Ask the person below you something sexual


Well-Known Member
This could be interesting...

First question;

Have you ever attempted/succeeded fucking something other than a person? Fruit, couch, sock, etc.


Well-Known Member
Yep: My hand and a Fleshlight (mouth variety). My question to the next person is to name a sexual turn-on that you're slightly embarrassed/self-conscious about and don't readily share with everyone? It's the internet, so it shouldn't be too hard ;)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Yep: My hand and a Fleshlight (mouth variety). My question to the next person is to name a sexual turn-on that you're slightly embarrassed/self-conscious about and don't readily share with everyone? It's the internet, so it shouldn't be too hard ;)
Hmmm, nothing I can really Think of. I guess catching a boner when i shouldn't? Lol not very embarassing for me though. If i couldn't get a hard on than ya, thats something to be self conscious about..

How old where you when you started masturbating?


Well-Known Member
It counts if you are gay! Climbing poles and getting off? Lol

Sure i lick butt sometimes!

ever tried to catch your own load in your mouth? I never did


Well-Known Member
It's ok with me if poles get you off! Stick to the game bird! No need to explain yourself!

Ever paid for sex?


Well-Known Member
Sex no, well not directly I think we all pay for sex n our own ways.. Flashy cars, high bar bills...Molly, coke etc.

ever blow into a pussy to make it queef?


Well-Known Member
Sex no, well not directly I think we all pay for sex n our own ways.. Flashy cars, high bar bills...Molly, coke etc.

ever blow into a pussy to make it queef?
ROFL admittedly yes, I have. Fucking hilarious too, highly recommended.

What the most degrading thing you've ever done to a sexual partner?

EDIT: Fuck, ya beat me to it...

Lol no. I just hammer away and the pussy starts to speak in tongues and shit lol
Ever had a threesome?

Yes, with an ex-gf that I reconnected with in a summer fling and her roommate (girl). And me and a buddy of mine took an older chick home from the bar, we were fucked up on E and we tag teamed her. Both times were fun, the two ladies was more fun.. obviously. lol

Although, you'll never hear a chick scream like when she's takin' a cock in the ass and pussy at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah buddy a few, once with an ugg and fatty! :)

Ever choked your partner in the act?
I haven't yet, but I actually find that type of stuff to be pretty hot if done the right way, so likely the next one

Have you ever made someone squirt? (if you're a girl, have you ever squirted from having sex?)


Well-Known Member
I was too slow on the post and had to tear it down, :oops:

Does it make you feel weird if there is a dog in the room?
Only if the dog is hitting it better than I am..

how many farts during sex.. You know you rendered each one .. And how many did you get caught with


Well-Known Member
I haven't yet, but I actually find that type of stuff to be pretty hot if done the right way, so likely the next one

Have you ever made someone squirt? (if you're a girl, have you ever squirted from having sex?)
Definitely, I make my gf squirt every time I fuck her. I should note it's not the actual fucking that makes her squirt.. LOL

No one answered my first question god dammit.

  • What the most degrading thing you've ever done to a sexual partner?


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I was too slow on the post and had to tear it down, :oops:

Does it make you feel weird if there is a dog in the room?

I haven't yet, but I actually find that type of stuff to be pretty hot if done the right way, so likely the next one

Have you ever made someone squirt? (if you're a girl, have you ever squirted from having sex?)
Ya i make em squirt

Ever paint a partners face or if you're a lady ever got your eyelids glued shut?


Well-Known Member

Ya i make em squirt

Ever paint a partners face or if you're a lady ever got your eyelids glued shut?
One guy got it all in my hair and all over the wall behind us, just from pulling out! He shot at least 6 feet! What is the longest distance you have ever shot?