Give Me 2.8 Trillion Or Granny Gets No Check


Well-Known Member
Well if obama don't get his 2.8 trillion dollars grandma want get her SS check. I wonder what he wants granny to do? What kind of shit is this asshole trying to pull now. I hope they don't pass shit just to see what happens.

I bet China India get their money and the IMF said if we didn't raise our debt limit there would be a global crisis. Wonder how much money they need to bail out the EU. But granny gets no check. It's sad that the government supports the world but granny gets no check. I bet that fucking Bush done it again,granny gets no check.

I have been thinking of becoming a democrat they have it right. Forget the debt ceiling as long as we can borrow money spend the shit out of it. And I am sure China wants to leaned us money to educate the fucking illegals. Fuck obama is president. I saw someone on here the other day needing money to go to school because the school was not getting government money and were cutting back. But I am glad to see that obama has enough money to send 12 million illegals to school so they can become citizens. But granny gets no check.

Now my question is why we have money for every body but granny?

The fucked Americans brought to you by obama


Well-Known Member
I can tell the Right Wing Media has this newatit kid complete wrapped up with their Propaganda.

I just don't understand why folks like him fall for everything they hear from the uneducated talking heads that fill his head with such bull shit information. I do laugh my ass off but I just find it odd that people like him subject themselves to such bull shit.

The Constitution requires our bills be paid without question. If you have a problem with that, go talk to your God Damned Piece of Paper.

But really, you need to expand your information sources. It's real clear to the rest of us who is pulling the wool over your eyes.


Well-Known Member
PELLEY: Can you tell the folks at home that no matter what happens, the Social Security checks are gonna go out on August the third? There are about $20 billion worth of Social Security checks that have to go out the day after the government is supposedly gonna go into default?
MR. OBAMA: Well, this is not just a matter of Social Security checks. These are veterans' checks, these are folks on disability, and their checks. There are about 70 million checks that go out each month.
PELLEY: Can you guarantee, as president, those checks will go out on August the third?
MR. OBAMA: I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.
It was an adult conversation. No wonder folks on the Right misunderstood it.

Really, that is what got Newatit's panties in a wad. Jesus Christ dude. Grow up. Don't you ever get embarrassed?


Well-Known Member
I can tell the Right Wing Media has this newatit kid complete wrapped up with their Propaganda.

I just don't understand why folks like him fall for everything they hear from the uneducated talking heads that fill his head with such bull shit information. I do laugh my ass off but I just find it odd that people like him subject themselves to such bull shit.

The Constitution requires our bills be paid without question. If you have a problem with that, go talk to your God Damned Piece of Paper.

But really, you need to expand your information sources. It's real clear to the rest of us who is pulling the wool over your eyes.

I was a kid 50 years ago. One thing about I want be paying the debt off you will.


Well-Known Member
I was a kid 50 years ago.
Then you shouldn't be so damn gullible. If you want to have your head filled with misinformation from Fox, Rush and Drudge that's fine but you should really start to cross reference your sources. They are leading you around by the nose ring and people like me just laugh.

Just trying to help a brother out.


Well-Known Member
Our government and political system is fucked up beyond logical reason...and im talking democrats and republicans... Every politician in this country should be taken out and shot...


Well-Known Member
where do you get your info from if you dont mind?


Then you shouldn't be so damn gullible. If you want to have your head filled with misinformation from Fox, Rush and Drudge that's fine but you should really start to cross reference your sources. They are leading you around by the nose ring and people like me just laugh.

Just trying to help a brother out.


Well-Known Member
I get my information from a variety of sources but normally research leads me back to the original source which I included into one of my posts in this thread that contains the words out of the horses mouth.

But I've been to Fox, Rush and Drudge and see them all selling this bullshit propaganda as if it was coordinated. Ever notice that about Right Wing Media? It's all coordinated. If not, you should. They say the same thing at the same time and people like the OP fall for it hook, line and sinker.

It's real easy to spot a loon with his head stuck in the Right Wing Media's corner. They are all clones of one another who simply repeat the propaganda they subject themselves too. It's getting fucking old.


Well-Known Member
Then you shouldn't be so damn gullible. If you want to have your head filled with misinformation from Fox, Rush and Drudge that's fine but you should really start to cross reference your sources. They are leading you around by the nose ring and people like me just laugh.

Just trying to help a brother out.

When I was about 7 years old the church came to the house at thanksgiving with a box of food. Some lady say something to my mom about welfare my mom threw the whole box of food at them and said I don't need your fucking welfare. Some thing you welfare babies don't understand. When I was growing up people didn't need the government for unemployment checks,welfare checks, checks for school checks for this and that. I dought this country could live like that now to many of you depend on the government. Maybe if people did things for themselfs the country would not be in this shape. So as far as I care you can take your welfare schooling or maybe silver spoon schooling and put it to use and work to pay the debt off.

The only help I need is for the good lord to take me home I have lived in this hell long enough. Soon maybe soon.


Well-Known Member
No, i choose not to watch those channels or websites... i find that both left and right wing media are always contradicting each other, so i dont watch it... I really never have, although i like watching o reily when he gets all pissy, its funny!

Beck is fucking crazy, but he does say some facts... Rush is all about the money and i dont know who drudge is... still, they all lie about each other, so no i dont watch and if i am concerned about something,

i try to get my news from the LA times or another newspaper website...

thanks for the info

I get my information from a variety of sources but normally research leads me back to the original source which I included into one of my posts in this thread that contains the words out of the horses mouth.

But I've been to Fox, Rush and Drudge and see them all selling this bullshit propaganda as if it was coordinated. Ever notice that about Right Wing Media? It's all coordinated. If not, you should. They say the same thing at the same time and people like the OP fall for it hook, line and sinker.

It's real easy to spot a loon with his head stuck in the Right Wing Media's corner. They are all clones of one another who simply repeat the propaganda they subject themselves too. It's getting fucking old.


Well-Known Member
Fuck Osama and his administration... I mean Obama, heh.

Let me educate some of you young'ins around here... for the government not to come up with an agreement with the countries debt?!? Yeah, that's called political suicide.. its not gonna happen.. period. They will come to an agreement before the "deadline".. why am I so sure about this? Well, like I just mentioned.. for them not to come up with some kind of deal.. would be down right political suicide. Also, you think things in the USA are bad now..??! If this countries debt isn't handled and some sort of agreement is not agreed upon.. you can easily bet that things will be and get 1000x times worse for this country.

So again, things will work themselves out.. and they're will be an agreement at some point before the so called "deadline".. period.

peace & hugs - "-It's what the world needs right now.."


Well-Known Member
When I was about 7 years old the church came to the house at thanksgiving with a box of food. Some lady say something to my mom about welfare my mom threw the whole box of food at them and said I don't need your fucking welfare. Some thing you welfare babies don't understand. When I was growing up people didn't need the government for unemployment checks,welfare checks, checks for school checks for this and that. I dought this country could live like that now to many of you depend on the government. Maybe if people did things for themselfs the country would not be in this shape. So as far as I care you can take your welfare schooling or maybe silver spoon schooling and put it to use and work to pay the debt off.

The only help I need is for the good lord to take me home I have lived in this hell long enough. Soon maybe soon.
Well I can see your point in the last post man. I couldn't name a family member of mine that has ever received anything from the Government aside from my father who spent his career as a Fighter Pilot, but I think he earned what he got and still gets. I live near an Indian Reservation. I know the ill effects of a welfare state. Or one could just look at Detroit.

We can have disagreements about certain programs that cost us the tax payers money but the poison that exists today is in the form of misinformation and outright lies used by the political mechanisms day in and day out to further a very narrow corporate right-wing agenda.

Don't you find it odd that the station responsible for smearing George Soros as an America destroying foreign Billionaire is owned by a Billionaire from Australia?


Well-Known Member
Well I can see your point in the last post man. I couldn't name a family member of mine that has ever received anything from the Government aside from my father who spent his career as a Fighter Pilot, but I think he earned what he got and still gets. I live near an Indian Reservation. I know the ill effects of a welfare state. Or one could just look at Detroit.

We can have disagreements about certain programs that cost us the tax payers money but the poison that exists today is in the form of misinformation and outright lies used by the political mechanisms day in and day out to further a very narrow corporate right-wing agenda.

Don't you find it odd that the station responsible for smearing George Soros as an America destroying foreign Billionaire is owned by a Billionaire from Australia?

I hate these damn computors. When you don't see good and all the pills I use to take fried my brain.

Sir please thank your dad for his service to the country. Had two brothers in the nam in the hospital at the same time with orders in my hand to go there. Lucky my mom had it stopped.

I guess disagreements is what the world is about just not enough love. I do try to read on a subject but as many lies as there are out there it's hard to know the truth. I posted this because thats what obama said yesterday and I knew it was a lie. And do you think that george soros gave media matters money not to attack fox? And I wonder why george soros bought into the oil company right before obama gave 2 billion dollars to drill for oil, when we could created 20,000 jobs drilling here? So many questions with no answers with this administration in my book. Well we can agree to disagree. But obama said if the debt crisis is not passed grandma wouldn't get her

Take care of you and yours we will disagree again


Well-Known Member
Obama walks out of talks.

Good for you Mr. President. He told Cantor "I'll take it to the American people. Don't call my bluff". Then he pushed back from the table, said "see ya tomorrow" and walked out.

I for one and glad he isn't backing down to these thugs.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I've been listening to this conversation quietly in the corner & as much of a pissing match as it is, just realize one thing.
I believe all posters are basically asking for the same thing from our government, we just have a different opinion on how to get there, and I honestly don't believe either the current Republicans or Democrats will get there to our satisfaction.
My .02 C


Well-Known Member
When I was about 7 years old the church came to the house at thanksgiving with a box of food. Some lady say something to my mom about welfare my mom threw the whole box of food at them and said I don't need your fucking welfare. Some thing you welfare babies don't understand. When I was growing up people didn't need the government for unemployment checks,welfare checks, checks for school checks for this and that. I dought this country could live like that now to many of you depend on the government. Maybe if people did things for themselfs the country would not be in this shape. So as far as I care you can take your welfare schooling or maybe silver spoon schooling and put it to use and work to pay the debt off.

The only help I need is for the good lord to take me home I have lived in this hell long enough. Soon maybe soon.
Yea the good old day's,,,Where if you were on welfare the State would have you "Fixed",,,In order to bring know more worthless son's of bitche's in this world,,,,Right?,,,The same asshole's who are pro-life,,,go figure dick head.


Active Member
Obama walks out of talks.

Good for you Mr. President. He told Cantor "I'll take it to the American people. Don't call my bluff". Then he pushed back from the table, said "see ya tomorrow" and walked out.

I for one and glad he isn't backing down to these thugs.
So Obama's administration creates 5 trillion in debt in 3 years and its the republicans fault. Obama gets mad, storms out because republicans want to cut spending in addition to raising the debt limit and you call them the thugs. Priceless. I wonder how long before Obama starts telling Americans 2+2=5.