Hightimes Girls June Issue????

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Humbo, These girls were suposed to be the best of the best Stoner chicks. They will crown One Miss Hightimes. It's not just some random stoners we are talking about. I do enjoy the mag. I get it every single month.

Oh ya Humbo, or should I say Dr. Phill
I must have a problem then, I am concerned with looks of woman who are being judged for there sexyness. I'm gonna be strait with you humbo. That is the most Gay advice to ever give a man. Either your really in touch with your feminine side or your A chick your self. So, I suggest that you take back your two cents and and save it for a Pack of Tampons, then go buy the magizine and look at these girls before you go giving me Gay ass advice. Don't take this as in insult, It's only my two cents. IGG...
ha ha Fair enough.

It is remarkable how my 'offensive' opinion brought such an indignant response from you.

Anyways, as was stated above by fdd, he pointed out the fact that the magazines intent was to portray the most beautiful women who smoke. Which I happened to not know.

So maybe you should of read my response to that, before you went all willy nilly.

Unless you did then.............:confused:


New Member
Geezz buddy. :roll:
Humbo, These girls were suposed to be the best of the best Stoner chicks. They will crown One Miss Hightimes. It's not just some random stoners we are talking about. I do enjoy the mag. I get it every single month.

Oh ya Humbo, or should I say Dr. Phill
I must have a problem then, I am concerned with looks of woman who are being judged for there sexyness. I'm gonna be strait with you humbo. That is the most Gay advice to ever give a man. Either your really in touch with your feminine side or your A chick your self. So, I suggest that you take back your two cents and and save it for a Pack of Tampons, then go buy the magizine and look at these girls before you go giving me Gay ass advice. Don't take this as in insult, It's only my two cents. IGG...


Well-Known Member
ha ha Fair enough.

It is remarkable how my 'offensive' opinion brought such an indignant response from you.

Anyways, as was stated above by fdd, he pointed out the fact that the magazines intent was to portray the most beautiful women who smoke. Which I happened to not know.

So maybe you should of read my response to that, before you went all willy nilly.

Unless you did then.............:confused:
Oh, my friend I did read your response before posting. You shouldn't even be posting in this thread if you havent seen the photos.. Not only are posting about somthing you know nothing about, your telling me, I must have the problem then. You are mistaken HOMBO. You can't come in here using your big intellegent words like indigant, and expect people to take you serious. We are a bunch of pot smoking, chill out guys. This is forum about growing marijuana, not a Psychologist Couch. Chill with PsycoBable Bullshit. Don't attack people, certainly not me. You don't know me, you don't know my problems. so why don't you go call your shrink and let him know i hurt your fellings.

How convienient that the only one backing you up on this is a chick.. No offense lacy. I'm sure your much better kept then these skank hoes.............


Well-Known Member
Oh, my friend I did read your response before posting. You shouldn't even be posting in this thread if you havent seen the photos.. Not only are posting about somthing you know nothing about, your telling me, I must have the problem then. You are mistaken HOMBO. You can't come in here using your big intellegent words like indigant, and expect people to take you serious. We are a bunch of pot smoking, chill out guys. This is forum about growing marijuana, not a Psychologist Couch. Chill with PsycoBable Bullshit. Don't attack people, certainly not me. You don't know me, you don't know my problems. so why don't you go call your shrink and let him know i hurt your fellings.

How convienient that the only one backing you up on this is a chick.. No offense lacy. I'm sure your much better kept then these skank hoes.............

hahahaa psychobable bullshit? i like. lol i think ive heard that before but it cracks me up man


Well-Known Member
hahahaa psychobable bullshit? i like. lol i think ive heard that before but it cracks me up man

I think I got a bit carried away with that last post. But hey, what can you do...
I mean come on, He didn't even see the pictures and jumped right on in with his whole: oh, you must have a problem for judging these poor Skanky dirty whores.. It's like his wife was looking over his shoulder saying, Your gonna let him degrade woman like that honey. It's not a popularity contest or anything like that. My original question was " don't you think there are better looking pot head chicks out there?" I wasn't looking for any Life lessons and certainly didn't need his advice.. I mean Come on. Get off your High horse. Maybe he needs the Phycholigist....


Well-Known Member
Just another reason NOT to buy HT. I haven't seen this issue and won't unless I get a free back issue from the local head shop after they cut out the bar code. That's the only way I get it anymore. IMO it's not worth putting out money, Jorge's RX is the best thing, and it seems to be just reprints now...


Well-Known Member
Just another reason NOT to buy HT. I haven't seen this issue and won't unless I get a free back issue from the local head shop after they cut out the bar code. That's the only way I get it anymore. IMO it's not worth putting out money, Jorge's RX is the best thing, and it seems to be just reprints now...
personally i got way more help from this site than that magazine.but they do ocassionally have something interesting to read.

and the stoner chicks i know do not have bushes and are very clean


Well-Known Member
Well I'll read it if it's given to me, I just won't spend money on it. Rarely are the articles worth the cover price and what's with that Bobby Brown A-hole???


Green Thumb of God
haha funny this thread came out. I was reading this issue the other day and my wife looks over my shoulder when I happened to be on the girls page. I was way embarrassed to get caught not only checking out girls in a magazine but checking out trashy as shit looking girls.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
Ah, well this explains everything :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Indignant is a common word used by anyone with a grade school education. :confused::confused::confused:

But ah well.

My apologizes to anyone else that I inconvenienced by 'posting about something I know nothing about'


Oh, my friend I did read your response before posting. You shouldn't even be posting in this thread if you havent seen the photos.. Not only are posting about somthing you know nothing about, your telling me, I must have the problem then. You are mistaken HOMBO. You can't come in here using your big intellegent words like indigant, and expect people to take you serious. We are a bunch of pot smoking, chill out guys. This is forum about growing marijuana, not a Psychologist Couch. Chill with PsycoBable Bullshit. Don't attack people, certainly not me. You don't know me, you don't know my problems. so why don't you go call your shrink and let him know i hurt your fellings.

How convienient that the only one backing you up on this is a chick.. No offense lacy. I'm sure your much better kept then these skank hoes.............