Cure potency vs Non Cured potency


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I just wanted to know something from any of you that have had experience. Did you see a substantial increase in your buds potency after curing, or was it about the same before you cured? Im curing right now and hoping for some killer weed


Well-Known Member
yes definitely... i started smoking from my batch as soon as i chopped them down ..let me say i was disappointed at first. and about 10-15 days in .. i was noticing that wonderful smell and taste we all recognize.. and would choke on the smoke ... and it was getting me way higher... way way higher.... i would fall asleep after a blunt and that hasnt happened to me in years...PEACE....


Well-Known Member
so is the weed that we buy from dealers cured most of the time, or is it just dried
theres no way to answer this question. i'm sure if you trace the weed back to the guy who grew it, he's like us growing in his closet. if you want more $$ for ur weed, cure it.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
hummm, i wonder about this question. when you check the trichs for doneness, it's ready. you trim your stuff up and start curing. but can't you also make hash from your trim? that doesn't have to cure to be verrrrry good. i think maybe the cure is more for the plant matter and not the trichomes. that's where the potency comes from. unless the trichomes keep changing as they age. like from cloudy to amber..........


Well-Known Member
What about mexican brick weed. I wonder if the mexicans cure it.... SOME of the stuff is actually pretty good over by the border. Its so cheap too:)

ballin jack

Well-Known Member
That doesn't make any sense to me. How can curing make it make more potent? All I could see it doing is making it more pleasant to smoke, but I don't see how it could increase the strength, you chopped it down at the height of its potenc.


Well-Known Member
I agree, curing is only to break down the plant matter to make the smoke smoother with better flavour. The THC shouldn't increase. I may be wrong though.


Well-Known Member
Does curing affect potency?

Does curing affect potency?

Contributed by: PREMIER
Thanks to: fergetit
Amended: Oct 22, 2003

Curing can seemingly affect potency because often the first time the buds feel "dry", they really aren't. Once they start to cure and sweat, you will see how much moisture is left.

Curing is mostly for aroma and taste, but the first week after "drying" will still have some effect on the potency as the bud fully dries.

If the above is not reason enough, here is a more scientific explanation:

Drying bud converts crude acidic THC from its nonactive form into a neutral pH psychoactive substance. Each THC molecule has to lose it's moisture content in order to become fully psychoactive.

[Editor's note: Starkes suggests up to 95% of the cannabinoids will remain carboxylized in dried and cured plant matter]

When the water exits the bud, the THC becomes slightly different in molecular structure. As Fatima mentioned (See thread OpenDNS), heating can make THC readily active by immedietly vaporizing the bud's moisture content away. However, as Fatima also mentioned, aging is important too.

First the bud is "dried", but can still contain some moisture within. By using the "cure", the THC slowly becomes psychoactive. Curing builds a more uniformily dried bud with a better burn and taste. Almost all the THC converts to the usable psychoactive cannabinoid over the alotted time, without the degradation from drying the bud rapidly with heat.

(from fergetit)
It's true we all know bud can appear dry, but still have moisture locked in the stems, it doesn't really affect carboxylization.

According to Starkes and Clarke, cured buds undergo a:

Reduction in Chlorophyll content,
Reduction in plant starch content,
Reduction in nitrate levels,
Loss of moisture,
Loss of volitile terpenoids,
and the polycyclic aromatization of other terpenoids.

All of these phenomena reperesent a loss in weight, and gain in net potency (except for the polycyclic aromatization of terpenoids which affects flavor). Note: over time THC will start converting to useless cannabinol (CBN), which it can do in its carboxylized form no problem.

The bud that has an homogeneous moisture content throughout will give the bud a nice firey glow when burned. Cured buds pack in bowls easier and break down into blunts and joints without difficulty.

Hash that has been cured forms a beautiful rhine around the outside with a rich creamy inside. Cured bud and hash is great and worth the trouble. The taste is awesome as all the excess chlorophyll has been broken down. A smoother smoke is created. In my mind, curing bud is like tenderizing meats... it makes it more palatable and more enjoyable to use.
Added on: Tuesday, March 6, 2007 Viewed: 2313 times
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Well-Known Member
just cure, be patient, its a virtue and the bud is like 10x better bro, really
I am curing right now, but i also need something to smoke, so i am taking a little bit here and there. But should i not be taking samples? Right now i get really high, but its not lasting that long, its kinda weird. I get that impending stoniness that come with a good bong hit, but it just goes away quicker than id like. Its like crack, it doesnt last as long a coke, but its pretty strong. PS I dont smoke crack or do coke lol So hopefully a good cure will help the high out
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Active Member
So whats the time frame for THC turning to CBN? Also, what are signs of a cured bud? (IE a sign of a dry bud is a snappy crisp stem)


Well-Known Member
yea thats what i have heard, that once they snap they are pretty much dried or cured. I cant believe that some people can wait 6 months to smoke their buds from a cure. Shit I think ill be done with my bud by the time they even get cured.


Active Member
Why cant you wait? What about this bud makes it hard not to smoke? Im able to wait because i have weed... last when when we harvested and it finished drying and i didnt have weed, i smoked a bowl... but so far the rest has sat in jars for the time since...

Honestly, the MAIN reason im able to wait is the hay/grass/shitty smell. I cant stand that... i need some sweet smellin sensi or it just cant smell like booty.