Is Salvia-D Evil?


Hi, all!

So just two days ago I smoked salvia for the first time. I'm very small, about 5'3" and 110lbs. I used a water pipe and dosed about the size of a penny 5x extract of salvia d. I don't know what the fuck happened. I took a monster rip. It hit me so hard. I couldn't move, I felt trapped. I was on my back, with the lights dim, pogo playing in the background. (which did nothing but worsen the "trip" part; music was suggested by several people and I don't understand why now) I was seeing something but i wasn't really seeing it. I felt like i was being held against my will. I had no sitter and so I have no idea what actually happened. I was terrified and I felt physically revolted; the taste in my mouth mixed with the dark and brooding colors I was seeing felt so malignant I nearly vomited.

It lasted forever. The "trip" part was maybe two-three minutes longs but the after-illness lasted hours. I even went to sleep and woke up several times still feeling sickened. I proclaimed that salvia was fucking evil and I would never do it again. I felt off for the past 36 hours. yet here I am now, wanting to try again.

Poeple say It's not habit forming, but why would I want to try again after such a horrrifying trip? I was on the verge of killing myself, because i believed the feeling of unease would never go away. i was so distressed.

So I leave it to you, forum: enlighten me. Did I smoke too much? Or is salvia just bad for some people (all people, maybe)? I've read so many stories about people having a good time. I realize it's not a party drug, but I wanted to get to know myself better. All it made me do was fear knowledge. Tell me forum, is salvia just an evil herb?


bud bootlegger
have you ever tried any other hallucinatory drugs before asides from the salvia? if so, which and what was the effect?


No. I've mainly stuck to opiates. I wanted to start with shrooms, but they're hard to come by here. That's why I started as low as you can get on the salvia ladder :c


Well-Known Member
Worst trip ever....i have tried it maybe 5 times...hate the lack of control...i took a hit in a car while driving, at the stoplight i drug the person the back seat out of the car...scary shit...another time i started to divulge information i shouldn't have... you dont want none of this shit dewey...


New Member
Worst trip ever....i have tried it maybe 5 times...hate the lack of control...i took a hit in a car while driving, at the stoplight i drug the person the back seat out of the car...scary shit...another time i started to divulge information i shouldn't have... you dont want none of this shit dewey...
Don't forget you started thinking you had a lisp and got insecure about it.


Well-Known Member
I've taken DMT, shrooms, robotripped, and been on slavia. i've had bad trips with all i did a decent amount of DMT and had amazing trips too but i also had one of the most traumatized experiences from a DMT OD, second worse trip was salvia, i also felt trapped, like the wall was a different dimension completely out of body. the really good trips i had on DMT i never really lost my sense of body and thought i was transformed into an alien and really crazy shit usually


I've taken DMT, shrooms, robotripped, and been on slavia. i've had bad trips with all i did a decent amount of DMT and had amazing trips too but i also had one of the most traumatized experiences from a DMT OD, second worse trip was salvia, i also felt trapped, like the wall was a different dimension completely out of body. the really good trips i had on DMT i never really lost my sense of body and thought i was transformed into an alien and really crazy shit usually
yes, exactly! I felt like I was just a fucking useless piece of furniture in some other dimension for a good three minutes. It was very upsetting. I didn't know you could have a bad trip on DMT, though. Have you had any good trips on salvia?


Well-Known Member
I have one 1000w air cooled, i am buying another in a few months... I will dedicate one lamp to scrogging hoez... and another for new genetics....


Well-Known Member
Don't forget you started thinking you had a lisp and got insecure about it.

15 yeas ago I had an annoying coworker. During a random discussion, I told him that his lisp really comes out when he gets upset.

It didn't. I made it up since he was slightly effeminate and it seemed to fit.

He got very upset. Seems he had YEARS of speech therapy as a kid to get rid of it.

I heard nothing. I made it up.


Well-Known Member
I've taken DMT, shrooms, robotripped, and been on slavia. i've had bad trips with all i did a decent amount of DMT and had amazing trips too but i also had one of the most traumatized experiences from a DMT OD, second worse trip was salvia, i also felt trapped, like the wall was a different dimension completely out of body. the really good trips i had on DMT i never really lost my sense of body and thought i was transformed into an alien and really crazy shit usually
You can have bad experiences on anything.