First grow - unknown seeds


Active Member
This is my first real attempt at growing. I'm using seeds from the last bag of skunk I bought ( I know, I should be using good seeds... but I'm a little nervous purchasing seeds. I will buy good seeds for my next grow.

I started off with 12 seeds.

1/12/09 - Placed 12 seeds in a damp paper towel to germinate in the dark.

1/14/09 - planted 6 of the sprouts into Miracle Grow planting mix.

I'm using 4 20 Watt 6500k Full Daylight CFL bulbs

I don't have a grow space picked out yet. Right now they are in the laundry room.

I have a 400 Watt MH bulb I need to setup once I figure out where I'm going to setup my grow room

Here are pics of the little gals from today, 1/19/09


Well-Known Member
Skip the good seeds- pick your favorite strains from this grow and use clones. Spend your money elsewhere. Lights, nutes, etc.


Active Member
Day 7

One of my plants are turning yellow in the middle. Not sure what's up.

I'll start checking the forums for help.


Active Member
I just checked my water (I get it from a well) PH is 6.55, PPM is 46 which seems fine.
I think I'm just giving them too much water. I'm going to hold off on watering for a few days. I'll check the soil with my finger before do give them more water.

cross your fingers everyone


Active Member
Day 9

I just transplanted my plants into 8" pots.

When I took them out of their starter pots, I noticed two of them had "fuzzy" roots and were dripping wet. DOH! The worst one turned very yellow. I don't know if it will make it, so I put it in the same pot with the other "fuzzy" rooted plant.

All of my plants leafs are curling down, which I found out in the forums, is from over watering.

I gave them a little drink after transplanting today, but I will be careful not to over water again.



Active Member
yep... 46. I have an ro unit.

I was wondering if that was to low? In reading through the forums, it seems on the low side.


Active Member
Day 11

I lost all but one of my plants to Mice!! :evil:

My grow room was setup in an outdoor shed. I moved my surviving plant back into the house.

Once I figure out how to mouse proof my shed, I'll move my grow back out to the shed.

Until then, I'm back to germinating more seeds!
