Open Your Eyes!!!!


Well-Known Member
Why is it that now we live in a modern society, populations believe we are free from oppression. We believe propaganda are products of Middle Eastern Counrties? You couldn't be even more wrong. Propaganda, 'Brain Washing' call it what you will, exsist today, in your country, in your town or city, even in your own home, just turn on your TV, watch the news, even popular entertainment show attempt to enforce believes.

We're being steadily pushed into a way of thinking so a select few get there own way. How are they doing this you may ask? Nuclear Bombs? Taking away our liberties? Our Freedom? Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! FEAR!!! The most powerful weapon of all. So yes they will take away our liberties, but not before we give them away first.

The war on 'terror'? Illegal Wars, Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq? And now we are lead to believe Iran are currently developing such weapons? Where next? I'll tell you, ID Cards, Biometric Passports, Tracking Devices. The first two are already becoming a reality in most Western States and the third looks even more likely as this article (BBC NEWS | UK | 'Pay-as-you-go' road charge plan) and the video posted below illustrate.

All this in the interest of National Security? So I ask you "Why Now?" Britain, the UK, has been subject to a barrage of terrorist attack over many a decade by the IRA and the "Real-IRA". Spain also by the Basque separatist group ETA. So I will ask you again, Why Now? Governments, well the people at the top and those pulling the strings now have what they didn't have all them years back. A Television medium that has expanded dramatically with multi-channel rounds the clock News Services. So yes now we have the 'FEAR'

I'm not going to tell you how to think. But open your eyes.



New Member
Why is it that now we live in a modern society, populations believe we are free from oppression. We believe propaganda are products of Middle Eastern Counrties? You couldn't be even more wrong. Propaganda, 'Brain Washing' call it what you will, exsist today, in your country, in your town or city, even in your own home, just turn on your TV, watch the news, even popular entertainment show attempt to enforce believes.

We're being steadily pushed into a way of thinking so a select few get there own way. How are they doing this you may ask? Nuclear Bombs? Taking away our liberties? Our Freedom? Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! FEAR!!! The most powerful weapon of all. So yes they will take away our liberties, but not before we give them away first.

The war on 'terror'? Illegal Wars, Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq? And now we are lead to believe Iran are currently developing such weapons? Where next? I'll tell you, ID Cards, Biometric Passports, Tracking Devices. The first two are already becoming a reality in most Western States and the third looks even more likely as this article (BBC NEWS | UK | 'Pay-as-you-go' road charge plan) and the video posted below illustrate.

All this in the interest of National Security? So I ask you "Why Now?" Britain, the UK, has been subject to a barrage of terrorist attack over many a decade by the IRA and the "Real-IRA". Spain also by the Basque separatist group ETA. So I will ask you again, Why Now? Governments, well the people at the top and those pulling the strings now have what they didn't have all them years back. A Television medium that has expanded dramatically with multi-channel rounds the clock News Services. So yes now we have the 'FEAR'

I'm not going to tell you how to think. But open your eyes.

UUhhh, eyes wide open here, thanks.


New Member
all true. But how do the surfs rise up against such the well-funded upper, ruling class?

It is the same master/servant problem that has plagued every generation of man since early on. They will do anything to keep us under their control. We must use what system of laws they have in place to the best of our ability to gain our freedoms. And to that end, we have lost a great many of them in the last few years.


New Member
all true. But how do the surfs rise up against such the well-funded upper, ruling class?

It is the same master/servant problem that has plagued every generation of man since early on. They will do anything to keep us under their control. We must use what system of laws they have in place to the best of our ability to gain our freedoms. And to that end, we have lost a great many of them in the last few years.[/quote]
Well said................


New Member
The last few years? I'm glad the poster has opened his eyes. Some of us have had our eyes open for a long, long time. And yes, fear has been used to dilute our liberties ... but its not a new thing at all. Look what the irrational fear that someone else might eventually have more, earn more, or end up with more, has done to our financial privacy and economic liberties since the 16th Amendment was passed in 1913.



Well-Known Member
The last few years? I'm glad the poster has opened his eyes. Some of us have had our eyes open for a long, long time. And yes, fear has been used to dilute our liberties ... but its not a new thing at all. Look what the irrational fear that someone else might eventually have more, earn more, or end up with more, has done to our financial privacy and economic liberties since the 16th Amendment was passed in 1913.

Last few years? Now show me where i said that. The speed of which this change is happening has accelelarated in the last few years, if goverment want to pass an act in parliment, increase taxes all they need to do is use "the war on terror" or "enviromental reasons" as there arguement. And my eyes have been open for a long time thank you



New Member
Here is something to think about....When a state, or the feds, use general funds in their budgets, (billion dollar budgets for most states), this money usually goes to building unnecessary infrastructure first, (stadiums, light rail, zoos, and other non-essentials), until they deplete the general fund. Then, they threaten that without additional revenue, (more tax increases, because they've spent all your money, already paid taxes, frivolously), they are going to have to neglect existing roads, lay off cops and firefighters, eliminate routes on existing public transit, etc etc. This is a disgusting ploy that takes place every day, waste waste waste, and then threaten to cut the things people really need if more money can't be "strong armed". The term, "vote with your feet" comes to mind...........


Well-Known Member
all governments have always existed through lies and oppression to one degree or another. they survive by taking what they can from those they claim to serve. your money, your voice, your freedom; anything you are so foolish as to let them take. the freer and more open the society the harder they will have to work for it, but they'll take it none the less.


New Member
Oh, and domestic social programs dwarf the military budget. And I do mean DWARF.
And may I say they should dwarf the military budget. The military is the largest waster of money input of all government agencies. We could easily slice our military budget in half if we had a decent foriegn policy. The policemen of the world thing is not working.


New Member
And social security, which alone equals the defense budget, is a well oiled machine?
Thank you, My check comes on time every month into my bank account without a hitch, Just like clockwork. BTW, if the congress and the excutive branch would have left SS alone and allowed it to collect interest, there would be enough there to fund your great-great-great grandkids. It has been the pilfering of the SS fund into the general budget that has made it a crises.


New Member
Well, we agree on this, at security is fast becoming a real crisis. Soon enough, we're going to have to do something, and I guarantee there will be no happy parties.....a lose lose.


New Member
Well, we agree on this, at security is fast becoming a real crisis. Soon enough, we're going to have to do something, and I guarantee there will be no happy parties.....a lose lose.
They need to fund the trust fund instead of paying for Bush's war. Where do you think all that trust fund money is going, straight into the general fund. In other words, government needs to put itself on a diet and stop the insane war, fund the necessary programs and cut the un-necessary ones to the bone. Where we'll probably differ on this is what is necessary and what is not. BTW if the youngsters want to put some of their hard earned money into the volatile stock market, so be it. There's enough money left in the trust fund to outlast me. 40 years from now they'll know who was right.


New Member
They need to fund the trust fund instead of paying for Bush's war. Where do you think all that trust fund money is going, straight into the general fund. In other words, government needs to put itself on a diet and stop the insane war, fund the necessary programs and cut the un-necessary ones to the bone. Where we'll probably differ on this is what is necessary and what is not.

Just a warning, I'm about to make you blow your lid, if you keep up this "Bushes War" propaganda. Go look at the votes in Congress, Republican AND Democrat, and get back to me...........or maybe put me back on ignore until your really ready to try this "peace" thing......:mrgreen:


New Member
Just a warning, I'm about to make you blow your lid, if you keep up this "Bushes War" propaganda. Go look at the votes in Congress, Republican AND Democrat, and get back to me...........or maybe put me back on ignore until your really ready to try this "peace" thing......:mrgreen:
I won't argue this as I can see you're a Bushie, but we both know the truth and it aint purty.
Here is something to think about....When a state, or the feds, use general funds in their budgets, (billion dollar budgets for most states), this money usually goes to building unnecessary infrastructure first, (stadiums, light rail, zoos, and other non-essentials), until they deplete the general fund. Then, they threaten that without additional revenue, (more tax increases, because they've spent all your money, already paid taxes, frivolously), they are going to have to neglect existing roads, lay off cops and firefighters, eliminate routes on existing public transit, etc etc. This is a disgusting ploy that takes place every day, waste waste waste, and then threaten to cut the things people really need if more money can't be "strong armed". The term, "vote with your feet" comes to mind...........

dude that is so true... i never really thought of it like that....


New Member
Last few years? Now show me where i said that. The speed of which this change is happening has accelelarated in the last few years, if goverment want to pass an act in parliment, increase taxes all they need to do is use "the war on terror" or "enviromental reasons" as there arguement. And my eyes have been open for a long time thank you

DMG ...

I didn't mean to attack you in any way with my post. All I meant to do was point out that what you posted wasn't anything new. That's it. Sorry if I offended you. :)
