The Economy is fine, Just buy Herman Cain's New Book


New Member

In 2007 Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve HERMAN CAIN said "The economy is just fine, there is no housing bubble"

in 2011 he said

"If your not rich its your fault"


Well-Known Member
he has called 81% of americans "brainwashed", made bigoted statements about muslims that fly in the face of the constitution, and has recently said "if you don't have a job and are not rich, blame yourself" in regards to the occupy wall street protests.

i can't WAIT to see how those messages play on the campaign trail.


Well-Known Member
Santorum has a equal chance to be nominated as Cain, which is about zero.
cain has been picking up steam lately.

too bad he doesn't realize that the 9.1% receiving unemployment had to lose their jobs through no fault of their own. he is a dumb shit, that cain.


Well-Known Member
cain has been picking up steam lately.

too bad he doesn't realize that the 9.1% receiving unemployment had to lose their jobs through no fault of their own. he is a dumb shit, that cain.
I like how you worded that Unemployment figure. Politically correct and deceiving.


Well-Known Member
I like how you worded that Unemployment figure. Politically correct and deceiving.
how so?

to collect unemployment, you have to lose your job through no fault of your own. if you are among the greater group of discouraged workers and have fallen off unemployment after 2+ years, you may want to blame yourself at that point.

there is the exception of 'hostile employers'. i just found out the company i used to work for has been classified as such. what this means is that if you get fired for any reason (including playing your dick like a banjo in the middle of the call center), they do not deny unemployment.


Well-Known Member
So, some obnoxious dick-wad with a camera and a whiny voice interrupts Cain's book signing. What else is new? :roll:
a potential voter/constituent asks a presidential candidate an important and relevant question during a campaign stop and this is a problem?

"this is a book signing" says cain. or, in other words, "you have me dead to rights. i am an idiot and have no idea how to answer that very good question. allow me to speak with my advisors to formulate a reply. then i'll call everyone brainwashed".


Well-Known Member
herman cain, newt gingrich, michelle bachmann, rick santorum and rick perry all have one thing in common.

they are only running to generate publicity, viewership, or to sell books.

only romney, huntsman, paul, and gary johnson are there to actually do anything besides that.

fuck 'em all.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
a potential voter/constituent asks a presidential candidate an important and relevant question during a campaign stop and this is a problem?

"this is a book signing" says cain. or, in other words, "you have me dead to rights. i am an idiot and have no idea how to answer that very good question. allow me to speak with my advisors to formulate a reply. then i'll call everyone brainwashed".
Have you ever been to a book signing, Uncle Buckie? Sometimes the line goes around the block. Everyone wants their book autographed and everyone wants to take up five minutes of the author's time. The author has a choice; either keep signing books so everyone gets one, or sit there and go into detail trying to answer every question asked by every dick-wad. And by the way, did you notice, the dick-wad in question in this video didn't have a book in his hand? :lol:



New Member
Have you ever been to a book signing, Uncle Buckie? Sometimes the line goes around the block. Everyone wants their book autographed and everyone wants to take up five minutes of the author's time. The author has a choice; either keep signing books so everyone gets one, or sit there and go into detail trying to answer every question asked by every dick-wad. And by the way, did you notice, the dick-wad in question in this video didn't have a book in his hand? :lol:

So we can Expect that Herman Cain will grant access in exchange for Money?


Well-Known Member
Herman Cain couldnt even keep a pizza joint from going bankrupt when there was 10x less competition than there is now.