The Truth About Ron Paul

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Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
gotta say, you hit the nail on the head about these ron paul worshippers.
It's like a fucking cult. If you even question what he's saying everyone will jump down your throat.

They seem to believe 100% of what he says, no questions asked.


Well-Known Member
Lucky for you UB,Because all the fucking illegal fucking roaches i gotta work with and the ones my brother deals with in denver SUCK very much at english.So fuck YOU and my not so good grammar, you fucking grammer and spelling police duecebag.
And i am sure that you do not know that many.I don't know what little picture fucking perfect world you live in,but that is fucking fantasy UB.


Well-Known Member
Lucky for you UB,Because all the fucking illegal fucking roaches i gotta work with and the ones my brother deals with in denver SUCK very much at english.So fuck YOU and my not so good grammar, you fucking grammer and spelling police duecebag.
And i am sure that you do not know that many.I don't know what little picture fucking perfect world you live in,but that is fucking fantasy UB.
so now you are privy to who i hang out with or have worked with?

not only a bigot, but a fucking psychic.

the bigoted psychic. sounds like a second rate sitcom on UPN.


King Tut
Lucky for you UB,Because all the fucking illegal fucking roaches i gotta work with and the ones my brother deals with in denver SUCK very much at english.So fuck YOU and my not so good grammar, you fucking grammer and spelling police duecebag.
And i am sure that you do not know that many.I don't know what little picture fucking perfect world you live in,but that is fucking fantasy UB.
You just invalidated your opinion dude. Attacks will not be tolerated. Please contribute or GTFO.


Well-Known Member
I think with all the tyrannical shit that the federal government pulls on a daily basis, Ron Paul sounds better and better every day. We need someone to jerk the hell out of the rains, and put the government back in check.


King Tut
I think with all the tyrannical shit that the federal government pulls on a daily basis, Ron Paul sounds better and better every day. We need someone to jerk the hell out of the rains, and put the government back in check.
Agreed. Now we have to convince Americe=a that we're not just stupid stoners.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Agreed. Now we have to convince Americe=a that we're not just stupid stoners.
Just do me a favor. When you hear Ron Paul saying something that sounds really good, ask yourself "is that true?" and then find out if it really is. Because most of Ron Paul's logic is based on stating things as facts that are really just wild guesses based on no evidence what so ever and in a lot of cases, there is evidence that directly contradicts what he's saying.

If you just accept what he's saying is true without trying to find out for yourself, then you are in fact the lazy stoner stereotype.


King Tut
Just do me a favor. When you hear Ron Paul saying something that sounds really good, ask yourself "is that true?" and then find out if it really is. Because most of Ron Paul's logic is based on stating things as facts that are really just wild guesses based on no evidence what so ever and in a lot of cases, there is evidence that directly contradicts what he's saying.

If you just accept what he's saying is true without trying to find out for yourself, then you are in fact the lazy stoner stereotype.
Trust me, i have been doing MUCH research. Our country depends on it imo.


Well-Known Member
Just do me a favor. When you hear Ron Paul saying something that sounds really good, ask yourself "is that true?" and then find out if it really is. Because most of Ron Paul's logic is based on stating things as facts that are really just wild guesses based on no evidence what so ever and in a lot of cases, there is evidence that directly contradicts what he's saying.

If you just accept what he's saying is true without trying to find out for yourself, then you are in fact the lazy stoner stereotype.
Your ideal that Ron Paul followers are an ignorant cult is unfounded. Last election, I didn't vote for Ron Paul. I considered him another republican Bush, until I listened to what the guy has to say, and not only that I watched the countless videos of WHAT HE ACTUALLY DOES IN CONGRESS. Big difference between him and most politicians who bark out all this nonsense and never follow through, OBAMA! You seem to think that people here have never voted before and if they have it's always been for Paul. I beg to differ.

As a side note, if you didn't know Paul ran last election, you can get out of the debate right now, because you have no idea what you're talking about. (And yes, as an Independent after losing the primaries).


Well-Known Member
Ever notice than Dan can't actually make an argument against anything specifically other than "Deregulating the whole world will doom us all, RP want to let corporations make little kids work in the mines". obviously he hasn't actually taken his own advice to look into things.


Well-Known Member
As a side note, if you didn't know Paul ran last election, you can get out of the debate right now, because you have no idea what you're talking about. (And yes, as an Independent after losing the primaries).
yes, he is a loser who lost the primaries to a loser who lost the general election, and the loser who lost to the loser was the biggest loser in the general election.

what a loser!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Your ideal that Ron Paul followers are an ignorant cult is unfounded. Last election, I didn't vote for Ron Paul. I considered him another republican Bush, until I listened to what the guy has to say, and not only that I watched the countless videos of WHAT HE ACTUALLY DOES IN CONGRESS. Big difference between him and most politicians who bark out all this nonsense and never follow through, OBAMA! You seem to think that people here have never voted before and if they have it's always been for Paul. I beg to differ.
I know Ron Paul isn't the average republican. He's waaaaay to the right of every republican who's ran for president. He makes Goldwater and Reagan look like Karl Marx.

As a side note, if you didn't know Paul ran last election, you can get out of the debate right now, because you have no idea what you're talking about. (And yes, as an Independent after losing the primaries).
I'm aware Ron Paul ran in the last election. His cult following reminded everyone all the time. It was impossible to not know he was running.


Well-Known Member
I've never voted Ron Paul either, voted Obama last time. If more people could just step back and see the big picture of where Obama is taking us, and realize we didn't get the change we were promised or needed or were hoping for, if you could just see he's doing everything the same as bush and worse... If you could see where all this is taking us and that we are the evil we used to fight against in this world...

You'd realize it's time to take a good look around you and realize what's really going on and vote for the person ___the establishment doesn't like__ and who tells it like it is and always has. You'd notice how far out of their way they go to discredit and exclude Ron Paul and start to wonder why that is. What threat does he really pose? It's a threat to everything the powers that be are doing wrong and against the american people and against the constitution.

If you want more war, our boys to never come home, monsanto up your asshole, more false flags and media manipulation, more spying on the UN and loss of all freedom and independance, mega monopolies left and right, just keep your head in the sand and don't look into anything. Work hard to ignore the facts, and you can still waive the obama change flag. Yes we can. :)

Or you could realize Ron Paul is the only candidate we've -ever- had that actually would end the drug war and you could stop living as a second class citizen having to submit to pee tests just to work, just because of pot...


Well-Known Member
yes, he is a loser who lost the primaries to a loser who lost the general election, and the loser who lost to the loser was the biggest loser in the general election.

what a loser!
I actually thought this was very witty, the logic is all there too, you got em all UB.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Ever notice than Dan can't actually make an argument against anything specifically other than "Deregulating the whole world will doom us all, RP want to let corporations make little kids work in the mines". obviously he hasn't actually taken his own advice to look into things.
I've noticed you haven't been able to dispute those things past "no your wrong!".

He believes in financial deregulation. That's a fact. It's not something he hides from.

"Madam Speaker, today we are considering a bill aimed at modernizing the financial services industry through deregulation. It is a worthy goal which I support. " - Ron Paul

"The better alternative is to repeal privacy busting government regulations. The same approach applies to Glass-Steagall " - Ron Paul

I do understand that no matter what I post you'll still just ignore it and continue to blindly support Ron Paul.


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by UncleBuck
yes, he is a loser who lost the primaries to a loser who lost the general election, and the loser who lost to the loser was the biggest loser in the general election.

what a loser!
I actually thought this was very witty, the logic is all there too, you got em all UB. "

Yea from that you'd say he's what 10 years old to maybe 13 tops? Certainly not old enough to worry about his vote. UB you are taking out of context talking points media is saying at face value. Look into the truth yourself. At least grow up so you can make better arguments.
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