The Weed Nerd~

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Matt Rize

To Sub or any of the mods who test their strains: How do you choose a specimen to be lab tested? Do you test the best looking dank ones? Or the ok looking ones to see how they test and if they test high, have the better looking ones tested to see if its a match?
First I sample the phenos, then I pick my fave, then I have it tested. The actual affects are what really matter, the numbers are just for the sake of data and looking for rare chemotypes.


Well-Known Member
Weed nerd #29 was another great show. Just noticed Attitude is out of stock of 11 of your strains:leaf:
Hope they get some Spacedawg soonish;-), been looking daily now.


Well-Known Member
Ok i'm going to try and put together a step by step tutorial on how to log into Mirc for windsows, to get to the weed nerd room. Here Goes....

Step 1. Download and install Mirc, just google it and you'll find the download for it. After its installed, open it up. You should get this pop up first 1.jpg just click continue

Step 2. The next pop up you should get is this 3.jpg Make a nickname and choose an alternate in case your first choice is taken already. Then on the left hand side, expand connect if it isn't already done, choose servers.

Step 3. 2.jpg In the centre box, scroll down and search for the folder "Undernet" once you find it, click on it so it opens up. Then click on a server, i chose "random US server". Once its highlighted, click select on the right hand side. That will take you back to this 3.jpg just hit connect which will take you to this screen. 4.jpg It might take a few minutes to connect, so you might see a few "server timed out", "trying to reconnect" just wait it out, it'll connect eventually. Also it might,(this had happend to me twice but none after that) say something to the effect of "type //host pass 1234" just type whatever it tells you to hit enter and you'll connect.

Step 4. Once it connects you'll get a pop up like this 5.jpg . At the top where it says enter a channel name type in theweednerd like this 6.jpg and then press join.

Viola your in and chatting now 7.jpg. Make sure you introduce yourself to everyone that there. Enjoy!!!


Well-Known Member
First I sample the phenos, then I pick my fave, then I have it tested. The actual affects are what really matter, the numbers are just for the sake of data and looking for rare chemotypes.
Thank you Matt rize. Big fan of your veganics work!!!!


Well-Known Member
just watched episode #29. sub; your in the news portion you hit a topic right on the head. your rational about driving was on the spot. my question is:What is the rational of people against legalization of weed? If your against legalization of weed; Why? Everyone I've ever talked with that is against legalization brings up: "we don't want people driving around stoned. Well Sub you covered that great. another point they bring up is weed causes crime increases. Well if someone robs you; high or not; put them in jail. A crime is a crime. I mean if you do something to endanger someone or cause someone harm; you should be prosicuted (sorry spelling). But If I choose to get high in my own home, and am a responsible adult, why should i go to jail. back in the 70's ; We thought it was our parents generation who was responsible for not legalizing pot, but that was over 30 years ago and it seems like we've made no progress. Someone tell me why is weed illegal?


Well-Known Member
Illegal because of all the big company's who would have been in direct competition with the hemp industry way back when had more money and greed than the hemp industry and screwed our country over.


Sup guys, thought I'd pop over and say High to you all. TWN#29 was a great show today - music was spot on for a morning watch too. Missing that west coast.

First I sample the phenos, then I pick my fave, then I have it tested. The actual affects are what really matter, the numbers are just for the sake of data and looking for rare chemotypes.
Its rare you come on a forum and see this kind of sensibleness as the first thing :) Its all about what it does to your body.


Well-Known Member
Illegal because of all the big company's who would have been in direct competition with the hemp industry way back when had more money and greed than the hemp industry and screwed our country over.

old arguement. the tobacco industry has also taken a big hit resently.​


Well-Known Member
The main reason its illegal is because the big Med companies can not synthesize it no matter how they try. In this case they can't do better then nature in this. Second the government believes there is more money in keeping it illegal then legalization. Its all about money folks they could give a shit if if helps or not.

Matt Rize

Sup guys, thought I'd pop over and say High to you all. TWN#29 was a great show today - music was spot on for a morning watch too. Missing that west coast.
Its rare you come on a forum and see this kind of sensibleness as the first thing :) Its all about what it does to your body.
Welcome to rollitup CureUK :mrgreen: We are honored to have such a prolific activist here with us.!/cannabiscureuk



Well-Known Member
just watched episode #29. sub; your in the news portion you hit a topic right on the head. your rational about driving was on the spot. my question is:What is the rational of people against legalization of weed? If your against legalization of weed; Why? Everyone I've ever talked with that is against legalization brings up: "we don't want people driving around stoned. Well Sub you covered that great. another point they bring up is weed causes crime increases. Well if someone robs you; high or not; put them in jail. A crime is a crime. I mean if you do something to endanger someone or cause someone harm; you should be prosicuted (sorry spelling). But If I choose to get high in my own home, and am a responsible adult, why should i go to jail. back in the 70's ; We thought it was our parents generation who was responsible for not legalizing pot, but that was over 30 years ago and it seems like we've made no progress. Someone tell me why is weed illegal?
As far as that goes, I would like to know my level when I am not high and when I am high. Driving around in the pacific northwest is different than up in the woods of hick country. I think it is a safe bet to say every one that watches the weed nerd is a heavy smoker. Well what it my level in the morning before I wake and bake? What do they want the limit to be? I think being over the limit after two beers is bullshit and I am willing to bet if they put a certain level on THC many of us will have to quit smoking for atleast a few days to make it to the hydro store. lol.
I am old school too. Back in the day I could be drunk as hell and drive, now stoned - no problem, even real toasted. But if my ass tries to text the most basic shit, I am dangerous and dropping my iphone...


Well-Known Member
hey sub, i hear ya with the purps, i grew some purple mr. nice and was so purple people went wow!!! when they saw it. but i let it go because the high is just not there. 10 on the bag appeal, but 6.5 on potency/long lasting high. i was gonna cross it with my next TGA male i got, but killed due to root aphids.


Well-Known Member
Sub's point was it doesn't matter what you're thc is if you're not driving crazy to get pulled over. That only falls short in two areas in CA -- First, CA has legal sobriety checkpoints that have been upheld by the court. Second, sure for those of us white folks who don't look like superstoners it's ok -- but you know dickhead cops will either profile people for a) looking like stoners or b) being of another race and use the law to give those people shit even if they were driving soberly. I personally think alcohol, weed or any other substance should have zero to do with a blood level and be completely based on field sobriety testing. I know when I go out I am going to test hot for thc probably over whatever limit there is -- I also know I could pass any field sobriety test as well as if I hadn't smoked unless I'm crazy tore up, in which case I shouldn't be driving. If someone's had two beers and they can pass a field sobriety test what do I care? They could easily come out with a machine to do field reaction speed tests.

just watched episode #29. sub; your in the news portion you hit a topic right on the head. your rational about driving was on the spot. my question is:What is the rational of people against legalization of weed? If your against legalization of weed; Why? Everyone I've ever talked with that is against legalization brings up: "we don't want people driving around stoned. Well Sub you covered that great. another point they bring up is weed causes crime increases. Well if someone robs you; high or not; put them in jail. A crime is a crime. I mean if you do something to endanger someone or cause someone harm; you should be prosicuted (sorry spelling). But If I choose to get high in my own home, and am a responsible adult, why should i go to jail. back in the 70's ; We thought it was our parents generation who was responsible for not legalizing pot, but that was over 30 years ago and it seems like we've made no progress. Someone tell me why is weed illegal?
As far as that goes, I would like to know my level when I am not high and when I am high. Driving around in the pacific northwest is different than up in the woods of hick country. I think it is a safe bet to say every one that watches the weed nerd is a heavy smoker. Well what it my level in the morning before I wake and bake? What do they want the limit to be? I think being over the limit after two beers is bullshit and I am willing to bet if they put a certain level on THC many of us will have to quit smoking for atleast a few days to make it to the hydro store. lol.
I am old school too. Back in the day I could be drunk as hell and drive, now stoned - no problem, even real toasted. But if my ass tries to text the most basic shit, I am dangerous and dropping my iphone...


Active Member
Sub's point was it doesn't matter what you're thc is if you're not driving crazy to get pulled over. That only falls short in two areas in CA -- First, CA has legal sobriety checkpoints that have been upheld by the court. Second, sure for those of us white folks who don't look like superstoners it's ok -- but you know dickhead cops will either profile people for a) looking like stoners or b) being of another race and use the law to give those people shit even if they were driving soberly. I personally think alcohol, weed or any other substance should have zero to do with a blood level and be completely based on field sobriety testing. I know when I go out I am going to test hot for thc probably over whatever limit there is -- I also know I could pass any field sobriety test as well as if I hadn't smoked unless I'm crazy tore up, in which case I shouldn't be driving. If someone's had two beers and they can pass a field sobriety test what do I care? They could easily come out with a machine to do field reaction speed tests.
Haha, I have never passed a field sobrity test in my life, i never got busted , but wasn't always fucked up, I cant pass a sobetiy test sober, but i bet i can out drive most people when i am high
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