GDP "lazy Scrog"


Well-Known Member
So, I had a GDP mother and about 4'x2' of unused growing area. So, I built a frame and stretched her out. Not sure what to call it, so the "lazy Scrog" seems adequate.

This is what I started with.
1 GDP before.jpg

And after I bent her over.
GDP after.jpg

A couple of days later, I decided mylar underneath wouldn't hurt.
GDP mylar.jpg

Then, I let i veg and adjust for a few days, did 36 hours of dark, then into 12/12. This is at day 13 of 12/12
GDP Day 13 scrog.jpg

And onto yesterday's pics at day 19 of 12/12.
GDP scrog bud D19.jpg
GDP scrog cola D19.jpg
GDP scrog day 19.jpg

So far, so good; at least in my opinion.


Active Member
That's very impressive if u ask me. I hoping my plants at least gets some hues of purple. Your gdp lookings amazing. Can't wait to see moe picutres


Well-Known Member
Had a powdery mildew explosion that I wanted to deal with before this update. So far, it seems to be gone. The Sierra Natural Sciences PM spray is a beast, 2 applications and no more PM to be found. It's a bit harsh though, burned some leaves. I may have done it too close to lights on though.

Well, on to the pics:
The canopy shot.
Day 26 canopy.jpg

Side shot (With ful size bic for perspective)
Day 26 side.jpg

Close up of one of the tops. Not too bad for the stock macro setting on my cam.
Day 26 close-up.jpg

One of the many colas, this ones about the median.
Day 26 cola.jpg

Well, that's it for now. Feedback is appreciated, as always.


Active Member
Nice looking canopy marine!

I have a lighting set up that looks a lot like what your flowering with, I only use it in veg now, the flowers I grew under it where stoney but just to small for my tastes.

Sorry to hear about the p.m that stuff is no fun, Sierra Natural?.. cool, Is it natural? I've used organic seranade before but the p.m returned and I noticed it burned some of my flowers turning the hairs brown, I picked up some eagle20 and haven't seen it since.

If you don't mind I'm going to pull up a chair and watch.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking canopy marine!

I have a lighting set up that looks a lot like what your flowering with, I only use it in veg now, the flowers I grew under it where stoney but just to small for my tastes.

Sorry to hear about the p.m that stuff is no fun, Sierra Natural?.. cool, Is it natural? I've used organic seranade before but the p.m returned and I noticed it burned some of my flowers turning the hairs brown, I picked up some eagle20 and haven't seen it since.

If you don't mind I'm going to pull up a chair and watch.
It's rosemary oil and something else (also an oil.). When the lights come back on tomorrow I'll check. If I forget, remind me. So far the PM has stayed gone, but I've kept the humidity below 30% to be safe. It did toast some of my hairs a bit, but it hasn't slowed the growth. Feel free to stick around, a fellow cali grower is always welcome. :D


Well-Known Member
Well, it seemed time for another update. Things are going well, not really any complaints. Well, unless you count having to secure some of the more to heavy spots. lol

First, a picture of the overhead.
Day 36 gdp top.jpg

One of the tops, with a full size bic for scale.
Day 36 gdp cola.jpg

And a few other shots I took, but am too lazy to label.
Day 36 GDP bud1.jpgDay 36 GDP bud2.jpgDay 36 GDP bud3.jpgDay 36 GDP overhead.jpgDay 36 GDP side.jpg

Hope everyone's having as good a day as me. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks to both of you. GDP is a really easy plant to grow. Sadly, I haven't gotten it cold enough to purple, maybe next time i grow it. That's a badass picture by the way, undercurrent.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to both of you. GDP is a really easy plant to grow. Sadly, I haven't gotten it cold enough to purple, maybe next time i grow it. That's a badass picture by the way, undercurrent.
Hmm that explains why my friend's gdp is only purple during the winter.