Grow of purp


Active Member

The weather is to perfect today, I have to put my baby outside
56% humidity
Light breeze
Not a cloud in the sky!!!


Active Member
Ok finally got to a comp, gonna post pics today,,,, I also topped my biggest plant hope I did it right, I have good pics of it so you can decide,,, also have good inner node growth I believe, they may be preflowers, im not sure


Active Member
Is the out door sun better, even if its cloudy out? Its just got cloudy, was wondering if I should put her back under the lil cfls?


Active Member
You can't sit still. Ants in your pants lol
Much better !!

Our spare room got rented out so I had to find a new location for the grow...

Then i realized, I had this lil tool box thing. Took the shelves out, duct taped the power strips to the side, stuck it on the back patio, sprayed it, and its surrounding with multiple bug sprays, and threw my two baby girls into it :)