General Hydroponics Nutes With Bubbleponics


i am using the flora grow, bloom, and micro. has anyone used these nutes, if so gimme some pointers on each cycle of using these nutes.(switching to fox farm after this grow)pics would be awesome.


i am using the flora grow, bloom, and micro. has anyone used these nutes, if so gimme some pointers on each cycle of using these nutes.(switching to fox farm after this grow)pics would be awesome.
I use those same nutes in my first time bubbleponics setup and am quite happy with the results so far. I plan to stick with these nutes since growth seems very satisfactory and these nutes are relatively cheap.

Here are some pointers since you asked. Keep in mind though that this is my first serious grow and I'm an amateur at this. Anyways, as far as nute strength, just follow the directions on the back of the bottle. Each bottle has the same info so it doesn't matter which one you look at. The measurements they give you are in Teaspoon per Gallon but if initially you don't want to mix that much, you could mix 1/4 Teaspoon of nutes to 4 cups of water. Also, with these nutes, the bottle says to mix the FloraMicro into the water before the other 2. Make sure to stir in between adding the mix. I haven't got to the flowering part but judging by the way my plant is growing during veg, I don't think I have anything to worry about as long as I follow the instructions on the bottle.

As far as my water, I use tap filtered with a Brita. I tried using straight tap but whenever I would premix some nutes and let it sit overnight, a layer of this soft crusty stuff starts to form on the surface. When you use a spoon to try and get it out, the stuff breaks up into smaller chunks making it hard to get out. Since I've been filtering using my Brita, there hasn't been any crust buildup. The PH of the Brita filtered water according to my cheap PH drop tester was in the 5 range. Since I first tested it, I've never tested again and my plant seems to be doing good so I don't worry about it.

I recommend changing the solution every 2 weeks if you have small plants and 1 week when the plant gets bigger. You also probably want to flush out the roots and the medium you're using every time you change out the solution. The reason is that I've noticed that the plastic bubble line going into the solution feels all slimy every time I change the solution. I have a feeling that its algae starting to form and if its forming on the surface of the plastic tubing, its probably starting to form on the roots. I use dish soap and water to wash off the slime. Also, you don't have to flush the roots for long. I usually just rinse thoroughly but not ridiculously long.

If you are using hydroton and rockwool or just hydroton, you'll notice this white powdery looking stuff on the surface of the rocks and rockwool after a few days. I think this is that powdery mildew stuff but when I flush it, the stuff disappears so don't freak out when you see the stuff.

That's all I have for right now. If you have any more questions, let me know.

I included pics of my DWC setup but I also included a pic of a clone I did for the first time and was successful. I just cut a shoot off my mother plant, dipped the stem in rooting gel and let the stem sit in water. I didn't use anything fancy, just filtered water and rooting gel. btw, it took that clone about 6 days before I saw a root starting to pop out. After another day of letting it sit in the water, I put the clone in a rockwool starter cube and then from there, it took about 5 more days before the root popped out of the bottom of the rockwool cube.



Active Member
Just remember that less is more with synthetic nutrients. Bring your ppm up slowly through growth and you'll avoid nutrient lock-up. Otherwise your grow should go very well. once you're almost finished flowering your girls make sure to flush for a good 10 days with plain water. some people add molasses as well but i don't recommend it with bubbleponics. The end product will be fantastic as long as the plants aren't stressed.
Take it easy