First Time PC Stealth Grow

Hey guys -
Well me and a friend have smoked tree for a long time and finally decided to give growing a try. I have read hundreds of threads on this site, and think I'm somehwhat prepared. But any help would be appreciated +rep!

We're using a PC Case, and two high wattage CFL's for now.
We're basically LSTing the hell out of on plant to fill the grow space before flowering upwards. Hoping to yeild about an ounce. The seeds is a freebie from attitude, Acid CH9. Looks a little frail but the soil I'm in right now is not the greatest, some pre-fertilized garbage. Will have a regular, organic soil at first transplant.

Other than that, I dont have any nutes yet, but I plan to use a generic 10-10-10 when I switch to 12-12 at the 2 week mark.:hump:

Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated! Moany of you guys have been where I am before, anything I should know in particular?


Alright so here is my baby a little farther on...
So I guess the light wsnt secured properly, but I checked on it one day and the 6500k CFL had fallen and was in close proximity to the seedling, and had crushed it.

I freaked out and re-secured the CFL, but the seedlings stem looked burned. It was still connected everywhere through, with no complete breaks.

So I nursed it for a couple days and it is looking green, new growth, if slow. It cannot stand straight on its own however, so I raised the level of soil in the pot an inch so that the first node is barely above the soil, almost resting there. Will this work? Does anyone even have an opinion?

You'll also see we spray-painted the PC case flat white, which was pretty much our cheaper and easier method to Mylar. One of our 6500k CFLs broke on the fall, so for now we are just using one, placed very close to the plant. I will run to Home Depot one of these days and get another 6500k bulb, but for now I also have 2 2700k CFLs to last the interim.

One last thing we did was the air flow. So me and my genius friend actually fried the computer fan we had because we connected it directly to a plugwire, and not though a cell phone cord. So for now the fan is not on. But it will be in a few days. For now we just sealed all possible air routes except for a smaller passive intake on the bottom and the computer fan port, which we covered with an activated carbon pet air filter. So the smell should be pretty much nonexistent.

Thanks for reading, here are some pics:
Let me know if you have any thoughts or opinions or guidance!


Well I never got that fan working, and I burned my nursing plant. Fuck it though, I am installing a fan tomorrow and plan to add a SCROG before I germ another seed


why dont u cut all that crap in the box out? I did and added like 5 inches. totally worth it, once it gets bigger. i went to lowes and got a "pipe cutter " for $10.
best thing i ever did for my pc
EDIT: ALSO get some vel-crow for lowes ($1.99) and figure out how to get that light sideways at the TOP. u need more room! Just my 2 cents. but im glad u started :D
wow thanks man, good stuff! idk when if ill get the cutters but i was thinking about going at it with a dremel. and yeah i did do some major revamping of the pc case and am starting another grow using Tangerine Dream by Barneys Farm. Ill post a link here when it gets going!
thanks for the input!


kk good luck :D
BUTTT its vital that u are careful!! When u are ripping out the metal and cutting it, u need to keep in mind the shape of the pc grow box! IF u fuck the frame up, then u wont be able to clsoe hte door. I did that on my first pc tower, and had to throw it away. So just be smart and be tuff, but not TO tuff~! ttyl
haha its funny brosef but i actually did bend the door frame on one of my more aggresive remodeling moves. but i just bent it back and the door closes now.