First Time Grower Indoor tent UFO LED


Active Member
Been researching this site over and over !! Hats off to the MODS and the members for a great running site :)

I had a few locations planned but never worked out. I have the wifes permission so we are doing a small grow in the basement. Furnace room was made into the veggie room and the tent for flowering. I'm weeks away before I need the tent but I did purchase a 4 x 4 x 6.5 for 89 bucks and could purchase another if needed. The room which the tent will be in is 10 x 4.5 so I could fit 2. Think previous owners use to make wine in this room .. lol

I have been using CFL lights for veggie stage but my UFO LED and tent came in today so I plan on using the UFO for veggie now ;) with the CFL as well.

I got 2 plants started right off the bat but since then I have had no luck with seeds at all. Tried 30 seeds with paper towel and nothing this time around so I went out I purchased a Jiffypot7 to help my cause. The pics below are 4 days old with nothing sprouting yet but it did look alittle dry so I added more water today when I set up the room up. So I have the 2 plants over top the Jiffypot7 with 52 seeds this time hoping for them to take. The first 30 may have been really old seeds but these 52 should be much newer but one can never tell so I ordered California Dream Feminized from amsterdammarijuanaseeds. They should be in by the middle of the month. They added 20 free seeds so that is a bonus !!

Anyway that is a start !! I just cross my fingers and hope the 2 plants I have are females. I hope to use them to learn how to clone ;) I got a dome I can use with the Jiffypot7 for cloning !!

Here are some pics. Its a rough start but will be improved daily :)

Peace ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Active Member
Had to add a heater !! Central Air keeps that room very cool at 65 but with the heater on medium it runs at 80 :)


Active Member
Have added the tent. Really nice tent and easy to put together. Added the 90W UFO LED as well. Over the next week will add filters and fans. I have been thinking alot ... lol and running 4 in a tent 4 x 4 wouldn't be crazy would it ? lol That would run at 360W as to a 400W HPS. I do like the limited results but I wouldn't know any better either :) I have seen many grows with LED and I do like what I see. More does appear to be better ;) Here are some more pics !!

Peace ;)~~~~~~~~~~~



Active Member
Also have not had any of the 52 seeds sprout yet but I'm confident some will take. I looked at a few up close and pop open the shell and there are new roots there. The shell is still hard so I have added water 2 days in a row and the pods are taking it so I hope that helps that issue. Conditions are good with moisture, heat and light. I will try and forget about it for a few days ;)


Active Member
Done a few things over the week !! Transplanted into bigger pots which was so needed. Fricking roots WOW. Also I think it is time to consider cloning with the Dowsers method. May try that tonight ;) On another front I still have not had any strouts pop up with the Jiffypopcorn maker .. lol but think the cloning should fair better ... ( I hope )

Anyway here's some pics with the LED now in service for a week !! You tell me what you think ;)

Peace ;)~~~~~~~~~~~



Active Member
Cloning underway :) I took 3 branches off each plant using the Dowsers method. Fast and easy !! Just have to cross my fingers they take. Noticed the odor when I was cutting off the leafs so I will have to address that issue soon. I`m going on vacation the first 2 weeks of Aug so I wanted to get the cloning out of the way and transplanted before I go. Wife will be staying behind to look after the plants so they are in good hands ;)

Here are some pics !! 3 blueberry (1) 3 Skunk (2)



Well-Known Member
wow looking great man, you did good for a first timer you got some good space there, your next investment should be some better lights so you could stick more bitches in there cause with that UFO light your limited to only 2


Active Member
Yes I got more room for the moment ;) When I get back from vacation I may consider flowering the 2 plants. Also when I`m on vacation I hope to purchase a 400W HPS for a second tent. My idea one day is to test both HPS and UFO LED. I think I want to get 3 more UFO LED for a total of 4 in the one tent. Flower in both tents and see what results I get. This is months away but maybe use the clones on that project. Worse case the HPS will be there if I`m not happy with the LED ;) The UFO are great for veggie so they will not be wasted.

Thanks for your reply

Peace ;)


Well-Known Member
cool ive heard about the UFO but never used it, i always stick with the HPS or MH bulbs but remember you might not get the same yield results as using the HPS/MH bulbs. but you could always test them out


Active Member
cool ive heard about the UFO but never used it, i always stick with the HPS or MH bulbs but remember you might not get the same yield results as using the HPS/MH bulbs. but you could always test them out
Not sure if it makes a difference but I got the Gen6 UFO which apparently came on the market in March I'm told. Not sure what the difference is between the Gen5. Anyway I can get the new ones for 149.00 so when I save up abit I will get a few more. He doesn't have HPS as of right now but I hope that changes. His prices are very good for other items ;)

Anyway I do plan on testing both as some point ;) I got the room for one more tent which costs 89 bucks and it isn't cheaply made. Thick and heavy duty zippers. Very nice ;)

Anyway thanks for the reply

Peace ;)~~~~~~~~~~


Active Member
Going to move the clones in the jiffypot tomorrow once I replace the dome for it that I stepped on :( Need to clean it out since none of those seeds took. Pretty sure I know what the problem was so that will not happen again. All in fun ;)

Peace ;)


Active Member
Well I had my first mishap !! Came home one night and it was alittle cool in the room so I turned the heater on and well .... forgot about it. Woke up the next morning and the temp was 110 in the tent. Clones looked dead and the 2 main plants started to wilt. Will post some pics but the clones appear to have rebounded !! You tell me ;)

Also moved lights way up to allow new growth. Sure are getting bushy now ;) Going to wait until Aug 14 to flower them all ;) Clones may not be ready by then so I could continue to veg them in the furnace room !!

Anyway Peace ;)~~~~~~~~~~~



Well-Known Member
leave the top off so the clones get some air and spray them with some water, hopefully they regain strenght


Active Member
At the time the clones were droopy but you can see they have straighten out and new growth has appear !! I will leave the lid off as suggested ;)



hey good luck on this, sucks about the heater, but the other plants lookin good, i have a few goin under the ufo's myself, don't worry about the haters that don't know nuthin about the ufo's man, soon enough this shit is gonna take over, then we will be on top with all the knowledge keep doin what ur doin and learn thru the process, you should look into adding about 100 watts of CFL lights in there also with those it will fill in gaps that are left and also add alittle heat should put ur room about perfect as far as temp goes 74-76 degrees. Good luck im gonna keep checkin in on ya! You probably killed those clones, but you never know give em acouple of days, they are gonna droop some when there cut before, they root, best thing to do is cut the leaves 2/3rds of the way down to reduce weight and then the plant can spend some more time developing roots, also another trick is to slice off the first layer of the plant stem on one side toward the bottom not too much just the first layer, that will make the plant attemt root faster !


Active Member
Yea think the clones have had it. Going to try again next week ;) Got more pics to post later ;)

Peace ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~