Creepin On Ah Come Up


Active Member
Whats going on RIU Coonword here just trying to make it in the world growing maryjane...i someday wanna be the one who is helping the sick with a med. that i produced myself i still got a long ways to go... starting this journal just for motivation and to help anyone in anyway i can...feel free to post pics/ideas/commets of anykind i always like hearing what people have to say this is where ill be posting my pics and what i got going on hope you guy enjoy stay high:leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I am here and Sub'd! Some details of your grow and pics are a must bro! I will be here till the end! Good Luck and may the Growing Ganja Godz be with you and your plants:leaf:....LOL

Peace n Keep'em GREEN!!!


Well-Known Member
Is that locked door in your pics your Flowering Room? Open it and show us whats in there!!!! I am always curious about locked doors in a dungeon!!!!


Active Member
lol yea my flower room nothing special in there but ill throw a pic up ill see if i have any when i was working on that room boy it was hell but it has walls insulation etc.. when its empty again im going in!!! makeing it 100% plant happy being to unprepared has me taking better steps to save less headachs deff doing alot more planning this time!!


Well-Known Member
Damn bro nice set up, I knew there are reasons why I like locked doors in hidden dungeons....LOL Looks like you put alot of work in there!


Active Member
yea i dont like to look at it as work lol just have fun memories being made helping my partner clean up his place and help us both grow my partner actaully has taught me so much in life its cool to actually be teaching him my knowledge of growing good times BKB you know what im talking bout waking up with ur shoes and coat on form the night before haha i think im always gunna remember and laugh at that


Active Member
looking at that the second pic of all them wires and shit i cant wait till there is just one 1000k light in there looking clean and spacious:)


Active Member
bkb i finally got my ph pen and i am going to make it rain on one of the plants the next time i feed ill let you know how it turns out


Well-Known Member
bkb i finally got my ph pen and i am going to make it rain on one of the plants the next time i feed ill let you know how it turns out
For sure, if you have any questions prior to doing it let me know, no question is a dumb question!!!! Be prepared cause your plants are going to take off!!!


Well-Known Member
Nope. I am pretty good with using a regular pH meter. I was going to buy one but instead I am saving my money for another grow light!!! LED!!!


Active Member
i hear ya bro im saving for my 1k mh/hps and my tent gunna cost 460...i picked this ph pen up for lik 35 bucks works awesome!!! took me like an hr to figure out the probe had a cap over it and i was getting soo pissed when the ph kept jumping when i was about to give up i pulled the cap and it came off i was lik wtf lol worked good after that but the guy at the hydro store sold me 7.0 calibration liquid and 4.01 solution he said keep it in the 4.01 when im not using it and calibrate with the 7.0 the back of the pen says keep wet at all times and do not use distilled water says nothing about 4.01 so im confused with that ill let you know what i come up the garden killed another 4 male yikes they are taking over:( o well still will have over 10 females? lolView attachment 1380858004.jpg018.jpg010.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice pH pen. Not bad for 35 bucks. Here is what I want to get for my veg box with my other LED panels....trying to cut down on electric cost...LOL

Not sure if you just made it rain on those two plants in the 1st pic but if not then they are definately going through some water stress or over watering. Are those two males? I see frost in pic 3, nice!!!


Active Member
yea two males they needed water all the plants did or most of em atleast i kind of wanted to stress em out a lil and wait to water for 3 days they started to droop and the fan was on im sure they will be looking good tomarrow i didnt have alot of time tonight but tomarrow ill be messing around with this ph pen i like that LED light its looks sick i might have to invest into one


Well-Known Member
Well Good luck with Making It Rain and make sure you do a before and after pic on the plant you make it rain.


Active Member
yes sir prolly within the next day or two they got reg water last night and im going to mix up the nute water tomarrow or the next day and water i was just sitting here thinking im deff going with a 100% clean room 100% comfertable work space and deff gunna be more strict on my grow techs and use good soil from the start...whats good with you anything you notice you want to change?? also any other techs your reccommend for my next run besides making it rain?o yea i gotta figure out my temps and humidty whats going on with them and how to fix it my temps are 70-75F during the light hrs but during the dark it drops iv seen it drop to 50 but thats the lowest