Anyone know what this is?


Active Member
it's growing on my dill. and it just popped up in the past 5 hours, and now it's coming in on one of my sprouts. the pictures are horrible, and i apologize, but it's all i can do with my laptop...

it started as a white glue-like substance, and now it's more foamy and has a yellowish tint.

i really am freaking out here, i'm in fear my whole garden is gonna go down!





i circled them in red, just cause the lighting is wierd.
but it's taken from pretty far away...


Well-Known Member
1 thing I know is that I'd grab my big transplanting fork and get to work and change that soil.....I'm not a "look at the pretty tumor" it kills my crop !


Active Member
1 thing I know is that I'd grab my big transplanting fork and get to work and change that soil.....I'm not a "look at the pretty tumor" it kills my crop !

haha, well as soon as i took the pics, i removed it.

my plants are a little bit taller than i would like them to be, so i think i'm just going to pull everything, and re-grow. the stalks are getting weaker. i can't remember what kind of soil i planted these in, my roommate brought it over from her dad's.

really the more i look into this, the more i wanna do it the RIGHT way, so i'm just going to make my own soil, get new lighting, and start from scratch.

p.s. so wierd, i left the fungus on my dill last night, just to see what would happen, and it has dissappeared! there are slug-like marks and roots left over from where it was. i have a new spot coming up in my carrots now. i just think i need to do a little more research, change my lighting, and change my soil. growing indoor isn't anything like growing outdoor!


Active Member
Are you really growing Dill?

should this be in the gardening section.....

yes, i am growing dill, along with many other herbs and veggies :mrgreen:

and this probably sould be in the some other section, but i was seriously SO frantic last night i didn't know what to do. i guess it was the lack of sleep..


Well-Known Member
Did you sneeze over your pots? Yuck!! Yeast infection?
I'm glad things are looking up :-0


Well-Known Member
LoL its all good, just curious you didn't sign up for this site for the sole purpose of asking this question did you?


Well-Known Member
haha, well as soon as i took the pics, i removed it.

my plants are a little bit taller than i would like them to be, so i think i'm just going to pull everything, and re-grow. the stalks are getting weaker. i can't remember what kind of soil i planted these in, my roommate brought it over from her dad's. !

:peace:Got to watch cheap ass soil....It has more Wildlife than most zoo's....
Just plant " Sir Stretch a lot" deeper...(shit I get a kick out of that) :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Active Member
:peace:Got to watch cheap ass soil....It has more Wildlife than most zoo's....
Just plant " Sir Stretch a lot" deeper...(shit I get a kick out of that) :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

haha, should i just keep the plant then? the stalk is already about 2.5 inches tall (my strongest) and she's only about 5 days old. maybe i could just keep her as my guinea pig...


Well-Known Member
Dog slime mold grows anyplace. Slime molds get their nutrients from dead organic matter, such as mulch. Although slime molds may grow on plants, they do not harm plants. Slime molds will eventually disappear on their own. If you want to speed this process, rake the mulch to promote air drying..Or if its in dirt just shovel it out..


Active Member
Dog slime mold grows anyplace. Slime molds get their nutrients from dead organic matter, such as mulch. Although slime molds may grow on plants, they do not harm plants. Slime molds will eventually disappear on their own. If you want to speed this process, rake the mulch to promote air drying..Or if its in dirt just shovel it out..
thank you for that info =) is there any way of getting rid of it permanatly?