The Getting Back/In Shape Thread


Well-Known Member
Is that an excerise or just purely a test?

I need some good exercises that require no equipment since all I have is two 20 lb dumbells lol.
my two personal fav's to do with just body weight are

5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats do that all in a row an that counts as one rep. see how many reps you can do in 20 minutes. or do the same thing, but instead of 20 minutes do them every minute on the minute for 30 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Us guys are highly predisposed at storing our fat in that area. Have you had a recent blood done to check your hormone levels? Sometimes our limiting factor is our hormones and how our organs function.
nah havent had that, but i dont feel as if my hormone levels are off. i think it just mainly has to do with i dont really target that area as much as i do the rest of my body. i need too tho my fridays are usually suppose to be oblique work, but i usually just do abs again lol


Active Member
I'm a lil later to the tread but iv been off and on with weight watchers and that shit is great!!! I started at 270 now I'm at about 210-215 just cuz I kinda feel off track with work but u fallow the system right u can lose a bit of wieght pretty fast and not in a unhealthy way! Took me about 3 months with out working out to drop wieght now just have a bit of toning todo and will be site just have to start!


Well-Known Member
then its all about nutrition man.... you gotta get that in check in order to reap the 6pack.

limit processed foods and processed carbohydrates, just get your carbs from fruits and veggies.

what type of conditioning are you doing for yourself?

nah havent had that, but i dont feel as if my hormone levels are off. i think it just mainly has to do with i dont really target that area as much as i do the rest of my body. i need too tho my fridays are usually suppose to be oblique work, but i usually just do abs again lol


Well-Known Member
Just got on the floor and busted out 39 pushups in a minute.. LOL. I'm gonna work on that and report every couple of days. I'll do the wall sitting test in a little while.


Well-Known Member
Cool, well its always good to have goals. If not, u are just going at it blindly.

If you need any help man, let me know

Ummmm IDK.. I just figure it's probably a good thing to get some muscle going ha.

I'd like to be able to do 60 pushups in a minute. That's about it.


Well-Known Member
Sweet thread........I am constantly working's good idea to switch workout routines to keep it right before and after every workout!...and for those in need of motivation don't tell yourself I have to work out tomorrow.......don't think about it just do it now!! My workout right now is funk burpees 3x's a week and run 5 miles nonstop 2x's a week.....and bike when the weather is cool enough.....anybody intersted in funk burpees check out the vid.....awesome workout but not for a beginner......



Well-Known Member
then its all about nutrition man.... you gotta get that in check in order to reap the 6pack.

limit processed foods and processed carbohydrates, just get your carbs from fruits and veggies.

what type of conditioning are you doing for yourself?
my diet isnt bad i stick to certain foods ill eat. chicken, tuna, turkey, egg whites, grits, rice, weight gain shakes, whole milk, peanut butter is what my diet mainly revolves around along with random dinners like salmon or rice an some sort of meat. i dont eat any kinda candy or drink any sugary juices or soft drinks. mainly water an milk. i figure the two most fattenin things i eat are the pb an the milk, but thats more good fat than bad.

i think its more of i dont do enough to lose that last little fat. i mainly use my weight liftin as a cal burner cause i dont take long rests between sets an i do a diff workout each set. i try an run a few times a week an i do atleast one crossfit workout a week. i know i could do more cardio wise i just hate runnin.


Well-Known Member
I haven't read the entire thread, but I'll chime in.

Regular exercise is hugely important, and it doesn't matter what you do, as long as your heart rate/breathing is accelerated for 20 or more minutes, and you do it regularly. Regularly means 4 or more times a week.

You should do that just because it's good for you, not necessarily to just lose weight. It helps in many ways, and you will feel much better.

If you're looking for a protein source, you should be eating hemp nuts. I make hemp milk almost daily, and drink it mixed with some fruits/berries, etc. It's the best source of protein, and the protein is the most easily assimilated protein for our body.

The hemp nut also provides excellent fatty acids. It is the best source of Omega 3, 6, and 9, and it has the best 6 to 3 ratio of any vegetable source.

So hemp nuts are an amazing food, excellent protein and outstanding Omega profile.



Well-Known Member
thats some good information riu...

i will be doing some more research on the subject.


I haven't read the entire thread, but I'll chime in.

Regular exercise is hugely important, and it doesn't matter what you do, as long as your heart rate/breathing is accelerated for 20 or more minutes, and you do it regularly. Regularly means 4 or more times a week.

You should do that just because it's good for you, not necessarily to just lose weight. It helps in many ways, and you will feel much better.

If you're looking for a protein source, you should be eating hemp nuts. I make hemp milk almost daily, and drink it mixed with some fruits/berries, etc. It's the best source of protein, and the protein is the most easily assimilated protein for our body.

The hemp nut also provides excellent fatty acids. It is the best source of Omega 3, 6, and 9, and it has the best 6 to 3 ratio of any vegetable source.

So hemp nuts are an amazing food, excellent protein and outstanding Omega profile.



Well-Known Member
do you know your body fat percent?

you may be eating a little bit more then what you are supposed to if you are struggling to get that last piece off and are training consistently.

if you need any help, let me know

my diet isnt bad i stick to certain foods ill eat. chicken, tuna, turkey, egg whites, grits, rice, weight gain shakes, whole milk, peanut butter is what my diet mainly revolves around along with random dinners like salmon or rice an some sort of meat. i dont eat any kinda candy or drink any sugary juices or soft drinks. mainly water an milk. i figure the two most fattenin things i eat are the pb an the milk, but thats more good fat than bad.

i think its more of i dont do enough to lose that last little fat. i mainly use my weight liftin as a cal burner cause i dont take long rests between sets an i do a diff workout each set. i try an run a few times a week an i do atleast one crossfit workout a week. i know i could do more cardio wise i just hate runnin.


Well-Known Member
Another 30 miles on the bike today then swam some laps

Torn meniscus in my left knee is really starting to hurt...might have to get that scoped sometime in the future. I've been holding out on that for too long


Active Member
Another 30 miles on the bike today then swam some laps

Torn meniscus in my left knee is really starting to hurt...might have to get that scoped sometime in the future. I've been holding out on that for too long
with that torn meniscus i would stop hitting the bike and more swimming. definitely do not run.

did my 10 mile run today, IT band is getting better but still nagging. i might need to change these shoes out, they have over 300 miles on them.

keep up the good work all. remember its going to take time to get all that fat down, after all it took years to put it on...stay positive and focused.