My *first* Closet CFL grow... some amazing bagseed strains


Active Member
Hey there,
so this is my first grow attempt ever... a friend gave me a couple of clones that refused to root, but my interest was piqued too much to not attempt my own!

So these plants are all bagseed, but some of the dankest herb that has come around here for a while, maui wowie and a couple other strains that made their way into the mix.

Started germinating about 3 weeks ago, and so far they've come quite a ways...

Soil is a mixture of roughly half and half supersoil (home depot crap...) and miracle gro. The mixture dries out fairly fast, but once in large pots seems to be a fairly nice balance.

EDIT: oh yeah and they're on 18/6. started out on 24/0 but switched to 18/6 once I got a timer and upgraded lighting.

PH and temps are unknown, but temp is for sure stable and at good levels (guessing about 70-80max).

Using some random nutes, I'll get the name of them later tonight. I haven't been adding too much into the water to avoid over-nuteing (wasnt sure of interaction with miracle-gro), but soon I will be adding slightly lower than recommended amounts to the water to increase the veg state rapidgrowth.

The CFLs are half and half 23W 2700k and 6000k I believe, with one 42W 3000k thrown in the mix.

Unfortunately, two of my earliest sprouters died due to horrible underwatering (soil dried out way faster than expected), butttt one of them is hanging on for dear life and is well on its way to making a strong comeback! (the one in the far right back). It got heat damaged way early on, and then it suffered from little to no water, so I'm not going to blame it if the poor guy becomes male... lol
Please, if anyone has ANY suggestions, rants, raves, constructive criticism, insults, concerns, etc... PLEASE PLEASE let me know, don't be shy and post here.

Here's the pics I took today, been watering about every day until yesterday when I finally put them all into big pots that retain the water way better. Now I'm watering every other day if necessary.

If you know what kind of strain this might be, indica/sativa please let me know, as I have no idea as of right now.



Well-Known Member
personally i say get a 400 at LEAST but if you never want to regret it and grow watermelons at least get a 600 watt hps

happy growing! i got my 600 watt for 200 bucks and it grows watermelons


Active Member
where did you get your 600 for 200$? just curious as I seem to keep coming across different prices, and most of them are above that amount...

looking at htgsupply right now

edit: htgsupply looks pretty good for the digital ballast 600W deal, perhaps I'll go with that when the money becomes available...


Active Member
Took some more pictures today, they're looking much bigger already.

But I have a question that unfortunately must be asked, I pretty much have to have these harvested by the end of august, so my question is: should I start flowering now? is there anything bad that could result? what would my yield look like in the end w/ my current setup slash would there be enough time?



Active Member
Alright, so I've decided that most likely I"ll be starting flowering tonight, either that or I'll be constructing a box grow. Hope for the latter, but as of right now that situation doesn't look too promising.

It'll be quite interesting to see what effects flowering a plant at such a young age will have on yield, growth, etc...

Will post an update and pics tomorrow


Active Member
damnit, I wish I had kept track of which day I started these plants, etc...

anyways, they're looking great still, and I've officially started flowering 12/12 and bloom nutes on them.

THe soil I have is consistently horrible so I've had to rewater almost every day, but now I think I'll be fine with just watering every other day because they're in pots now...

Anyways, without delay, here's some more pics, I moved the fan up top so it's hanging on a chain above the lights, still giving the plants a breeze. Also rotated the plants around a bit to keep them growing consistently.

EDIT: the nutes are mostly botanicare. Are these good? They were left over from a friend's previous grow.



Active Member
So they're looking great, a little overwatered so Im gonna hold off on the water for a day or two maybe...

Ive got some small little flies buzzin around the room but they're very small and black and don't look like they're hurting anything.

Anyways, I've decided against LST and topping considering I'm attempting to flower them right now, and that I don't have a ton of space to work with in terms of width/length. Plus I like it when I can see one fat "nug" sitting on top of the plant :)

Here's some new pics from last night



Active Member
Hey everyone, sorry bout the wait, took 5 days for me to move in and I finally got my computer set up and everything so here's some updated pics. They're looking great! Had some fungus flies in there (the small annoying black ones) but I sprayed for those and successfully got rid of them for the most part.

There is one issue though that I'm noticing, a couple of the lower leaves have gotten a strange deformation on the tips of the leaves that I'm not sure what they are.

Please, if you know what the issue is, let me know. The first pic is of a deformed leaf. The tip was slightly crispy but not brown crispy, still green crispy. Maybe nutrient burn?


you plants are looking good =]
dont worry about that leaf, it looks like one of those little flys had a nibble on your plant.
i found a couple fruit flys in my grow box and almost a whole leaf had been eaten off! but i got rid of them and the plants are doing fine
good luck!


Active Member
next update!

missed a few days, been busy moving and stuff...

The babies are getting huge!!! They're healthy, but unfortunately this morning I discovered that one of the new growth leaves was touching a CFL and so got a bit brown on the edges. There's a few spots on the leaves, in addition to a couple of eaten up spots, but I don't think it's anything big really.

it's almost like I'm running out of room in this closet! :)

No signs of gender though, How long should it take after starting 12/12??



Active Member
So I started flowering on the 10th. Now it's the 23rd. Just took some pictures of the plants, they're all starting to show their gender. It looks pretty likely that at least half are female, but the preflowers aren't really big enough yet to determine for sure.

The stems on these guys are absolutely massive, dunno if that's a particularly positive thing or not, but at least the plants are really healthy!

Pict009 and 010 are of the same plant. sorry bout that



Active Member
Almost every plant is showing pre-flowers. I'm pretty sure that they're almost all female, but I'm not completely sure so I figured I'd ask here.

Updates now:

The one plant growing in completely Miracle Grow is definitely suffering from too high of PH.

The flies are gone and then back and then gone and back again, but as of now they're pretty much all gone. Some of the leaves were definitely getting eaten by them.

Took it easy on the nutes for watering yesterday, looked like some of the leaves were getting a little over-nuted.



Active Member
yeh except they're fungus flies, and there's absolutely no other pests in the room.

Anyone know the sex's or is it too early to tell?