Please help.


Active Member
Hey I need a little advice, I think this plant is done but I would like some opinions. DSCN0270.jpgDSCN0269.jpgDSCN0268.jpgDSCN0267.jpgDSCN0271.jpg

I think this one isn't quite done, maybe a couple more days DSCN0273.jpg
DSCN0272.jpg please let me know what you guys think.Thanks


Active Member
Its auto AK-47 and lowryder cross, an autoflower. As far as tric colour I cant tell 'cause I don't have a scope. And thanks ill try the thread too.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
yeah autos rule iv done like 7 strains so far

if your camera is good you can take a close shot then use photoshop and zoom in thats what i do
my camera is 7 megapixel


Active Member
Thats a really good idea, I never thought to do that. Ill try it in a couple hours when the lights come back on.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
"macro" function on cams are the shit, really.
look for some cloudy tric's and fully developed spheres w/ a 30x handheld $20.00 microscope, then you'll really know. radioshack better carry those puppies again by now. :leaf:

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
flush and cut it soon... that's damn near perfect. sow more seeds. heard those autos can handle up to 20 hrs of light once they get rolling in flower. this could increase your yield bubbles and help feed your kitties. peace


Active Member
Nope lol, I kept second guessing myself. I'll post new pics tomorrow and prob chop her down. I still need to set something up for dryng.


Active Member
Here is the first plant that is going to get chopped in an hour or soDSCN0294.jpgDSCN0292.jpgDSCN0293.jpg and this is the second plant that I think might need a bit more time but im not too sureDSCN0295.jpgDSCN0297.jpgDSCN0296.jpg


Active Member
Oh and I think im just going to hang them in a big cardboard box to dry with a dehumidifier in the room. How does that sound?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
yeah grt, done that before. then if u wanna break it dwn further after its hung for awhile, trim it and throw it a brown paper bag and mix it a bit each day. have you got more auto seeds to germ? get the next round in. what did u pic, more autos?


Active Member
This is what I got off that plant. Everthing below the big nug with stem in the top left corner is going to oil I think. Is it ok to dry them in this wood drawer if I flip the nugs everyday?​


Active Member
yeah grt, done that before. then if u wanna break it dwn further after its hung for awhile, trim it and throw it a brown paper bag and mix it a bit each day. have you got more auto seeds to germ? get the next round in. what did u pic, more autos?
Yeah the next round is going to be three more easy ryders and an auto blueberry. I might do a non auto plant with them to start a mother plant. Im just doing these little grows untill I can afford a big set up b/c I am a legal medical patiant with a twenty plant allowance. I have a shit load of seeds on hand so I have alot to choose from once I really get growing.
I got a great little 30X scope with a light at my local nursery. It works great and you can see the trichs perfectly. Your pistils still look white to me and like they haven't finished changing. Beautiful though!