My Try at Water Cure

IMG_7297.jpgIMG_7299.jpgIMG_7301.jpgIMG_7303.jpgso i just harvested my white widow clone and it got huge and i have way more bud than i thought so i'm trying water cure on 3 buds. its day 3 so far and the water is cloudy and dirty. i change it every night and put fresh pure water in then the next morning its cloudy so i guess its really leaching out all the salts and chlorophyll. but it smells kinda nasty, like really wet weed..haha no shit?

but i might only do it for a few more days until the water is clear for a day..

compare to my air cured. have to wait for that though.

first two pics are of the dirty water after just one night
last two are clean water


Well-Known Member
Hope it comes out better than mine did. Could be the water i used, or the temps, but it aint the greatest tastin' shit in the world, not quite as lacking in taste as they said it might be.
no thc is not water soluble. the water pulls out the salt and fertilizer used growing it and the chlorophyll out and makes it smooth. chlorophyll is the reason weed tastes like grass or hay after its dried. it needs to be cured to evaporate that nasty shit out. water does it better but loses taste i read and heard. so im curious. might pull a nug out on 420 to try it. im shootin for 7 days submerged. change water daily


I tried it out after my last harvest. I put a 10" branch in a jar just like you. After 7 days, I pulled it out and let it hang dry with a fan in the room. It took about a day and a half for it to dry out. It's like an air dry and cure in a fraction of the time. It was nice having smoke while the rest of it air dries and cures. It's so smooth when you smoke it. The taste wasn't really present. It's kind of like tobacco? It's hard to describe until you taste it for yourself. I heard you can actually do 7 days OR until it sinks to the bottom of your jar. You should confirm that before taking it as fact. I thought water curing was nice to experiment with but I think I'm going to stick with air drying and curing. The reason why I'd water cure again is to have a small supply of early smoke or more importantly, to save buds from mold or something, or a bad flush job and there's a lot of chemicals in it. Give it a try though, it's great.
the water is so cloudy right now and it kinda smells weird. but all that salt build up is leaching out into the water so im pretty certain it will be a smooth smoke..if the taste isn't there then that's ok, as long as the effect is there. 3 nugs is all im trying this time. but it looks good though can't wait. half way thru.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
You know, we tried water curing. We soaked it for 3-4 days and there was barely any change in the color of the water after day 1. So we pulled it out, dried, it, smoked it, and coughed ourselves half to death. It was really, really harsh. We still can't figure out what we did wrong.


Active Member
im gonna follow this ... I have never tried it and am curious about your results ... keep us posted plz .. sbd


Well-Known Member
I've done a water cure. I'll probably do it on all my harvests where I have nugs that are too small to bother hanging. It's good smoke. For mine, ALL that bag appeal was gone though. The smell of it, rather neutral and piny. If you smoke it, it's very smooth. If you vape like me, I MUCH prefer the air-cure, as you just miss that flavor that vaping brings out of herb.

It's definitely a novel thing, and every grower should try it at least once. If I were on a deserted island, and could only take one type of herb w/me, I would prefer the air-cure.
water has been clear for the last day so i took em out and are drying now. i added one new bud into fresh water and right away the water was cloudy and nasty smelling. wow this is great, really cleans the bud up
i took out a bud yesterday morning to try it and i think its flushed nearly all the way. burned smooth, no crackle, thick white smoke that looks resinous when its going thru the bowl. ( you know how the smoke from the first hit looks like oil is being burned too with the white). taste is decent, not harsh at all and the smoke smells pretty good. so i put some more buds in the water to cure for 5 days. i took the rest of the buds out this morning and they are hanging in front of a fan to dry.

you can quick dry water cured bud with out any problems like from quick drying virgin bud. but the water cure makes it all clean and pure so all the chlorophyll is gone and salt build up leaving just the resin and some terpenes. but most of the taste is gone from the plant material leaving only a slight taste of resin. the white widow is very dominant in this plant. taSTES so very clean and pure, very potent and clean high. burns to a clean white ash unlike other bud i buy that burns to a greyish black ash.

i submerged about a full 2 oz that were about half dry into fresh water. in 5 days they will emerge and i will dry for four hours in front of the fan and smoke them.
i like this method as i am not very good at doing it the traditional way.

i have some that is curing slow that i will compare to the water in about a week. should be interesting.

but if you like to taste marijuana and the complex flavors the bud has then water curing isn't the way, but its super easy and works well. the bud just doesn't look that apealing either in bud form or even ground up. looks more brown the green but all the trichomes are still there which is great :)

im so stoned off it right now.. (why i typed so much)


Well-Known Member
but if you like to taste marijuana and the complex flavors the bud has then water curing isn't the way, but its super easy and works well.
Ya fo sho! I know how it is to want to do those quick air-drys after cutting a NEW type of herb. Water-cure is a nice alternative. Seven days isn't necessarily short, but it's half the time for minimum, for a semi-usable air-cure.
I water cure 2-3 colas so I have something to smoke while the rest of my shit dries/cures. Works just fine for me.
ya i thought about only water curing some of the bud but after much success and pleasing results i think i am going to water cure the rest of my white widow..the air dried bud sucks compared to the same cured in water..
so water cured bud has been drying on top my cable box cuz the fan worked like shit took forever. but now its dry and i ground some more up and here are the pics. the ground up water cured and a whole bud compared to water. water left air dry right

my look like shit but don't let that fool you, i tell you what, its some of the strongest smoke i've in a while.i didn't even cough either taking a big bong hit. nice high too.

. enjoy...

the bud in the last pic are as follows.

left - water cure (darker and looks washed)
right - air dry/cure. tastes worse than the water cured to me.



Well-Known Member
if i may suggest....
try making a small batch of cannabutter if you ever get bored or have extra water cured goodness hanging about

you will never go back to swampbutter again
and you can make a hell of a lot more than just cookies and brownies

it really opens up the ol cookbook