I sincerely apologize schuylaar - thank the trolls.


Well-Known Member
I am a generous tipper when I do go out. But if the service was less than adequate, so is my tip. I think it should be payment for service, not charity (or cuteness). Tipping poor performers is not a message i'll send. Mind you, I don't blame the waiters for what's wrong elsewhere such as in the kitchen.
I generally start the evening at 25%, as the service progresses, I knock a few percent off each time the waiter/waitress fucks up. I've left no tip before. But generally I leave between 20% to 25%, and if they are really good and really cute, I leave up to 50%.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, pretend I'm the bad guy. You are a piece of work. You have to be a special kind of deluded to think your actions are justifiable. You're the kind of person Hitler sought out, the ones who thought murder was justifiable if they thought someone was getting a bigger share of the pie. If you had been in Germany in 1932, you would have been among the first to join the SS.
See trying to ruin another one of Schulaar's threads let it go, this isn't the place for, it it was handled last night.


Well-Known Member
See trying to ruin another one of Schulaar's threads let it go, this isn't the place for, it it was handled last night.
Yea, he tends to get worked up. He has a thing for men. Not that there is anything wrong with that.


Well-Known Member
many blacks don't tip at all. I have seen some go to great lengths to abuse the wait staff if they're white and then leave a fucking penny. I did see a black man leave an exceedingly large($20.00) tip at a WaffleHouse and then I watched as his girlfriend STOLE the tip. I confronted her and she denied it, but everyone could see the tip was gone. Her boyfriend gave her such a look, then apologized to the waitress and handed her a $50.00. Poor guy was was embarrassed as hell.
exceedingly cool story.

Did I say that? No, I didn't. Probably much less than half. Hilary Clinton once said, "I can't believe any woman would have a child just to get on welfare." I personally know several who did just that.
overly cool story.

You're morally superior to no one. NO ONE. I never made any such assertion. I've never even commented on WIC. And my wife was on WIC before she moved in with me. You just have to demonize anyone who disagrees with you. But you have shown your true color, and it's shit brown. I have no need to demonize you, you have shown yourself to be the evil person you are. Your lame attempt to justify your disgusting behavior condemns you even further.
you heard it here first folks: red says brown people are evil.

and more inclined to criminality.


Well-Known Member
I am a generous tipper when I do go out. But if the service was less than adequate, so is my tip. I think it should be payment for service, not charity (or cuteness). Tipping poor performers is not a message i'll send. Mind you, I don't blame the waiters for what's wrong elsewhere such as in the kitchen.
The wait staff shouldn't be blamed for a bad cook. I see nothing wrong with charity in a food service establishment. I generally eat in cheaper establishments when I go out. The staff in those places usually are paid poorly and don't make a lot in tips. Tho I had a very hot girlfriend who made $200.00 a day or better in tips. Yet a 50 year old woman, who was actually a better waitress, on the same shift was lucky to make $30.00


Well-Known Member
No. ........
yes. very much so yes.

You don't know the definition of homophobia? That's funny. Dominate gold digger gene sound familiar to you? That's where a gold digging whore tries to convince others that some how he/she is owed all of another's possessions who had already made their wishes known to be otherwise in all their legal documents. Then the lying bitch tries to claim sympathy by claiming months later the deceased was killed in a hate crime. Then when casual observers point out that the gold digger is just that, a gold digger, He/she resorts to his/her good friend and supporter, UncleShitBritches, tactics of trying to smear them. If you're a friend of UncleShitBritches, well, that is more of an indictment of your character than anything I can say about you. The truth is, your "boyfriend" purposely did not put your name on the deed to HIS house, did not list you as a beneficiary on his insurance, nor did he apparently ever even mention your existance to any of his real friends, lawyer, family, or medical caregivers. For a confessed cock sucker to insult those he has never met by calling them "homo" seems rather strange, but it it consistant with the rest of your lack of logic. You know, "my names not on the deed, I never paid a dime on the mortgage, but I demand you give me this house that his family probably loaned him some or all the down payment, co-signed the mortgage, helped with the payments and may be responsible for the rest of the mortgage because, well just because I want it and I spent a weekend there once." Fuck you, thieving bastard.


Well-Known Member
I generally start the evening at 25%, as the service progresses, I knock a few percent off each time the waiter/waitress fucks up. I've left no tip before. But generally I leave between 20% to 25%, and if they are really good and really cute, I leave up to 50%.
See, that's what I mean. The homely get the short end of the stick. Doesn't it bother you that you're treating the less than attractive as second class? Or did you just never think about it that way? I know most us men think with our little head instead of our bigger head.


Ursus marijanus
The wait staff should be blamed for a bad cook.
Why? If the service was good, I'll tip properly but tell the waiter that the food stunk and that I won't be back. Both purposes served.
I see nothing wrong with charity in a food service establishment. I generally eat in cheaper establishments when I go out. The staff in those places usually are paid poorly and don't make a lot in tips.
I disagree. Good performance is what earns my tip, not being there for its own sake.
Tho I had a very hot girlfriend who made $200.00 a day or better in tips. Yet a 50 year old woman, who was actually a better waitress, on the same shift was lucky to make $30.00
While I recognize that this is the usual way of things, i don't think it's right.


Well-Known Member
See trying to ruin another one of Schulaar's threads let it go, this isn't the place for, it it was handled last night.
So now that you've stated once again your happiness over the deaths of children, I should shut up? You say you believe in Karma, perhaps you should worry about your own 2 year old.