Video/Tutorial section


Well-Known Member
There should be one, and possibly even 2 sections for videos on this website.

1: A section for tutorials to be posted, both video and written. There is no place on the website DESIGNED to show you how to do anything. Just places about stuff, where people could post tutorials if they want to, but will eventually get drowned out by other stuff.

2: A section for random videos, funny and other-wise random. Like Vlogs, and documentaries and stuff, maybe even like grow journal compilations.

I also ask, but I understand if this idea is laughable because even I would laugh at it, that you make me a moderator of the random videos section, and maybe the tutorials as well. If I had the ability to delete trolls posts, and post my videos freely (videos that are ALL marijuana, or marijuana philosophy related), I think I could end about 50-75% of crazy arguing that goes on here on RIU.

Please consider. I will be growing, making hash, going to/and possibly working at dispensaries soon. So I could help out this site (end arguments/trolling, direct clutter of videos to a new place, get traffic), while this site helps me (stop arguing with trolls, and get my videos out there for the world)

Thanks for your consideration, please let me know if you make a video section. PLEASE.


i can promise you starting threads about a sub forum and saying ' i think im so great i should be a mod, plz plz make me a mod ' will most definitley not get you 'mod status' ...

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
every fin thread is about fin

and no, no one wnats a forum where you have any control . only your new shill account and yourself were in favor of you having any power

moderating is not about pluggin yourself so you can get more google bucks tard, its a service to help the website work better

you havent aided in anything other than yourself ever, JOB my ass, google ranking is not a job

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
(get traffic), while this site helps me ( get my videos out there for the world)
^That still won't help you get that many views. You need to make some "GOOD" videos, the ones you have now are crap. That's why you have hardly any views.

It's not that hard, I have less than a 1/4 the videos you do and five of them have more views than all of yours combined. You just have to upload things people would want to watch.


Well-Known Member
i can promise you starting threads about a sub forum and saying ' i think im so great i should be a mod, plz plz make me a mod ' will most definitley not get you 'mod status' ...
When did I say I thought I was great. Those are your words, not mine. I just said I could end the fighting by deleting trolls comments on my threads, and I could post videos that would bring traffic. I've already helped dispensaries get business through my videos, why not a website?


Well-Known Member
That's why you have hardly any views.[\QUOTE]
:lol: Have you seen my videos :lol: I've only been at this for 1.3 years, I'm doing better than some people that have been on YouTube for 3+ years, and they're making music, running for political office, talking about weed, making vlogs, posting funny videos, etc. All I have to do is talk into the camera, and show my weed plants and I'm already beating ALL of them :lol:


Well-Known Member
Buck used to brag and call me shitty because he had more views than me, but that was when I had just started. Go ahead and compare the views between me and Buck now :lol: :dunce:


When did I say I thought I was great. Those are your words, not mine. I just said I could end the fighting by deleting trolls comments on my threads, and I could post videos that would bring traffic. I've already helped dispensaries get business through my videos, why not a website?
way to play it smooth...but boasting yourself and saying i should be a mod of a forum to me is basically saying the same thing, you get to be a mod here from respect, not asking for respect while having 10k posts in a year. to me real value of forums are the threads and posts that make that forum up, IMO someone who has been here for a year shouldnt have 10,000 posts, for expample, someone who has been here for 5 years and has 3,000 posts, i find theres more VALUE in their posts and threads than say someone thats been here a year with 10,000 posts, get what im saying? you shouldnt have threads that ask to be a mod, or ask me a question, thats not really contributing to the forum in any real way or of any real VALUE. you seem like a good person with, unfortuantley, alot to learn...thats just my 2 pieces, and they dont matter very much.


Well-Known Member
There should be one, and possibly even 2 sections for videos on this website.

1: A section for tutorials to be posted, both video and written. There is no place on the website DESIGNED to show you how to do anything. Just places about stuff, where people could post tutorials if they want to, but will eventually get drowned out by other stuff.

2: A section for random videos, funny and other-wise random. Like Vlogs, and documentaries and stuff, maybe even like grow journal compilations.

I also ask, but I understand if this idea is laughable because even I would laugh at it, that you make me a moderator of the random videos section, and maybe the tutorials as well. If I had the ability to delete trolls posts, and post my videos freely (videos that are ALL marijuana, or marijuana philosophy related), I think I could end about 50-75% of crazy arguing that goes on here on RIU.

Please consider. I will be growing, making hash, going to/and possibly working at dispensaries soon. And my friend that made my "SouthernBuds" website doesn't have it up for the time being. So I could help out this site (end arguments/trolling, direct clutter of videos to a new place, get traffic), while this site helps me (stop arguing with trolls, and get my videos out there for the world)

Thanks for your consideration, please let me know if you make a video section. PLEASE.

Thanks for your suggestions. We already have everything that you have asked about.

Our Do It Yourself Forum is for posting of step-by-step tutorials.

We have a Grow Journals section and a Grow Journals Forum.

We don't want to have a videos forum because we already have too many videos. There are other sites for posting videos, so why would we want to duplicate that?

We have enough Mods now, so thanks for offering.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for your suggestions. We already have everything that you have asked about.

Our Do It Yourself Forum is for posting of step-by-step tutorials.

We have a Grow Journals section and a Grow Journals Forum.

We don't want to have a videos forum because we already have too many videos. There are other sites for posting videos, so why would we want to duplicate that?

We have enough Mods now, so thanks for offering.


do it yourself is for tutorials for building grow room related things, i would like to see a section for tutorials too, not for building but growing and techniques.

as for videos... fuck videos, what we need is a BNL section :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your suggestions. We already have everything that you have asked about.

Our Do It Yourself Forum is for posting of step-by-step tutorials.

We have a Grow Journals section and a Grow Journals Forum.

We don't want to have a videos forum because we already have too many videos. There are other sites for posting videos, so why would we want to duplicate that?

We have enough Mods now, so thanks for offering.

I never said anything about making a grow journal section, and if you made a video section it would cut down on the number of video sin toke-n-talk and other threads, so that answers your question. And in my other thread I never asked a question, so when you sai "Maybe when you grow up you can answer you own question" that didn't really make sense.


Well-Known Member
I did not realize there was a tutorials section, so I will from now on be posting any tutorials there. But, I still believe there should be a video thread. And I think RIU should think about giving me the ability to clean up my own threads (basically delete Uncle Buck from my shit).

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
weird . . Fin asking for special privileges for his personal agenda. . . . self centered much . . UB is tame . . .compared to reality

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
you need special privileges so you can censor UB's words . . . . .weak sauce man . . . and pathetic . . .but keep it up, its fun to watch you beg

and RIU is not reality, not even with 100% transparency can this site , forum, community be considered reality . . .and it is sad that you think it is . . . real world is to real so you consider this reality . . .wow