The Great Debate.


Well-Known Member
No I just saw where a south korean organization made a claim that china was producing a energy enhancement pill made from dried powdered babies, purchased from hospitals and abortion clinics. DNA tests showed 99.8% human remains in the pills and they were fresh enough to even determine sex... Id give you a link but Im on my cell for a few more days. Easy to find at though.


Well-Known Member
sorry guys-

had some serious family issues goin on lately, on top of all the summer work.
winter is coming.

hic, don't think i've forgotten what we've talked about. there are big things in the works.

AND, please believe.

call it what you want. mentioning dead babies in the fashion you did makes you look like a retard. take it elsewhere.


Well-Known Member

wouldn't you feel stupid if you believed all our government has told us in recent years. this newest thing with the debt should be causing riots. exactly what they said they were preventing happened.

6 times in a row.

the rally on the 7th is looking more important any day. also remember that making a neighborly phone call to a legislator during his vacation is completely acceptable.

after all you are their boss.


Well-Known Member
Murfy I'll take it wherever the hell I please and you arent doing shit to stop me.. Calling me a retard isn't hurting my feelgoods any.


Well-Known Member
ok then-
wanna ruin my thread with childish talk, that's cool.
do you live in michigan?
with the day i'm havin i say let's fuckin talk it out in person.

oh. and. STUMPJUMPER has a certain weight where i come from. just enough to keep a rope taut.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thanks for the offer Murf, I've got better things to do then to be sitting in jail for kicking the shit out of someone over their inflated internet ego. So quit talking stupid.


Well-Known Member
LOL Well I have a family to support, a few years ago I would've taken you up on that in a second.. I don't like jail but I love the fights....

You are over reacting anyways, sorry if I offended you with the dead baby shit...


Well-Known Member
things are really looking good hic-

some friends and i are developing a business model that we think will work.

when it is completed we will post it here for discussion and hopefully together we can have a simple model that folks can follow to set up their own non profit collective. the non profit pays its members wage, donates profusely, and provides for its own through trusts.

the possibilities with this type of combination are endless. shelters, senior citizen centers, playgrounds, festivals, college funds and scholarships, halfway or hospice houses, etc.

i'm interested in your thoughts. u too stumper. please try and keep it pertinent.


Well-Known Member


What's with the Rattle Snakes?
The rattlesnake was the favorite animal emblem of Americans. American colonists saw the rattler as a good example of America's virtues. They argued that it is unique to America; individually its rattles produce no sound, but united they can be heard by all; and while it does not attack unless provoked, it is deadly when you distrub it or step upon it. Hence the motto "Don't Tread on Me"