KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself


Well-Known Member
I already have all that the whole side stays open all day, I arranged the plants better so as much as the buds are underneath the light as can be and the fan has been in there the whole time :)
I have had 2 ocilating fans in there actually a little one and the big one lol and I have had the vent system the whole time, I was just now able to get a guy to help me put it up hahahaha.......


Well-Known Member
One of the absolute best forms of pest control in your indoor room is a bug zapper. Get two of em, one low on the ground the other up high. I know a guy who bug bombed his plants and room b/c the gnats were so bad. I had the same gnats(from him) and used a bug zapper and everything was fine.
Thanks I have not had anymore problem really :)


Well-Known Member
Now that the venting is set-up the fresh air has been able to move better cause all that hot air is not in there!!!!

Edit: I did however change the light sched from 1pm-on to 1am off to
6:30am on to 6:30pm off and it has been that way for about a week or so and I think this will help with the heat in the tent too!!!!


Well-Known Member
It's called diffused reflection i believe.. point being it is still not direct light..


peace :leaf:

he is not talking about Refracted light which is what the Mylar reflector does. he is talking about Diffused light, which is something else entirely

http://www.ehow.com/about_4614878_what-light-diffusion.html Light Difusion: making it pass THROUGH an object.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refraction Refraction: Making light bounce OFF an object.

Light is a Vibration. when it passes through or bounces off of something the vibration of that energy is changed. when it passes through certain materials it has 99% transmition, but if it bounces off of an object it loses a minimum of 20% of its energy, due to the loss in speed.

the light is KONA's tent is Refracting off of the walls. which is 20-40% less efficient. thus her plants need to be in direct light for it to be efficient.

P.S: that is still a very interesting article.... thanks for bringing it to my attention :D


Well-Known Member
Oh damn the cheese is kicking. Is she putting out alot of resin yet? I swear LA cheese puts out some of the most stickiest resin ever, with a heavy cheese sweet smell.
I have macro shots of my La Cheese in my journal, you should peep it out sometime.

Thanks alot for posting them:weed:


Well-Known Member
I already have all that the whole side stays open all day, I arranged the plants better so as much as the buds are underneath the light as can be and the fan has been in there the whole time :)
I have had 2 ocilating fans in there actually a little one and the big one lol and I have had the vent system the whole time, I was just now able to get a guy to help me put it up hahahaha.......
:D the streching is probably from the heat build up before you got the exhaust in there. i wish i wasn't banished from the States or i would goto Hawaii and help you out ;) its actualy prighty cheap now-a-days to go leaving from canada..... its just the fact that your government doesn't like anarchists...........


Well-Known Member
gotta put AC girl, unless you live up the mountain. that is the one thing i learned that i truely didn't understand about indo. nice tho, have fun smoking it up, i have some coming in too that i am most ready to taste about the same time. take care, aloha!


Well-Known Member
Everything is going great, the venting system is doing awesome and if I were to put a/c on them then they would def be way cold :) Our temps never get over 84*F here in this part of Hawaii, and the tent is always open when the light is on with 2 fans and vent running (now), plus I did cut a test branch off and let it dry properly, then took it down to the beach to share with some certain people that are heavy and old time smokers they were I guess blown away with the taste and smell!!


Active Member
Very nice grow. I am growing 6 Bubba Kush girls under a 600 watt and wondered if that was enough light. Looks like it works great for you! =) +rep


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys I already havested one HH and it is fucking amazing!!! Now this is not just me judging it, it is some of the boys down on the beach across the street, one said he couldn't even smoke it lol it was killer hahaha!!! It is super, super fruity tasting and smelling like it leaves a smell on your hands that you keep smelling for a while later they have named the scent after me already hehehehe!!! I have tried to tell them the smell is gonna get even better after I cure it properly and there have been some older head that have been like wow you know your shit and I am like well I am kinda new to it, but I read and talk to a lot of people online about it lol. They were very impressed and I listened to them tell me stories of thier adventures so it was really fucking awesome :) I was already popular down there and around the area since I have been here for 4 months now, but now it's like they all wanna talk to me!! OMG hahahaha this is the life!!!!! Beach, sun, surf, pakalolo!!! What more could a girl ask for :) pakalolo = hawaiian word for marijuana


Well-Known Member
hey kona how you doin sweet thing...

good to hear your harvesting is going well and spreading the love with others is always a good feeling... nothing like old stoners and their great stories... good shit...

i took this pic earlier, one of my OG Kush plants outside has all these lovely pink hairs coming in... check it out
hope all is well :) mahalo
:leaf::leaf::leaf: -mr.bond :leaf::leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone sorry long time no type ;) Gonna be harvesting the WW later today will post pics she will be one day shy of 9 weeks, but ready to harvest and smoke for sure!!!!!!