Help please.....i need expert advice

Hey all, i am starting an apartment grow under my 26 inch tall bed and im using homegrown lowryder seeds that i ordered from sensible seeds and as far as lighting im unsure if i can get that main colla of bud im lookin for. I have two 17 watt 2700k walmart flourescent grow lights and a 65 watt 6500k cfl. I plan on using smaller pots since i obviously dont want my plant to grow to over 16 inches. Im open to any advice, questions, comments and rude remarks ;-)


Well-Known Member
Use long fluorescent bulbs that you can screw under your bed. 7$ at walmart per 2 feet bulb, fixture, and screws. If you got two to, hell, up to 10 of those, you would be golden. Keep them on 24 hours. With your plants, top them at the third node when they are small, and grow them around the container using LST (low stress training) by tie'ing the ends of branches down to the container its in. For a container, try to use longs square or rectangle box and transplant into it. Don't start the seed it in.


Active Member
I'm no expert but that's not much light tbh. How many plants is that for? I use 210watts of CFL for 4 small plants and I think I need more light.

Also if you want to keep them really small then try 12/12 from seed, reduces time to harvest and plant size. Of course it means less bud in the end but you can get good results I promise.

What have you got in the way of ventilation? Remember you have to sleep here and fans are noisey (another good thing about 12/12 no night time noise).


Well-Known Member
He has autoflowering plants. Why keep them 12/12? And if he had 10 2ft bulbs, that is more than enough light for under your bed.


Active Member
You should have no trouble training the plants to stay low. I believe LowRyder is naturally bushy.

But like others said, you need more light.

I haven't flowered with CFLs but my guess is that you'd be lucky to get much over 1/4oz with that wattage.


Well-Known Member
Each 2ft bulb is 75w. Technically, having 10 is 750ws, but it does not produce nearly as much lumens as a 600w hps or mh light. Throw up some pictures and lets see a better idea of what your space is.
expense is a large issue keep in mind. im only doin one maximum two plants at a time so smell hopefully isnt an issue. and also why should i transplant them? it just seems like a risk


u need to get some kind of tray that is the size of your bed for ez access pull it in and out, also ezer to clean if a spill happends and harder for bugs to get to your plant. also try using some sort of bug repelant power around your room that is human and evironmental friendly. start before they show up. also get white bristal board from like the dollar store if you have a dollar store where you live. and use it as reflection for the light. titanic white is the best for reflecting light besides high end light reflectors. line the bristal board above your lights then mount ur lights on top of the white board. and the walls under your bed/room too. make sure you got vets air in air out or will be waste of time!

kbo ca

Active Member
How do you plan to keep those plants under 26 inches? You have to subtract whatever space your light fixture will take up, and your container size. Maybe you should think about raising your bed up to a height that is possible to grow under, before lighting becomes the topic of discussion.


How do you plan to keep those plants under 26 inches? You have to subtract whatever space your light fixture will take up, and your container size. Maybe you should think about raising your bed up to a height that is possible to grow under, before lighting becomes the topic of discussion.
yah for sure. u also gotta lift ur bed up 2-3 feet of the ground no matter what seeds u got and how high the plant should grow kbo ca is right!
idk yeild isnt my largest concern i just want to have some free smoke and enjoy the hobby smaller pot= smaller plant so wouldnt that be an appropriate height especially since the plant only grows to be 12-16 inches tall? i think i got it and im goin for it lol


New Member
Put something under the plant to get it off the ground. You want it rite next to the light. as close as possible. This will keep it from stretching out. If you want one cola don't top the plant.