Tangerine Dream - Barneys F 600w grow tent


Hi rollitup :leaf:
im a grower from denmark who wants to share my new grow.
i have a couple of grows finished, from what i have read around the net, and particuarly here, is that people have so many different opinions about it, therefore any advice throughout my grow is very much appreciated :)
i bought 5 feminized seeds of the tangerine dream from barneys farm, 1 is up 2 in the soil and 2 is most likely dead.
yes this one is a very slow germer, its been 10 days since i put them in a glass of water, the one who is up seems to have stalled, but that should be normal, I have one question though, since maybe just 3 will grow, what would you do to get the most of your grow? I have 9 pots with 11 liters, but only 3 plants for a 600w lamp is perhaps a little overkill. i was thinking about taking clones and flower them, but it will take time, if you have some good info i will be glad to know :)

now its just to wait and see ! peace.

kigger frem.jpgtangerine dream.jpg


Active Member
Just popped four of these myself using the paper towel method with the addition of a small heatmat. All four popped a 1/2" taproot within 12 hours - I was kind of surprised as quite a few people seem to have issues getting these to germinate. The general consensus seems to be that this strain is slow at the beginning of each stage but soon picks up. Don't count that seed dead yet - if it's still floating, try the wet paper towel and stick it on a heatmat or a cable box overnight.
I'm not sure your 600W is overkill, these are sativa dominant and supposedly grow up to a metre tall. I'm going to scrog these under a 600W myself and I'm still worried about height issues!


hey i am growing one TD myself under a 150w LED. the advice i would give is to top these ladies, i have been topping mine since the beginning sparatically, and now i am about 4th week of flowering and have 22 tops all about 10-12 in. that will be just nug. my only problem is it's a bit too bushy for it's own good but knowing that to begin with could have been prevented while still maximizing yield from each plant. my plant always reacted very well to topping and never seemed to harm it in any way. like always, do more reading on it, but if you do it right these TD's can be beastly b*tches. i will post pics soon as i can to show you what i'm working with i'm having trouble loading pics from my camera


hey guys thanks for the tips, yes these girls need a little extra warmth for germination, and the two seeds i didnt count on, one of them is still alive and has just come through the soil :)
so out of the 5 seeds i got 2 that will probably make it...
I am going to top them probably two times.

well they are the slowest ones i ever had, but i am not going to underestimate these bitches :D

almost 3 weeks since i started them.

and please feel free to post pictures of your TD !


they look very healthy, and i really like the color of those leaves..
you got them very bushy, but at least no stretch.
how is the smell ?


there is hardly a smell at all... which is disappointing but i've read that the smell doesn't come till late and it's never too skunky or overpowering or anything like that, just sweetbongsmilie


Active Member
I got myself 100% strike rate, three look fairly healthy and one just with some small distortion on the apex of the leaf. They've been under a couple of T5's for now but my temperatures haven't been that great so they're only on the second leaf set. I've just been feeding them B52 and Voodoo Juice (0.75mL/L for week 1, 1mL/L for week 2) and the roots have started popping out of the bottom of the rockwool. They'll have their first proper feed and a 400W threw on them soon, the roots air-pruned till New Years eve. I'm thinking of sticking them in the Wilma at the stroke of the clock just so I can pretend the fireworks are for me transplanting!

All in all, they are slow though aren't they duck? Like yourself, I'm not going to underestimate them!

I'm loving that plant Led, the sawtooth pattern on those leaves looks sharp enough to cut yourself on! Though I would get rid of that dead growth inside the plant out and spread those tops, it looks really crowded in there. That is a job just made for those BendZ plant supports - I highly recommend them. I really hope that smell kicks in for you, Barneys have never let me down taste-wise.


hey bane! thx for dropping by.
I wish the best for you and your plants, how many did you pop?
actually they are starting to take on some growth now so thats great, but i have never tried seeds that germ like them...
barneys have never let me down, and I dont expect them to do it this time.

Dank Hands

Active Member
600w for those 3 isn't overkill imo. Would be a little better if there was atleast 4 though. Very soon you should have some very dense smelly bud sites.


hehhe yeah they better get smelly :D i am going to clone them it may take a while to finally get things crackin, but it will all be done in a proper manner that i can handle...


okay a little update !theyve been growing very nicely since i potted them into 11 liter containers and they got under 250wthey seem healthy and has been topped once. fertilizer is bio bizz.are just waiting to be cloned, i think in a week they will be ready :D CIMG2192.jpgCIMG2193.jpgCIMG2194.jpgCIMG2200.jpgCIMG2205.jpg