Aussie Growers Thread

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
Good weather to sit at home smoking bills infront of the fire place..

If i could smoke bills... Still on the joints. And def no buckets yet .....


New Member
guess i've come to the right place :D btw, i fully understand the trust factor involved and happy to take first steps in opening up - would appreciate if you name me to them though, then they can decide if they want to contact. i'm a computer dude, developer for day job and hobby side business building computers and networks (just starting out) and really into my games (never too old) so mellowers who're also into their computers would probably make best friends :D

cheers dudes


Well-Known Member
guess i've come to the right place :D btw, i fully understand the trust factor involved and happy to take first steps in opening up - would appreciate if you name me to them though, then they can decide if they want to contact. i'm a computer dude, developer for day job and hobby side business building computers and networks (just starting out) and really into my games (never too old) so mellowers who're also into their computers would probably make best friends :D

cheers dudes
Your more than welcome to shoot me a pm dood always up for talking about the the cannabine!


Well-Known Member
metho get rid of the smell? been on the aldi napisan shit for yonks works a treat needs a good flush out and shake tho!

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
I use the orange oil cleaner down the cleaning section (little tiny orange bottle)....few drops of that and some hot water and it gets rid of everything. Cheap as well, only like $6 and lasts me months.
