My First Outdoor Grow (Planted February 13 and 17) (Afhgan Skunk, Faraona and La Blan


Active Member
Hello, I wanted to document my first outdoor grow. I couldn't find any grow journals for any Kannabia strains so I hope people find this helpful in the future. The strains I am growing are the following:

Afghan Skunk x1 (Advanced Seeds):

Faraona x1 (Kannabia Seeds)

La Blanca Max-Auto x2 (Kannabia Seeds)

I planted Afghan Skunk and Faraona on February 13 (34 days) and I planted the two La Blanca Max-Auto seeds on February 17 but I had lots of issues with these two. They started growing downwards and I just figured the seeds just weren't going to grow until I thought to dig them up and realized what was happening. I flipped them and replanted them and they survived :D. February was also a rough month for my Afghan Skunk and Faraona. Both of them stretched a little (not very much) but that was more weight than their thin stems could support, so they tipped over. I removed half the dirt from both pots and re-planted them, making sure the dirt level was over the little injury where the stems bent, so they could support themselves and then I moved them from my roofed balcony to direct sunlight so they would stop stretching. The pain wasn't over for them, though. God damn squirrels decided to bury a couple nuts in each pot and they probably stumped on the seedlings and made them tip over...again. I managed to save them (they are both tough little sluts) and I put some chicken wire around to protect them from squirrels and they have been growing pretty smoothly since then. I think these two events probably stunted their growth a little bit though because they are a little small (though I'm not worried since they are currently growing normally and looking healthy. I over-watered lil Faraona a bit so she looks a little bad in the pics). The Faraona plant already showed sex though so that's pretty cool. I am currently getting 12 hours of sunlight (12h 5m 52s) so I am pretty happy with that. The main plants of this grow are the Faraona and Afghan Skunkn though. I'm growing both La Blanca seeds in the same pot. It is a big rectangular pot as you can see in the pics. I have lots of La Blanca seeds so I am not too worried about them or their final yield. I didn't include days for the La Blanca seeds because I am not sure of the exact date. I planted them Feb 17 but since it had some problems...
Afghan Skunk (34 days):

Faraona (34 days):

La Blanca: