine, the higher the gph the better imo. as for the tub, rubbermaid is prefered bcus it wont leak, i will be right back and get you filthy fletch's 30minute aero build


Active Member
one thing about spray heads, do not use any heads that have caps on them like the bottom 2 there, half wont even work and clog too easy, bghydro has good ones 330 degree micros for like .35, try to find one piece spray heads. you should see if they ship internationally. for pumps you need atleast 25gph per spray head used, if theres 10 sprayers in your tub then a 250gph pumps is fine, the higher the gph the better imo. as for the tub, rubbermaid is prefered bcus it wont leak, i will be right back and get you filthy fletch's 30minute aero build
thats not entirely true. I use capped sprayers and I've never had one clog......

as far as the pump goes....you have to take more into consideration than just how much flow per nozzle. Like the velocity of water, the inside diameter of the pipe you will be using, the roughness of the inside of the pipe and the length of the pipe.

I use a 1900 gph pump for 40 sprayers. I have no problem. I also put in a bypass to relieve some pressure. The water returned to the reservoir through the bypass acts as an agitator too.

My motto is "Dont just do enough, do enough and then some"


Well-Known Member
also for timers you dont need an expensive cycle timer a 15min segment will do fine, you can run the system 24hrs if you like or any combo of these will get you results 15/15 15/30 15/45 on/off nightime i like 15/60

Hey man, thanks for your advice! I dont have pics up yet...but once I build it i will let you guys see it :)

do you mean on for 15mins off for 60?

thats not entirely true. I use capped sprayers and I've never had one clog......

as far as the pump goes....you have to take more into consideration than just how much flow per nozzle. Like the velocity of water, the inside diameter of the pipe you will be using, the roughness of the inside of the pipe and the length of the pipe.

I use a 1900 gph pump for 40 sprayers. I have no problem. I also put in a bypass to relieve some pressure. The water returned to the reservoir through the bypass acts as an agitator too.

My motto is "Dont just do enough, do enough and then some"

Arrrgghh...i hate it when i get conflicting results haha. So you use the capped srayers...why did you choose them...any specific reason? Have you used the other type I posted (red ones in first post)

I will make sure to buy a good pump, is yours a submersible pump? what brand/model do you have?

So...after a long heard search on the internet...I have found my res/flower tank...what do you guys think?




Well-Known Member
Also, Im looking for makes/models even links to website so I can purchase the following;

Truncheon Meter ?
Pump (440gph?)
Timers (1on5off?)

Net Pots
Neoprene Collars
Res Thermometer

Any suggestions would be great thanks folks :)


Active Member
Arrrgghh...i hate it when i get conflicting results haha. So you use the capped srayers...why did you choose them...any specific reason? Have you used the other type I posted (red ones in first post)

I will make sure to buy a good pump, is yours a submersible pump? what brand/model do you have?
I use an inline pump. It helps keep the heat down in the reservoir. Submersibles create heat. These are the nozzles I use and they work great. I got them at home depot. Cheap as fuck.


tea tree

Well-Known Member
from my experience forget the misters. just get a sprayer like the aerocloner uses or a spin head. Seriously. Pro hydro veg crop tables I was watching just use those sprinklers that rotate, like garden hoses. The misters need so much pressure and are not what you thought. I mean foggers, they are not that frickin great. Lol. EZCLONE sprayers like you got work like a charm. I found a reg drill bit and they just pop into pvc, no glue, and even pop out for cleaning!


Well-Known Member
hey robmar, i swear those are the ones i used, raindrip make them and i cant believe you dont have problems, i dont wanna jinx you but i havent seen anyone on here use them without issue, they break just handling them


Active Member
hey robmar, i swear those are the ones i used, raindrip make them and i cant believe you dont have problems, i dont wanna jinx you but i havent seen anyone on here use them without issue, they break just handling them
With anything there are good and bad experiences. Nothing is flawless. I'm not doubting you had problems with them, I'm just saying that I haven't had any problems with them. What part was breaking when handled? I think they are pretty tough


Well-Known Member
the top cap always broke, otherwise the ones that worked had a lovely spray pattern, and the slightest piece of root jam them up on me


Well-Known Member
the top cap always broke, otherwise the ones that worked had a lovely spray pattern, and the slightest piece of root jam them up on me
I guess I will try going for the EZCloners since the majority of the people on riu use them. Thanks both to RobMar and Morris for giving me your thoughts and experiences...that is exactly what I need. Some people that have done it all before, which I hope will get me a step ahead...saving me $$$ and time in the long run.

Almost got my shopping list together (see first post...im always updating) so any help with that would be great also.


Well-Known Member
Changing from General Hydroponics since some people on RIU mentioned it could cause me problems. Stinkbud uses Botanicare, so I might just follow him;

Mr Stinky said...
Botanicare Nutrients:
126ML Cal-Mag Plus
180ML Liquid Karma
540ML Pure Bend Pro Vegetative Formula

I start at 1500 PPM and bring it up to 2000 PPM by the second week of veg. I change the nutrients every 3 weeks with each new crop.

I adjust my PH to 5.8

Here is my formula for my flower room:

Botanicare Nutrients:
126ml Cal-Mag Plus
150ml Sweet
180ml Liquid Karma
540mlL Pure Bend Pro Bloom
Any thoughts or advice?

Still need to find a Res Thermometer...if its essential? Also Neoprene Collars are hard to find in the uk