Little Grow room for me-myself-and I PLEASE HELP


Hello all!

Best to find you here and hope you can help me out in my new endeavours!! I've grown in the past AK, Aurora Indica and Crystal, starting with the tent and reaching to an open room. Let me share some pics from my last grow (AK and Crystal under 1000W -right, 600W-left and 400W to "hug"):

Now I moved and live permanently in another country for studies, so I live in a very small apartment with very limited space. I will carefully pay attention to your guyz opinions, as it is a very important matter for me. The production I wish to achieve is only for my personal use, speaking that I destroy around 30 grams per month. Not very often less, but always that amount or more. Besides your very first advice being to demand from me to limit this great amount of consumption, still, spend some time and check the space I have, which is the following :

As you may understand, it is the bathroom and the roof is coming down in a diagonal manner. In order to take advantage of more than 60x60x120, I was thinking to take the iron skeleton that they have in the grow tents and combine it to make what is needed for my specific size as shown in the picture above. Then, I would "coat" all the sides with Mylar (Black and White). What do you think of this construction? I would really appreciate your inputs and if you have done something similar, tell me please which "architectural" problems I may encounter and possible solutions to avoid bad things that may happen!

Due to problems with height I could say that a hydro system with tank, lid and pots above is not an option anymore (in order to avoid tank height + pot height), Aeroponics systems I've seen around somehow still are quite tall so I could go with DWC as a most "short tank" solution. The same time, I've been pretty much influenced by CruzinPenguin (hope I got his nickname right) and these crazy LST he's been doing. So I think I could do it somehow too by bending the ladies and training them well. But then, how many ladies in that space? Two or Three? and how many days to veg due to height limits? If I veg them for 4 weeks and follow CruzinPenguin's LST, what would be my height in the end? Many people might say to go with autoflowers...but still I believe that being able to "control" the plant (regarding the distinction between feminine normal plants and autoflowering ones and the 24hour light - 12 hour light thing you can implement to "change" them and the abilities to limit its height) are quite important in selecting a normal plant instead of an autoflowering one. Still, I want your input and some debate on this. It will be greatly appreciated.

Also, what about light? Many people will say 250 W but as my weather here is COLD until late May and the space is more than 60x60x120, could I go for the 400W with cooltube and fan+filter? and if things go bad regarding temperatures then open the window a little bit? What do you think guyz? Or the 400Watt would bee way too much for this whole project from the very beginning and temperature problems won't be able to be solved???? but then again there is not so good light penetration with the bloody 250W and the production will be limited I guess....what to do?!?!?!?!?

Thank you very much for your time! Waiting for your input!​



Well-Known Member
If you choose the 400w, how will you vent the hot air?

Personally if it were me I would probably go with the 400w.

Without seeing everything in your apartment its hard to see how you would ventilate.

Windows open bring in pests, insects, have you thought about that?

I would contemplate a SCROG grow to keep height limited.

If you can keep temps under control then go 400w SCROG.

Here's a good SCROG tutorial.

Using 400w with a SCROG I see no reason why you can't achieve +200g each harvest.

Giving you just over 6months of buds.

With a footprint of 80cm x 100cm you could SCROG the entire room footprint and most likely pull upwards of 400g when you dial it in.



hey john, there is a little air duct with a little fan in it somehow "in the wall" which takes the shitty smells mostly out of the bathroom towards the outside etc. so this could be my "hot air getaway vehicle" as the filter will "spray" the hot air in the bathroom, so then it will be "sucked out" towards the outside without opening the window. If i experience great temp probs, I'd actually go directly for opening this little window i have which is more like the windows in airplanes, not a REAL window , for a couple of minutes as to get cold temp fast and then boom closed again. I'd use a protective sheet against the insects both on the window and the intake sides that air gets in the grow room. what do u think on that? Thx 4 your input ;)


Well-Known Member
Like I said if you can control temps then go for 400w.

Follow the SCROG tutorial I posted, keep your plants happy and healthy and you could quite likely get 12months of buds in 1 grow. Meaning anything else is extra ;-)
