My 1st "Paradise Seeds" Wappa Grow!


Well everything seems to be coming along well... I replanted my babies on Day 23 so this is pics of them 2 days later...

Cleopatra (Day 25)
Cleopatra  (Day 25).jpg

Cleopatra (Top View Day 25)
Cleopatra  (Top View Day 25).jpg

Cleopatra (Inside View Day 25)
Cleopatra  (Inside View Day 25).jpg

Nefertiti (Day 25)
Nefertiti  (Day 25).jpg

Nefertiti (Top View Day 25)
Nefertiti  (Top View Day 25).jpg

Nefertiti (Inside View Day 25)
Nefertiti  (Inside View Day 25).jpg

Uma (Top View Day 25)
Uma (Top View Day 25).jpg

Uma (Inside View Day 25)
Uma (Inside View Day 25).jpg

May top Cleopatra and Nefertiti again by the end of the week. As usual I will post updated pics on Friday! See ya then!:joint:
Wow dude, things are looking great, my grow is about a week behind yours, I hope my girls are that big next high do you have your lights above them? Pic plz.


on more thing, my girls are in crap soil...when I have to transplant I'll use the soil make up you are using, thx!
Someone way back when gave me my soil makeup and I been using that since... THING TO NOTE!!!! The FoxFarm Ocean Mix contains nutrients already so when planting seeds I only use BigBloom in my water. Also after transplanting I use PLAIN DISTILLED water for about a week or so and then start back up with nutrients at half the recommended dosage. This usually works out well for me and I can water with nutrients every watering.


on more thing, my girls are in crap soil...when I have to transplant I'll use the soil make up you are using, thx!
I would like to thank you for stopping by my post and looking into my grow. My goal was to show the progression of Wappa so others growers can have a take on what the plant grows like. I am probably sure it could be better but its what I can do with my resources. So give rep+ please and let me know what you think....

My light is always just an inch or so above my plants. A friend told me if they do not stretch a little then I might wanna move the light a tad bit farther away to have it stretch just a little. Right now they seem to be OK! Would you mind me asking what soils and things you are using?.... Feel free to post or share your grow with the rest of us. This is a lovely plant with a nice smoke. I grew one before but found out what it was after she was harvested... So I went to order more =D

But here is the pic as you requested...:weed:




Cleopatra (28 Days)
Cleopatra ( 28 Days ).jpg

Cleopatra (Top View 28 Days)
Cleopatra ( Top View 28 Days ).jpg

Nefertiti (28 Days)
Nefertiti ( 28 Days ).jpg

Nefertiti (Top View 28 Days)
Nefertiti ( Top View 28 Days ).jpg

Uma (28 Days)
Uma ( 28 Days ).jpg

Uma (Top View 28 Days)
Uma ( Top View 28 Days ).jpg

:lol:THEY LOOKING EXTRA SEXY... Probably gonna veg for about 2 more weeks!:lol:



Sorry Growers but I was away on vacation then busy with a few things so I hadn't kept up with the updates... BUT I AM BACK. The babies are doing great just in case any of you were following and wondering! The pics were taken even though I was away so you didn't miss a thing!

Cleopatra (Day 35)
Cleopatra (Day 35).jpg

Cleopatra (Top Day 35)
Cleopatra (Top Day 35).jpg

Nefertiti (Day 35)
Nefertiti (Day 35).jpg

Nefertiti (Top Day 35)
Nefertiti (Top Day 35).jpg

Uma (Day 35)
Uma (Day 35).jpg

Uma (Top Day 35)
Uma (Top Day 35).jpg


Just getting back and getting everything situated... These are the shots of the girls at day 42!

Cleopatra (Day 42)
Cleopatra (Day 42).jpg

Cleopatra (Top Day 42)
Cleopatra (Top Day 42).jpg

Nefertiti (Day 42)
Nefertiti (Day 42).jpg

Nefertiti (Top Day 42)
Nefertiti (Top Day 42).jpg

Uma (Day 42)
Uma (Day 42).jpg

Uma (Top Day 42)
Uma (Top Day 42).jpg


So from day 28 until day 35 I was using the following nutrient mixture for my growing babies... I mixed the following to a gallon (about half the normal dosage)...

2 Teaspoon Grow Big
2 Teaspoon Sweet

1/4 Teaspoon Microbe Brew

AND from day 35 until day 42 I was using the following:

1 Tblspoon Big Bloom
2 Teaspoon Grow Big
2 Teaspoon Sweet
1/8 Teaspoon Open Sesame

Still Under the 96W T5's and seem to be loving it... Here is a group shot!...
Group Shot.jpg


These are the babies @ Day 49 ( 7th Day of Flowering )!

1 Tblspoon Big Bloom
1 Teaspoon Tiger Bloom
2 Teaspoon Sweet
1/8 Teaspoon Open Sesame

They are now under 2- 150W HPS's and the 96W T5's and all seems to be going well... Heres the pics!

Cleopatra (Day 49)
Cleopatra (Day 49).jpg

Cleopatra (Top Day 49)

Cleopatra (Top Day 49).jpg

Nefertiti (Day 49)

Nefertiti (Day 49).jpg

Nefertiti (Top Day 49)
Nefertiti (Top Day 49).jpg

Uma (Day 49)
Uma ( Day 49).jpg

Uma (Top Day 49)
Uma (Top Day 49).jpg

Group Shot (Day 49)

Group Day 49.jpg


Cleopatra (Day 56)
Cleopatra (Day 56).jpg

Cleopatra (Top Day 56)
Cleopatra (Top Day 56).jpg

Nefertiti (Day 56)

Nefertiti (Day 56).jpg

Nefertiti (Top Day 56)
Nefertiti (Top Day 56).jpg

Uma (Day 56)
Uma (Day 56).jpg

Uma (Top Day 56)

Uma (Top Day 56).jpg


They seem to be doing very well... Few leaves fall off here and there. Some yellow and just fall off. I had a few leaves that showed signs of Nute burn on Cleopatra about a week ago but all seems to be under control. I will keep you updated if anything horrible happens!


Lookin great ! What age did you top at? Subbed !
Check out the thread in my sig & drop some feedback brother !
Good looks:bigjoint:
I topped Cleopatra and Nefertiti at about day 17 -18... I had mentioned that in the thread you might have missed it. The link is here: I don't think I mentioned when I topped Uma but it was around day 20. They had about a good 6 nodes each before I topped! If I remember correctly I tried to top above the 4th node... Anymore question please feel free to ask!

Glad you subbed (Please Rep) and hope all goes well with your grow... I will look and subscribe!


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