3000 watt Hps Super Grow Gets Another 400w mh. Just for Fun


Active Member
hey guys i caged and tied down my lemon drops and sd's. its was painful and not easy but its done and i think they look ok but we'll see in the morn. i did give them so dr repair so i hope that helps and healing. did i do it right? it def looks like it shadows everything below. is this right? will they fill out around the cage? heres som pics, and some pics of my light set up....or the best ones i could get (under/over)



Well-Known Member
hey guys i caged and tied down my lemon drops and sd's. its was painful and not easy but its done and i think they look ok but we'll see in the morn. i did give them so dr repair so i hope that helps and healing. did i do it right? it def looks like it shadows everything below. is this right? will they fill out around the cage? heres som pics, and some pics of my light set up....or the best ones i could get (under/over)
The cages look awesome. There is nothing ghetto looking about your space. With light that intense, don't worry too much about damaging your plants. If those stretchers are anything like my last grow, you're gonna have to get aggressive. How much height were they putting on a day before you caged 'em?

Their resilience (again especially under ample lighting like that) is astonishing. I snapped many, many branches of my last stretchy bitches. Not LST by bending but a total snap that left the tops lying down at right angles. It wasn't pretty and I was afraid I fucked them up good, sap oozing everywhere. They just laughed off the damage, healed, turned semi-upright and grew huge buds.


Active Member
lol thanks guys i def broke one yesterday and i tied it up, thought for sure it'd be dyin this morn but she looked right as rain! i went back in there tonight and bent and tied all my girls up (they seemed to like it....kinky) lol heres some pics. ps i threw in a shot of my cheeses(my fav plants by far). hey just remember u too can do this on ur first grow.....u just need about $10,000, a room, a whore of an ex, someone footing ur college tuition(in my case the us army-go gi bill!) and alittle inspiration! lol thanks for lookin



Active Member
Wow. Just came across your thread and must say I am impressed. Plants look gorgeous! Good job! Do you use and air conditioner in your room? Def subbing to see how this turns out. :joint:


Active Member
thanks. no, no ac but 3 vortex 6" inlines (1 drawing from under the house...COOL air, 1 kicker b4 the air heads into my lights and one on a board on the wall exhausting outside) to keep my lights cool and u can put ur hand right on the glass after 24 hrs or continuous use. i have a heavy duty dehumidifier and a big(36") moutain air carbon filter attatched to an 8" vortex exhausting outside as well so that keeps things cool too. cooling isnt my prob though my climate is pretty cool and my grow is covered by trees so the room gets very little direct light. i have a bigger issue keeping the room warm enough in off cycles (shouldnt during the summer) im worried about winter.


Well-Known Member
What did I tell ya about the plant's ability to heal itself with that massive light of yours?

The tie / cage job is excellent. Couldn't have done it better myself. You seem like an old hand at this. I guess some people were just born to grow. Nice job, soldier.


Active Member
thanks for the props guys...did i mention im a natural sciences major, natures kinda my thing and i really like the idea of playing god in a 10x12' space! i am def learning alot and ur right lordjin the plants r super resilient! at first i was afraid to really touch em but as the grow has progresses i really dont have a choice but to get "intimate" with the girls lol. they dont seem to mind much though. i went in and staked my cheeses and ak's yesterday (1 center stalk, 3 angled out per plant) ill post some pics tonight when the lights come back on. but heres the question.....my cheeses and ak's r about 2-2.5 ft right now and super full(day 16 of flower) so how much more vertical growth can i expect? ps my sd's have been getting frosty as shit! first to show sugar and they already look dank! thanks for lookin guys!


Active Member
Nice job man. I thought that I was going big with my 1000W hydro grow being the first time and all.... totally impressed here! Plants look great too!



Active Member
This set-up is awesome! Those plants seem to be more than happy :) How the hell did you guys afford this ($10-12,00), that's crazy for 2 students. Me and my room-mate are also first timers, and we thought our grow was expensive! Can't wait to see how that sour diesel finishes, it's fucking tasty stuff, one of my favourite strains. Looking good bro, sub'd and +rep.



Active Member
Nice job man. I thought that I was going big with my 1000W hydro grow being the first time and all.... totally impressed here! Plants look great too!
Thank you
This set-up is awesome! Those plants seem to be more than happy How the hell did you guys afford this ($10-12,00), that's crazy for 2 students. Me and my room-mate are also first timers, and we thought our grow was expensive! Can't wait to see how that sour diesel finishes, it's fucking tasty stuff, one of my favourite strains. Looking good bro, sub'd and +rep.
Thanks and the room has been created by deployment money. Its funny to think if my wife hadn't been a whore and we were still together, I would be a cop right now. Now that I'm free, I decided school and investing in a room was the way to go.

Here's an updated pic after staking the AK's and Cheese's.



Dude that sucks. Nobody deserves those buds more than you. Get back from the military and your wife's cheating? rough.

Plants are looking lovely!


Active Member
thanks herbalife! cassinfo....looks like shit? not exactly constructive criticism. is there something else i should be doing?


Active Member
He's a bullshitter. Your room looks great! It's funny the way things work out sometimes huh. Excited to see those buds thicken up.