Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It may be symbolic but if we allow our leaders to torture our enemies the next thing you know our President will be murdering citizens without due process. Can't wait for those trials.
Too late. Of course there is really no moral difference between murdering "citizens" or noncitizens is there ?


Well-Known Member
Too late. Of course there is really no moral difference between murdering "citizens" or noncitizens is there ?
not to me personally but I know my views are far from the mainstream. I am not a fan of borders and feel as an Earthling I should be able to go any where else on Earth I please as long as I respect others' property rights (rights in general really, golden rule).

Executing an American citizen without due process seems worse to me than murdering say, Bin Laden or Hussein, but no worse than the collateral murders of innocent villagers.


Well-Known Member
We live in a fascist nation. They are one in the same.

Anyone who has ever lived in a fascist nation will heartily disagree with you, I love how the smallest slights suffered in this country become inflated to "communist" or "Fascist" or how our paying taxes is "slavery". These things belittle the true horror of fascism and slavery.


Active Member
Governments have killed FAR more people than any terrorist organization. Hell, Hiroshima alone probably killed more than all terrorist attacks against Americans since the Revolution of 1776. War killed 200 million in the 20th century. That's 65000x as many as died on 9/11.

Anyone who has ever lived in a fascist nation will heartily disagree with you, I love how the smallest slights suffered in this country become inflated to "communist" or "Fascist" or how our paying taxes is "slavery". These things belittle the true horror of fascism and slavery.
The US imprisons more of its citizens than any other country in the world, and spends as much on its military as the rest of the world combined. Surveillance is ubiquitous (read about COINTELPRO, it's still going, just in a new form). Slave labor is used en masse in the prisons. Democracy is virtually dead as the wealthy and the corporations make all the decisions as to who gets elected and what bills pass. Without their backing nothing goes through.

Fascism is defined as a state where decisions are made undemocratically by corporate interests, and a repressive police state is used to suppress resistance... the US is fascist, though it takes a very different (and much more subtle) form than Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy.

Eisenhower and Franco were close. Franco was a fascist dictator in Spain who used his army (he was a general) to overthrow the democratically elected government and brutally repress resistance.

Churchill said:
“While all those formidable transformations were occurring in Europe, Corporal Hitler was fighting his long, wearing battle for the German heart. The story of that struggle cannot be read without admiration for the courage, the perseverance, and the vital force which enabled him to challenge, defy, conciliate, or overcome, all the authorities or resistance’s which barred his path. He, and the ever increasing legions who worked with him, certainly showed at this time, in their patriotic ardour and love of country, that there was nothing that they would not dare, no sacrifice of life, limb or liberty that they would not make themselves or inflict upon their opponents.”
Churchill said:
“I could not help being charmed, like so many other people have been, by Signor Mussolini’s gentle and simple bearing and by his calm, detached poise in spite of so many burdens and dangers. Secondly, anyone could see that he thought of nothing but the lasting good, as he understood it, of the Italian people, and that no lesser interest was of the slightest consequence to him. If I had been an Italian I am sure that I should have been whole-heartedly with you from the start to finish in your triumphant struggle against the bestial appetites and passions of Leninism. I will, however, say a word on an international aspect of fascism. Externally, your movement has rendered service to the whole world. The great fear which has always beset every democratic leader or a working class leader has been that of being undermined by someone more extreme than he. Italy has shown that there is a way of fighting the subversive forces which can rally the masses of the people, properly led, to value and wish to defend the honour and stability of civilised society. She has provided the necessary antidote to the Russian poison. Hereafter no great nation will be unprovided with an ultimate means of protection against the cancerous growth of Bolshevism.”
FDR regarding Mussolini said:
“I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman.”
Prescott Bush (GW Bush's grandfather) was a wealthy industrialist who helped fund the construction of Hitler's Nazi Germany.

It's all about the money... always...


Well-Known Member
Governments have killed FAR more people than any terrorist organization. Hell, Hiroshima alone probably killed more than all terrorist attacks against Americans since the Revolution of 1776.

We should remove from our government it's ability to take lives because they have taken more than our immediate enemy? Good plan.


Active Member
The government is the true enemy. It exists to suppress the class struggle. That's why it resorts to increasingly repressive tactics and undemocratic forms in times of economic turmoil, such as today. Its violence is a symptom of weakness, not strength.

The terrorists are scapegoats and insignificant. Really - we have to spend more than the rest of the world combined on the military to deal with some idiots with AK-47s and improvised bombs? All that needs to be done to defeat them is to modernize infrastructure and get the standard of living up to Western levels - they would be discredited instantly, seen as the Westboro Church is here. The US only spent something like $20-30 million on food aid in the first decade of the war in Afghanistan. They don't want the conflict to end, because then they would have to leave, and there's a major oil pipeline and over a trillion dollars worth of mineral resources there (lots of rare earth metals, which China currently has a completely monopoly on - they're critical for batteries, mobile electronics, hybrid cars, etc.).

You should be worrying more about junk food because it kills far more people than all the terrorists combined. In Great Britain alone, junk food kills 40,000 every year. Or how about the lack of universal healthcare in the US, which results in around 30,000 preventible deaths annually? It's interesting how there's trillions every year for dealing with terrorists that have killed an average of 300 Americans per year on American soil since 2000, when there's nothing when we're talking about health care.


Well-Known Member
The government is the true enemy. It exists to suppress the class struggle. That's why it resorts to increasingly repressive tactics and undemocratic forms in times of economic turmoil, such as today. Its violence is a symptom of weakness, not strength.

The terrorists are scapegoats and insignificant. You should be worrying more about junk food because it kills far more people than all the terrorists combined.

And who not only makes that junk food but drives campaigns to have us eat it? I submit that tobacco companies have killed far more than any government.


Well-Known Member
And who not only makes that junk food but drives campaigns to have us eat it? I submit that tobacco companies have killed far more than any government.
The tobacco companies don't make people smoke. People make their own dumb decision on that one.


Well-Known Member
The tobacco companies don't make people smoke. People make their own dumb decision on that one.

No, and they never did right? We all have absolute free will when it comes to highly addictive substances that corporations hawk to us when we are 14.


Well-Known Member
No, and they never did right? We all have absolute free will when it comes to highly addictive substances that corporations hawk to us when we are 14.
That's the age that I started at. Not because of the awesome magazine ads, though.
I started because I was an immature, idiot rebel.(like most)
When I got wiser, I quit.

Now, I know that in other countries they will give free smokes to kids to get them hooked.
Still....nobody is holding a gun to their head and telling them to smoke those cigs.


Well-Known Member
That's the age that I started at. Not because of the awesome magazine ads, though.
I started because I was an immature, idiot rebel.(like most)
When I got wiser, I quit.

Now, I know that in other countries they will give free smokes to kids to get them hooked.
Still....nobody is holding a gun to their head and telling them to smoke those cigs.

I always get a kick out of those who figure that force is that only motivator and that cohersion and inducement in the form of marketing never ever negates what we view as our choice. Companies don't spend billions on marketing and advertising because they don't work. We have this belief that we are impervious to those campaigns when in fact we do not. We are being observed and studied in order to discover what buttons to push in order to have us do as corporations would like us to do. Our understanding of ourselves as individuals is encouraged by those who would very much like us to believe that we purchase their products purely because we actually want to.

Nope, no one put a gun to their heads, why should they when they can have us actually imagine that purchasing their products was our own idea.


Well-Known Member
I always get a kick out of those who figure that force is that only motivator and that cohersion and inducement in the form of marketing never ever negates what we view as our choice. Companies don't spend billions on marketing and advertising because they don't work. We have this belief that we are impervious to those campaigns when in fact we do not. We are being observed and studied in order to discover what buttons to push in order to have us do as corporations would like us to do. Our understanding of ourselves as individuals is encouraged by those who would very much like us to believe that we purchase their products purely because we actually want to.

Nope, no one put a gun to their heads, why should they when they can have us actually imagine that purchasing their products was our own idea.
I agree with you that marketing is the biggest factor of purchasing and deciding wether to buy product A or B.
Maybe I'm in the minority when I say that seeing a girl in a bikini with some smoldering leaves in her mouth........doesn't make me want to smoke.
Neither does a picture of a camel with a dick for a nose.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you that marketing is the biggest factor of purchasing and deciding wether to buy product A or B.
Maybe I'm in the minority when I say that seeing a girl in a bikini with some smoldering leaves in her mouth........doesn't make me want to smoke.
Neither does a picture of a camel with a dick for a nose.

People presume that if a particular marketing campaign doesn't affect them that it won't affect anyone. Millions took up smoking in the 50's and 60's. I supported law suits against tobacco companies from people who weren't aware that smoking was harmful (so many now think that we always knew that, but tobacco companies obscured the truth even when they knew it themselves). I no longer do, about everyone who took up the habit and is still alive knew the dangers. Interestingly it was government that had that happen.


Well-Known Member
I would have to do the numbers but I recall as many as 5 million a year world wide.
Gee, I thought people smoking killed themselves...

So we really can sue McDonalds for making people fat?

Guns really do kill people, it's not the persons fault who pulled the trigger?

I was wondering when self accountability would be completely tossed out the window in this country, I know we've been trying for years. But seeing how we are such weak minded beings that we can't control ourselvs from staring at "smart boxes" all day long that tell us what to do, and in their infinite wisdom and power of deception we are helpless in simply walking about of the grocery store without purchasing a cancer stick, and dammit thats why those evil tobacco companies must pay because it isn't anyone fault but them.

If you can't take a drag off a cig, cough your brains out and realize that the 2nd drag is not a good idea, then whatever happens to you from there on out is your own damn faul, no eduaction is reaquire, this is a natuarl bodily reaction, only people who want to smoke keep smoking, and shortly after they become addicted. Cigs don't addict on the first drag, you gotta keep going and again, no ones' fault but the user.

Maybe if people would turn the tvand the like off, they wouldn't be forced to buy anything lol.


Well-Known Member
I should tell all the people who come to my shop to get their windows re-tinted legally to just send the ticket and tint bill to the car manufacturers, cuz have you seen their commercials?! OMG, they take a brand new car, black out all the windows, and then have some stunt driver hauling ass on public roads showing you how cool you can be with that new car. Fuck, send in the speeding tickets as well, thats their fault too cuz they tricked us with their advertising!!!

People can't help themselves because they are too stupid, so we just gotta sue the shit out of all these companies that kept giving people what they wanted, cuz tobacco was just invented in the 50's and 60's right?