Romney got tottally


Well-Known Member
I want to take advantage of romenys tax breaks on
-capital gains
-interest income
-estate taxes
-yacht purchases
-private jet leases

I believe these tax cuts will make a difference in your average middle class family <-------------------------------------Sarcasm

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
fuck you DA,cheese, the 85% of america that that applies to dont matter as much the 15% . . . i wonder whom has done better the last 40 -30 years top 15% or the other


Well-Known Member
Romney made Obama look like an amateur on economics watch the polls your going to see Romney continue to rise.


Well-Known Member
I can say that Romney had Obama on the defensive, but Obama put up a good fight. Great show.


Well-Known Member
Focus group of undecided voters on television,by a wide margin have said romney won debate and their vote..


Well-Known Member
Romney is figurativly eating his teeth and swallowing a lot of blood right now

Exit polling?

The 6 people that surrounded Romney after the debate was much smaller than the dozens who wanted to be around obama



Well-Known Member
While I have to acknowledge a much better debate from the President tonight than he had at the first debate, that wasn't a very high bar to beat. As I figured, any better showing than the first would automatically be trumpeted as a victory. I thought both were strong, it was a great debate and I think the format was interesting if not a tad bit skewed in the selection of questions. But, that was a forgone conclusion, it is after all, my wife's alma mater and Romney really got as fair a shake as humanly possible in that zip code.

I don't expect us to agree on the victor this time. The last debate was so one-sided that our liberal friends didn't really have a choice but to concede. I think both sides heard what they wanted said and I think both men projected a strong figurehead for their parties.

I was at a close friend's house, we were watching with his wife. There was boisterous agreement after Romney and jeers and comments before, during and after the President spoke, as I picture the opposite most likely happening at the homes of others on this forum.

The question of course is undecideds. Did either do so much better as to swing the masses? Again, who you ask will determine the answer. The OP would obviously say Obama did, plenty on here will probably say Romney crushed him. Despite agreeing with Romney's positions, I thought they were both strong and I don't see it being a game changer in either direction.

The Dems can take heart that Obama woke up and took it to Romney. He came back quickly with retorts and was far more prepared for this debate. While I obviously don't agree with many of the President's positions, he made it very clear he does have a deep ideology that drives him. As usual, I found him affable and likable.

The Repubs can take heart as well, Romney was unshakable and reenforced his stature as a contender for the Presidency. He made a strong showing towards dispelling the twisting of his words about not campaigning to 47% of the voters into not caring about those 47%. To those looking at him without the burden of partisan lenses, you can tell he really does care. I don't think that genuine concern is easy to fake, it's even harder to dispel once it is observed and I think the undecideds did indeed see it in Romney tonight. He had a great many other moments, but I could gush for hours.

I couldn't be happier as I believe Romney is up by about 7 points right now. I don't buy that 8-9% oversampling of Democrats based on 2008 turnout, to be anywhere near what this year's election turnout will be.