DMT Extraction..

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
There're enough DMT threads. Hallucinatory substances these days... still gets the same amount of traffic, very few posts. I don't understand it, but what can ya do.

I'm planning on an extraction when I get some good money. I don't want to do a waste of time extraction either, I'm talking about a floridasucks extraction!
I have personally used bouncing bear botanicals they have everything from ayahuasca products to toads. Bought a toad myself but it died cuz im lazy :(



Well-Known Member
^^^Probably mutilated its glands trying to milk it once and just left it in a dark aquarium for two weeks!!!!



Well-Known Member
45 views and 0 replies.. Saweeeeet.

Does anyone even do DMT anymore?

Oh yes we have tribes that still do so and ALOT OF JOE ROGANS out their who enter their sensory deprivation tanks and take on the cosmic universe dead on :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yo phalaris grass dude its real good my friend did it and we got a smokeable gunk that fucked us up. He did it with acetone and napatha thats all I remeber. Oh and he froze and thawed the phalaris in a bag like 5 times or so to break down the cellular wall of the plant material before extracting. Thats as much as I can help ya man


Well-Known Member
Yo phalaris grass dude its real good my friend did it and we got a smokeable gunk that fucked us up. He did it with acetone and napatha thats all I remeber. Oh and he froze and thawed the phalaris in a bag like 5 times or so to break down the cellular wall of the plant material before extracting. Thats as much as I can help ya man
What your definition of being fucked up haha ;)


Well-Known Member
...and ALOT OF JOE ROGANS out their who enter their sensory deprivation tanks and take on the cosmic universe dead on :lol:
I was thinking about this earlier today but had never heard it mentioned. I remember a video that Joe said he goes in on mushrooms, but never seen using DMT in one anywhere. Then you confirm my assumption that is would be very conductive to sublime mind blowing divinity. But it is crazy how the universe works, makes me consider solipsism as an inevitability, but why do I write this then, hmmm.... ;)



Well-Known Member
I don't think an isolation tank is required at all... in fact the whole point to an isolation chamber is to trip without drugs...
I wouldn't mind a soundproofed room though, but then again sometimes outside sounds are awesome... last time i smoked with a friend, the music faded to the sound of birds.... the birds from outdoors, sounded like they were indoors... lol it was the first thing bosth of us remarked on, at comming to.

Interestingly enoug hthe music was like a map we could use to discus the experience afterwards.

Like one would say, do you rememebr when the music did this or that, and the other would know the exact microsecond that was being discussed, I was realy astounded by hom much of tesame trip we were shareing.... it makes no sense, I like science.


Well-Known Member
I don't think an isolation tank is required at all... in fact the whole point to an isolation chamber is to trip without drugs...
I wouldn't mind a soundproofed room though, but then again sometimes outside sounds are awesome... last time i smoked with a friend, the music faded to the sound of birds.... the birds from outdoors, sounded like they were indoors... lol it was the first thing bosth of us remarked on, at comming to.

Interestingly enoug hthe music was like a map we could use to discus the experience afterwards.

Like one would say, do you rememebr when the music did this or that, and the other would know the exact microsecond that was being discussed, I was realy astounded by hom much of tesame trip we were shareing.... it makes no sense, I like science.
KETAMINE is the perfect catalyst for an isolation tank... I have ventured in deprived sensory zone a few times and the first was quite bizarre... the owner of the company which is located in venice beach blazed me out with this RUSSIAN WIDOW strain... and i was straight tripping balls as I floated in nothingness and soon images starting playing in my head... and a vivid dream occurred well fully awake... I felt so relaxed and rejuvenated when I exited the tank... it felt like i just received six good hrs. of sleep ;)


Well-Known Member
KETAMINE is the perfect catalyst for an isolation tank... I have ventured in deprived sensory zone a few times and the first was quite bizarre... the owner of the company which is located in venice beach blazed me out with this RUSSIAN WIDOW strain... and i was straight tripping balls as I floated in nothingness and soon images starting playing in my head... and a vivid dream occurred well fully awake... I felt so relaxed and rejuvenated when I exited the tank... it felt like i just received six good hrs. of sleep ;)

Darkness and silence is the traditional method for ingesting mushrooms... except traditionaly they'd eat like 15g...

I think Dr shulgin also like the dissasociative state of ketamine from a researchers' point of view.


Well-Known Member
anc! ordered a lb of mhrb yesterday. decided to follow your tek. the one where 50g is extracted per bottle. dont exactly remember where, but i remember reading that you tried a fasa tek that resulted in a lovely yield ^^. what exactly does one do for the fasa tek? i read the fasa tek on a number of google search results but all of them totally went over my head :confused:


Well-Known Member
Honestly, go for the naphta tek first time... you will learn and practice skills like seperating layers etc...

I will add a xylene tek at some stage when I'm less lazy... It is alot more tricky and can fail miserably too.

Also it requires you to prepare some chemicals etc... quite a pain.

Just another note... reduce the 50g to 40g at the most per bottle... the more watery the solution the easier it seperates.

Make the lye solution in a seperate bottle or icecream tub, fill your bottle halfway with this, add the bark, then top it up till you have about and inch and a half available in the neck, you will fill half of that with naphta for pulls. Takes out any nast guesswork.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I'm doing a little research. Logic [though I have a tendency to use logic in the wrong way] tells me, a tall narrow container would work better for separation, as opposed to a wide and shallow container. Any reason this wouldn't be true?