Hempy buckets & CFLs First Grow!

Hey everyone.

This is my first grow. Trying to keep it nice and simple. Using homemade Cfl Light bar like this-
And "Hempy" Buckets with Jungle Juice Nutrients.

4 plants are- 2x Jilly Bean, 1 Dead Head, 1 Strawberry D/ Jacks Cleaner
Here they are, Day 1 for me. Clones just put in the buckets.

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Im making this grow journal to learn so any comments or advice is appreciated!

I like taking pictures more than typing so the journal will most likely be a photo journal of my grow.
First two weeks. Clones were nice and healthy and got roots down to the water rez. quickly. Seem to be growing good. Something is a little weird with my Strawberry Des./Jacks cleaner. :(


So its been a little over 3 weeks since i brought my baby clones and transplanted to hempy buckets they are looking good.

Still dont know whats going on with the Strawberry Des. Genes must have got a little mixed up or something. Im just going to let it grow and see what it will produce haha.

This is the 7th day of 12/12 Flowering with 2700k CFLs and different Jungle Juice nute mix. The Jilly Bellys and the Dead Head are starting to thicken out a bit with lots of new growth!

I added three more bulbs for extra light during flowering.



Everything seems to be going well. Plants are green and getting bigger every day.

Did a little work on the grow area today its pretty much in the living room so i try to keep it looking nice.

Last week I cut the bottom most branches for clones from Jilly and DeadHead. Today i took the humidity domes (Plastic water bottles) off. They kindof look shitty but hopefully, if roots have developed, should look better tomorrow.


Day 32!

Bud growth has begun on main center Colas and branch tips!

Super excited! These plants are growing much better than I anticipated for my first grow.

I added 3 more 100w eqv. 2700k for extra side lighting and the plants seem to be liking it. Im hoping these babies slow down with the growth up ^ and put more energy into bud growth.

Ive been wondering if i should be giving them any sort of "bud boosting" nutrients.
ANY recommends???

Im currently using a Jungle Juice mixture for flowering with superthrive.


Well its has been a little while since my last post. Went to Burning Man and im back in school havent found time to update.

My babies are around day 34 of flower 48 days total. Bud growth is definitely happening, but i feel like maybe not as much as there should be for this point in flowering. I started using BigBud a week ago to try help with that. So we'll see..

Had to pull "3Toe" my genetically special strawberry des. out from under the lights to make room for the other three.
Powdery white MOLD started to spread on the tops of a few leaves. i think they were getting too smashed together and i didn't have enough ventilation. I added a fan to keep air circulating and have been spot straying mold on the leaves with water and a tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide. ANY Suggestions about the mold would be awesome. i researched it and it sounded like it was just going to be something i would have to keep fighting throughout the the remainder of the grow... IS this true???

Judging from the pictures can anyone make any estimates about how much longer i have till harvest? I feel like at least 3 weeks. the bottom leaves are still looking good and havent started to yellow at all really.

Alright enough text time for pictures!!!


So im still battling this powdery mold stuff. I spray the leaves with water and a small amount oh hydrogenperoxide Every day and i added a fan but its definitely not going away more like staying under control. NOT sure if there is more i should be doing?? I am worried that the mold which has been staying on the leaves might try to move into the buds. ANY experienced advice would be greatly appreciated.

GOOD news is the buds are getting bigger every day.

I estimate probably 2-3 more weeks till harvest.

My clones also just took off and are growing well. 5 of the 5 cuts lived so im pretty happy with my first cloning experience.

Its a good this i like the smell of growing weed because in the last couple of the days the intensity of the growing weed smell in my house has quadroopled.

The buds on dead head are really thickening up nicely. She will be ready to harvest before the two jillybeans, sometime in the future. the pistils are still primarily white with only a few turning amber so they still have a ways to go.

Started spraying the girls with a milk,water and cinnimon mixture to help with the mold. Seems to be working good. As soon i get the time im going to go try to find some sort of organic comercial mold killer.

think im getting pretty close.

Dead head is going to be ready before the Jilly's was hoping for a little more bud growth out of the dead but looks like she's stopped growing and her hairs are turning quickly brown. Kinda snuck up on me so Im waiting afew more days to give them alittle more time to flush.

The Jillys, i think have atleast 10 more days.
