Hitler Was A Leftist

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And rather than trying to refute what I have laid out for you, you resort to attacking me personally, insulting my intelligence, and apparently attacking Sir Isaac Newton personally.



Well-Known Member
...apparently attacking Sir Isaac Newton personally.
sir isaac newton was a taint. not like a 'taint on society', although he certainly was, but rather a taint in the anatomical sense, as in the small piece of flesh between the testicles and the pooper.


Well-Known Member
And rather than trying to refute what I have laid out for you, you resort to attacking me personally, insulting my intelligence...
there is no need to refute that which does not make the case.

and for you to post philosophy from descartes as proof of god insults the actual intelligence of every one. what you have is dogma, not intelligence.
Aristotle, Descartes, and Newton. Natural Law proves the existence of the universe had to have come from a first unmoved mover, whether you recognize it or not. You can believe gravity does not exist, but I assure you, outside that closed, feebile mind of yours, it does indeed exist.

Rather than even attempting to actually learn, you are simply being contrarian.


Well-Known Member
Steven Hawking says Gravity explains everything without ever having to invoke the idea of a god.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe that in an evolved society, that "The Imaginary Friend in the Sky" is still considered an acceptable answer to anything.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe that in an evolved society, that "The Imaginary Friend in the Sky" is still considered an acceptable answer to anything.
Religion may not be for you, but being a social creature, (except for Uncle buck) we humans should respect others beliefs and not behave as if have some sort of superiority complex just because we think we know better.

I can't say I know anything when it come to such intangible abstracts like God. The absence of proof is not the proof of absence; we can never know one way or the other.
So believe or don't believe; one is not more evolved than the other.


Well-Known Member
i thought he was the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is often the results of windsBLOWHARD's late night romps with pre-teen boy scouts.

boy, is my face red!
YOUr a disgusting human. Who talks like this? I sure hope you are not a parent or that anyone in this world relies on your wisdom and character. Your a filthy and vile person full of venom.


Well-Known Member
Not really talking about faith or beliefs. Think whatever you want. I respect everyone's religion who keep it to themselves.

I just don't think it is reasonable to come to the conclusion that "God Snapped his Fingers and it was so" no matter what it pertains to. Not really going to get into my beliefs but to consider God nothing more than an Angry Illusionist is kinda selling the old fart short don't you think?


Well-Known Member
Not really talking about faith or beliefs. Think whatever you want. I respect everyone's religion who keep it to themselves.

I just don't think it is reasonable to come to the conclusion that "God Snapped his Fingers and it was so" no matter what it pertains to. Not really going to get into my beliefs but to consider God nothing more than an Angry Illusionist is kinda selling the old fart short don't you think?
So if they don't keep it to themselves than you won't respect it? Sound like a catch 22 don't ya think.

I don't know what you believe, but I was just putting this whole discussion into perspective. The God Haters and the God Lovers are both forced to except concepts and beliefs that are unprovable. No amount of reading the bible or theorizing genomics is going to reveal proof one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
One can love God and detest all religion at the same time.

They aren't the same. Treat you religion like you treat your dick and everything will be fine. Not to much to ask really.

Some bend right, others bend left, and others are in the middle of the road - yet all are the same.

Don't go whipping it out in in front of random people.
Practice in private.
If you want to share it with someone, make sure they want it and are old enough to understand the consequences.
Keep it clean.
Always use it to bring happiness.
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