Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I mentioned this or not. I've been doing some forum reading and it seems to be a common problem when using RO water to not have enough cal/mag. I'm pretty sure that might be the early yellowing I've noticed this grow. One guy suggested mixing 1/4 tap water back in to one gallon RO water. Others suggested using a calmag supplement. I got a cheap TDS meter and sure enough my RO water was like 002 and my tap water was around 150 ppm tds. It's too late for this grow but next time around I'll be supplementing my RO water. Good to know!


Well-Known Member
LOL, your tap is pretty clean too. (ours is muck)

I was going to suggest epsom salt as a cheap Mag supplement, but
you would still need Calcium.

Good luck,


P.S. The TDS meter was smart. They are cheap too. I need to start
using my pH pen. I need to check my runoff.


thanks guys and i have started a journal. i posted some pics. My girls got their first feeding this morning. only used about half the recommended so i wouldnt burn them, i figure work up to the full amount of nutes required by their 3rd week of getting the nutes. I havent had two many problems yet but its still early.


Well-Known Member
You should add a link to your current action into your signature. (I do this below)

You can find a link to edit your sig in your "My Rollitup" page IIRC.

Ramp up the nutes and watch for burnt tips. A tiny burn is not lethal.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
LOL, your tap is pretty clean too. (ours is muck)

I was going to suggest epsom salt as a cheap Mag supplement, but
you would still need Calcium.

Good luck,


P.S. The TDS meter was smart. They are cheap too. I need to start
using my pH pen. I need to check my runoff.
Yip, the pen was cheap and works like a charm. I had been thinking for all this time that pure filtered water would be superior since i'd be getting rid of all the salts and chlorine and fluorine and what ever other toxic crap that is in it but i guess i've been removing vital minerals as well. i was also assuming my tap water was crap but apparently it's not too bad, at least as far as tds goes. i usually add some gardeners epson salts to my soil mix but i don't know how fast they are used up during the grow. as i mentioned a while back my soil ph was too high as well. next grow i'll keep more of an eye on this stuff.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I need to consider more variables.

This will be mandatory before I try hydro.

I want to try a RDWC system some time.

Good luck,



do either of you guys know how to mound? a few growers i follow on instagram have been mounding their plants during veg. and from what ive seen the root growth is crazy once they do it.


next time i am on instagram. ill try to get a picture or two.maybe its called something else. i did a little research but what i found was insufficient and didnt really pertain to cannabis. definitely have to do some more investigating


Well-Known Member
crazy! this plant is 6 months old! i see maybe a little more milkiness tonight but no amber. all the fan leaves have yellowed and fell off and now it's pretty much just buds and the smaller leaves, which are yellowing fast too.

i'm torn between wanting to get this grow over, turn off the 1000 watts of power, redo my tent and grow area, and take a break, or stick it out another few weeks. putting her outside in the sun for those weeks really brought out different characteristics than her sister inside. i wonder if she'll just die before she ever does get ripe.



Well-Known Member
so when the trichomes become amber the plant is ready to harvest?
not 100% amber. some people say 25% amber, others say a third. i've always found it kind of hard to pin down the right time, even with the microscope. every strain looks different to me. also some people say if you chop them down early in the harvest window you'll get more a head high smoke and it you wait until later in the harvest window you'll get more of a stoner couch lock high. i don't know about that...maybe they are right.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I have weeks to go, trich-wise. I finished week 7 yesterday.

Two more week easy.

BTW: Is "mounding" top dressing?

Thanks for sharing bro.



Well-Known Member
Where's the amber! Crazy! I don't see much. I see a little bit in the last two pictures. The plant is basically done. The pistils are brownish now. All the fan leaves are dead. The buds don't seem to be growing much anymore although they are kind of cork-screwing at their tops. She sucks up a gallon of water every couple of days. I think I'll give her till this weekend then put her in the dark for 3 or 4 days and call it good.



Well-Known Member
I get the impression that you are on it here.

It sounds like all of the other heuristic signs
(all we had back in the day ;0) are all saying
"Chop" too.

The hairs are past 50% red?

The vertical growth has stopped?

The bud leaves are turning color?

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
I get the impression that you are on it here.

It sounds like all of the other heuristic signs
(all we had back in the day ;0) are all saying
"Chop" too.

The hairs are past 50% red?

The vertical growth has stopped?

The bud leaves are turning color?

Good luck!

Yeah hairs are 50% red/brown i would say. Verticle growth stopped a long time ago. The bud leaves are all yellow or brown. Heck maybe I should put her to bed tonight!


she is quite the sight man. i cant wait till i achieve this. gets me excited for mine and i still got a long ways to go. how much do you think you got there?