the Dwarfed Dirt Dweller

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Started 5 assorted seeds on Feb 1st... 3 in dirt/coffee cups and two 2L hempy pop bottles, of which one died.

This journal is about the runt of the was the smallest from day one, short and stocky with broad leaves.

It was over watered once and really started to fall behind the others, so eventually when space became an issue, it was evicted from the grow room to survive with limited winter sunshine.

Awhile latter I purchased a 600 watt HPS for a flower room, so some space available for it to come into the new room, which put her on the fast track.

As luck would have it all the others were males, thus the little runt had lots of prime space.


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
So I started a new batch of hempy plants that were autos running 20/4 I had a dark room to move the dwarfed dirt dweller into to achieve 12/12 darkness

Also this plant was given direct sunshine for a few hours/day, when available

March 17th - female preflowers
March 19th - 12/12 hours
March 30th - full flowers


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
This is my dilemma, but it does appear to be getting very close, trichromes are mostly milky with some clear and very few amber...buds are puffing up, hairs are mostly red

So I will just see how it looks day by day....another pic showing just how small she is in comparison to the hempy beside her, which is 5 weeks younger


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I chopped the Dwarfed Dirt Dweller this morning (May 20th) as it went from just a few to amber trichromes to allot more today.

Funny with all the abuse this plant had it was still able to survive... not a single leaf had dropped off but a few were near dead.

I snipped off most the ugly yellow/brown leaves.... will trim off the big fan leaves in a day or two, then a full trim in another day or two...then to a mason jar


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
A decent taste but not overly special, actually a bit bland....was very smooth and burnt well....the buzz is a creeper and is not overly powerful but a nice clean buzz.

This gal was a big time stinker....skunk with some other very strong smelt more than my 4 hempy's combined and they are "Early Wonder Skunk"

The buds turned out to be much more compact than expected, as I was really only predicting a 10 to 12 gram harvest, but it turned out to be a honest 17 grams dried/jar to 65% RH.

My previous indoor/sunshine grow yielded 18 grams yet the plant & buds were much bigger but only produced an extra gram....but it was better smoke....I'll post a pic of her (my first pot plant)




Well-Known Member
i understand the name now after checkin this out.. cool shit dude! have you ever heard of.... WINDOW FARMS? I hope you have... i hope you end up making an indoor hempy self watering window farm!!

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
smoked a joint of this pot today...the taste has's a bubblegum taste now.....I'm rather pleased how it's turning out.