solyndra economy

feff f

Active Member
just listening to paul gigot on tv and he made a brilliat point

solyndra IS the obama economic model, keynesian for the slow people.

the whitehouse gave them 500 million bucks. throwing money at them thinking that it would automatically create jobs. MAJOR FAIL

it is in direct parallel with keynseyian theology (yes, its definitely a religion)

just take a bunch of money, throw it out there, and whallaaa, jobs.

real world doesnt work that way. how many more examples will it take for mame and the rest of the congregation, to realize this?

another stat they put out, 38.6 billion spent on green energy, 3,545 jobs created, 10.88 MILLION PER JOB.

that keynsian is really good stuff!


New Member
The US goverment Gauranteed 500 million in loans
it did automatically create jobs

How Solyndra Blew thru that money will be discovered in short time

And if applicable Justice will be served

feff f

Active Member
The US goverment Gauranteed 500 million in loans
it did automatically create jobs

How Solyndra Blew thru that money will be discovered in short time

And if applicable Justice will be served
so you are happy that YOU AND YOUR KIDS are responsible for the 500 million wasted? wow. thats it, just wow

i wonder what your response was when haliburton got contracts? i wonder if that was ok with you. because the jobs that haliburton made, are still there. the jobs that solyndra "produced" are not there. and that money has been thrown down the shitter.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Duke, do you ever get tired of the horrible structure of the exchanges here?

Irrelevant conclusion on Feff F...10 yards from the spot of the foul. 3rd down.

feff f

Active Member
Duke, do you ever get tired of the horrible structure of the exchanges here?

Irrelevant conclusion on Feff F...10 yards from the spot of the foul. 3rd down.
whats your conclusion on giving 500 million dollars to a company that fails in less than 2 years?


Well-Known Member
just take a bunch of money, throw it out there, and whallaaa, jobs.

perhaps companies should follow the feffffefeffefefefffffefeeeefefff model for success: fail to meet the standards of your profession, blame it on excessive regulations, collect unemployment while supposedly working two jobs with two employees, and sit on the computer all day.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
whats your conclusion on giving 500 million dollars to a company that fails in less than 2 years?
My conclusion of Solyndra is can not only swallow the loss, but pay back what he has taken from the loans granted to his company. He is the 43rd richest person in the world. With other owners, there should be no problem whatsoever paying back the money. Plus, how much of the $500million was actually given?

I have never once advocated NOT holding people responsible for their actions. Especially since there is a brand-new facility (and an old one) literally JUST FUCKING SITTING there...waiting to be used. It seems to me that there was a plan (by whom I can't really determine) to buy back these facilities for MUCH less than they cost to build (insider scheming, really). It is indeed a scandal, but the money (and facility) will not be wasted.


Well-Known Member
The US goverment Gauranteed 500 million in loans
it did automatically create jobs

How Solyndra Blew thru that money will be discovered in short time

And if applicable Justice will be served

Justice from this countries DOJ the same one that sues states for trying to defend their illegal rights? Dream on. That money was a pay off.

feff f

Active Member

perhaps companies should follow the feffffefeffefefefffffefeeeefefff model for success: fail to meet the standards of your profession, blame it on excessive regulations, collect unemployment while supposedly working two jobs with two employees, and sit on the computer all day.
voila is french. i hate the french. i refuse to write french (with exception of the first word in this sentence)

is it okay that i took the weekend off?

unlike you, at least i pretend to have 2 jobs. you just sit on the computer all day and make stupid one line, meaningless statements.


Well-Known Member
voila is french. i hate the french. i refuse to write french (with exception of the first word in this sentence)

is it okay that i took the weekend off?

unlike you, at least i pretend to have 2 jobs. you just sit on the computer all day and make stupid one line, meaningless statements.
you have two jobs AND collect unemployment?

how does that work?

feff f

Active Member
you have two jobs AND collect unemployment?

how does that work?

lets see here buck, when a person gets laid off they get unemployment. when they go back to work, they no longer get unemployment.

its like a person, when they have a beard, they have hair on their face. when they shave their beard, they no longer have hair on their face. get it?

are you paying taxes on the illegal pot you are selling, or are you still ripping poor people off?


Well-Known Member
lets see here buck, when a person gets laid off they get unemployment. when they go back to work, they no longer get unemployment.

its like a person, when they have a beard, they have hair on their face. when they shave their beard, they no longer have hair on their face. get it?

are you paying taxes on the illegal pot you are selling, or are you still ripping poor people off?
so i guess you rendered your own little talking points false.

turns out when people find work, they get off unemployment instead of continuing to collect because it's easier than working. that flies in the face of everything you and your ilk have been saying for a while.

and no, not paying any taxes when i accept reimbursement for supplies and utilities related to my medical grows, as oregon state law permits.

want some?
