Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Wife woke up with an abscess tooth, shitty start to her bday.:|
Aw man that is definitely shitty. My day has been pretty miserable so far. Trying to get done early so I can shower up before my birthday dinner tonight and not be rushed and the rain storms and shitty pools from said rain storms are quickly fading my hopes.


Well-Known Member
It's actually tomorrow, but thanks for the thought. My parents are going to the ballgame tomorrow so we're having it tonight. I was actually born on my mother's 33rd birthday.


Well-Known Member
Aw man that is definitely shitty. My day has been pretty miserable so far. Trying to get done early so I can shower up before my birthday dinner tonight and not be rushed and the rain storms and shitty pools from said rain storms are quickly fading my hopes.
So much for the lucky birthdays. I hope you find time for yourself so you can celebrate yours. I was going to take my wife out to dinner but after shooting her up with numbing solution she said it's probably not happening.


Well-Known Member
so i put my dogs in a dog show the other day, i didn't show them, nor was i actually there but i feed and pick up their shit so i was there in spirit. Benson (boarder collie lab mix) got third place over all the little stud. Gemma my puggle is honestly why i wake up every morning... She got "good effort".. GOOD EFFORT!? what the pussification of America is that.. just say she wasn't hip enough, didn't let you pull her tail up and look at her asshole dont give me a good effort ribbon that's garbage. So i had a sit down with Gemma when i got home and basically went over why i dont want her to be some honey boo boo stuck up show dog bitch and that she is the best looking and spirited puggle i have ever met, totally embodies the puggle lifestyle.. And BENSON YOU WHERE THE SECOND LOSER! dont rub it in your sisters face you lil shit


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
so i put my dogs in a dog show the other day, i didn't show them, nor was i actually there but i feed and pick up their shit so i was there in spirit. Benson (boarder collie lab mix) got third place over all the little stud. Gemma my puggle is honestly why i wake up every morning... She got "good effort".. GOOD EFFORT!? what the pussification of America is that.. just say she wasn't hip enough, didn't let you pull her tail up and look at her asshole dont give me a good effort ribbon that's garbage. So i had a sit down with Gemma when i got home and basically went over why i dont want her to be some honey boo boo stuck up show dog bitch and that she is the best looking and spirited puggle i have ever met, totally embodies the puggle lifestyle.. And BENSON YOU WHERE THE SECOND LOSER! dont rub it in your sisters face you lil shit
Help me understand here non-pedigreed show dogs? Right there sounds like a PC version of a real dog show? Where the mutts compete? I love my mutt dearly and I am a mutt so no offense intended! Don't bring on c++++ and his ninja knife skillz.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
It's actually tomorrow, but thanks for the thought. My parents are going to the ballgame tomorrow so we're having it tonight. I was actually born on my mother's 33rd birthday.
Well how cool is THAT I can wish someone happy birthday and it's not belated! Happy BIRTHDAY!


Well-Known Member
Not sure of the credentials of said show, bassically I have this chick.. She kinda took the place of my ex as far as not cleaning My room and eating my food goes. But she has mommy and daddy money, I told her she needs a hobby because you send me the stupidest text all day while I'm working your clearly bored off your ass and onto mine. So she hatched this plan to show dogs, like be the person who trots them around. I had nothing against it and its a great way to stay in shape. So I had dogs they don't get out much with my work load she loves them and they know her... And tadda dog show! Knowing her she probably just brought them to the beach, smoked, and watch them eat sand then got ribbons on the way home... But she would never give Gemma a good effort ribbon.. We love that dog, I love that dog..she is well loved.


Well-Known Member
Oh and just when I thought id seen it all this comes along![video=youtube_share;Iq5aWzD_MfM]http://youtu.be/Iq5aWzD_MfM[/video]
let me find out some of you knew this shit existed!

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
My condolences to your family Gioua, he looks like he was a good grandfather and I'm sure you have some good memories of him xx