First Grow.. let me know..


Active Member
this is my first grow ever, gotta decent idea of what im doin or at least feel that way lol but imma post some pics of what im workin with and ALL and any advice would be much appreciated.. i know there still somethins i would like todo to the room but im stuck right now with funds and im growing with 2-90watt ufo's from sunlight sheds, ff soil and nutes, its cole where i live so best i can do right now with temps is bout 75day/60night humidity is at 50 i had trouble with gettin it above 35.. is 50 ok for the humidty???

the pic of the room isnt setup like that with the water and fan right there these pics are bout a week old and ive put 3 needs seedlings n there since but just to give ya an idea.....

the pic of the led.. was broken when i recieved it and thought id let ya see..
they took care of it and as soon as i had it scanned for return they sent me out a new one so.. theres only one n the room right now but will be two total.



Active Member
well for all of you looker no talkers heres some more pics just a few..
got all my seeds from attitude.. big up's blazed with what i got all the seeds have popped except one which was a freebie so not trippen but will probley only keep buying from the tude.. i reccomend.

lavendar in the big bucket.. got from a friend.



Well-Known Member
Im scribed for this one. Interested to see how those UFO's do, As for the 50% humidity that should be fine however i forget the "ideal" range so I would try to get it up just a little more. Maybe shoot for around 53-55%.


Well-Known Member
temps are right where they should be, imo humidity doesnt matter unless its either super humid or super dry, for veg that is. during flower you want to lower it alot so you dont get mold/bud rut/fungus/bugs/etc.
your statement-"humidity is at 50 i had trouble with gettin it above 35"
confuses me, u mean it was at 35 and you changed something to get it to 50%? 35% is fine for veg.


Active Member
alright thanks... ya so far the babys are lovin em but i didnt have em directly under so the stem started curvin like a C towards the light but i just been turning em threw out the day to try to keep a straight stem for growth..


Active Member
ya first couple days the hum- was 35 very dry.. with me being a noob i thought i had to get it higher so i put a humidifier in there and it sits at 50 now...


Active Member
ya but too close then the bigger one dont get any light... ive got more lights one was broke when i got it ill have it by monday and then ill have a third by flower but ya i do intend to put it closer..


Well-Known Member
So far do you think the LED's are worth the cost? Kind of interested to get a first person opinion


Active Member
so far ya i think there gonna be well worth it i got mine from sunlightsheds for 200 a pop which aint bad cuz there outta the states and there spectrums are legit.. i took the spectrums for the ones u see selling for 500. and got the same light for 200 bucks pretty much so with homework done i know there gonna produce im just more worried bout me fuckin somthin up lol


Well-Known Member
I feel ya on that one. I just moved to 35 acres witch you would think would be heaven for a grower but every neighbor around here has at least one daughter pretty much stalking me...Hopefully il get my hps soon and we can do a little live comparison


Active Member
lol funny u mention the land im on 38acres.. might throw down one of my berrykush or maybe a coouple seeds outdoors when the weather gets right.. but dam i wish i even had some neighbor's live around bunch rich old retired peeps but itss cool and ya well have to do that comparison..


Active Member
darkdestruction:: even though they led's if u had it touching the leaves from what i seen in a couple days its more beneficial to have it couple inches up or away from the leaves.. it may be a different story with a full tree but as far as it being little plants imma never just have it right up in there.. and althought they say there led's blah blah i think that ya its not gonna harm the plant at all to have touching the light but how benificial is it with the light touchin the plant compared to couple inches off....


Well-Known Member
your first pics didnt show just how tall the seedlings are and you hadnt added the 2nd set yet when i wrote that, 1-2 inches is just about right, keep us updated, i wanna see how this goes for you, if it works really well like im thinking it should I'm gonna have to give in to my urge to give the leds a try. lol


Active Member
ya i was really skeptical about going leds cuz 1st of all its my first grow so with reading all the reviews on em and them not workin or producin or only good in veg i was trippen but still went for it cuz it suited my grow and my conditions.. like heat, ventilation etc..etc and only cost maybe 30bucks a year to run and the lifespan of the lights and bein a rookie i dumped like 150n seeds "blazed" instead of puttin tht money into the room. but from my understanding and you may or may not know this but with the leds for the ufo's you want the red-630nm not the red-660nm.. from testin the red-630nm was way more superior.. people buyin the leds that are havin trouble with them and growing is because they buy the red-660nm which from my understanding its a cheaper led than the 630 so alot of the ones on ebay have the red660nm trying to pass is off as a legit one with everything you need to grow and then it doesnt grow... however in the bigger leds beyond the 90watt ufo's they do put i think 5 or 6 spectrums which is both 660 and 630red with 2 differnt blue spectrums and either a white or orange spectrum... both the reds are benificial to growing but the red-630 does more in flowering than the 660 so thats why in the smaller lights ur fucked if dont have the red630nm.. but im done ramblin thanks for ur imput and everything else youll offer down the road..


Active Member
heres a couple more pics......

on one of the pics u can see the leave is starting to curve on the outter layer of the leaf and on one of the other babies i got just one small lil yellow dot???? too much water or not enough or do i have another problem???? plus rep for help and advice... got my other light today and the fuckin glass on it is broke... fuckin FEDEX TWICE THEY BROKE MY SHIT BEFORE I GOT IT...


Well-Known Member
Its just heat problem i think. whats the temperature around the babies(and room temperature?)

Ps: dignosis the problem under LED light is difficult for me, i am simply not used to it.


Well-Known Member
Also, Never ship fedex! My little brothers dad worked there for awhile he said they just throw boxes across the warehouse and pack actual mail in where ever theres a hole.


Well-Known Member
Hey FTBic,
I like the setup. Not one i have read much about so interested to see how it goes. Have you forgiven speedyS, dont know if you remember? Hope so. Those LED's seem pretty expensive. What reason did you choose them over CFL's?