Dirtbags Green Thumb, Wait?....that's A Bugger!!! -Cloned ToO Stoned-

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Well-Known Member
That Stephen Hawk. pic is fucking hilarious hothouse!

DB, what's going on man? Where's all the pics??


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
That Stephen Hawk. pic is fucking hilarious hothouse!

DB, what's going on man? Where's all the pics??


He's dealing with house guest and pain......He tries to pop on but they are staying in the Comp. room. .. . .. .. .
I know some people that talk to him are at some DR. SKUNK school or some other site. I don't know if they've talked to him but you might wanna check.

:peace: ~~TLB


Well-Known Member
wsup db, just letting you know I'm still alive and I still have my freedom...lol. Come check out my journal when you get a chance...peace


Active Member
Hey DB! I moved the two widows that you gave me to the bloom room today. I figure its been about 11 weeks since you and me cloned them. I topped them once at 7 weeks from clone. If you only cheat a little, they were both 40 inches high, and dammned near as fat. They each have three main top branches with stems like broccoli all the way to the top. I am forever in your debt.

Going on your advice, I fed the 10 babys today, that I cloned a week ago. I agree with you that many growing babies eat alot of food. Check it out, I found a perfect way to add the nutes. I pulled the riser out of the drain, turned on the pump, and the water just pumped up out of the reserv tank, and just right down the drain. I slowly poured a gallon of water with 3 ozs of grow, and 72 ml of hygrozyme into the drain to mix with the water coming up from below. This caused a good mix. I let it run about 10 minutes, just recirculating thru the drain without filling the table. I apologise for taking the credit if you already told me to do it that way, and i forgot and rediscovered the trick.

Hope you are pain free........... Bellicose
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