How Much Do You Weigh? Are The Munchies Taking Over??

Where do you stand with body image

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Well-Known Member
I'm just shy of 250 lbs at 5'11" male.

My only issue with food is the late night munchies.

Just wondering, are you Skinny, just right/average or a fat ass (I feel I am in the fat ass club)

I don't know how to start a poll but would be interesting to see where everyone stands on here..

POst away. Pics are ok too :)


Well-Known Member
looks like we are about the same build carl.....selecting the over average though....don't think i'm ready to graduate to the fat ass category just yet....LOL


Active Member
6' 160 pounds. Consider myself skinny. But I eat a shit ton, fast metabolism is what keeps me thin.


Well-Known Member
I'm right there with you bro same stats too. I have been really active lately after my divorce so the wieght has been shedding but, yeah I still find myself eating a whole row of ritz crackers at night. Its a viscious cycle but I have lost at least 15 lbs because I can wear an XL shirt again and its not to tight. Moving to the beach has been a big motivator for me, I run when I can and I walk everywhere I go. I have also been watching my intake as far as sugar (no soda in a week at or more :) ). All you have to do is tell yourself you will fee better when it comes off. Just get up off your butt man I did and I am the opitomy of lazy.


Active Member
I'm right there with you bro same stats too. I have been really active lately after my divorce so the wieght has been shedding but, yeah I still find myself eating a whole row of ritz crackers at night. Its a viscious cycle but I have lost at least 15 lbs because I can wear an XL shirt again and its not to tight. Moving to the beach has been a big motivator for me, I run when I can and I walk everywhere I go. I have also been watching my intake as far as sugar (no soda in a week at or more :) ). All you have to do is tell yourself you will fee better when it comes off. Just get up off your butt man I did and I am the opitomy of lazy.
Soda is what did it for my friend. Lost a lot of weight kicking out those empty calories. I personally only go as far as some Arnold Palmer, mainly water though. But weight is a trickey subject for me, just this christmas I weighed in at 140, I about shit my pants becasue I ususally hoover around 160, but a few months of eating right cured it.


Well-Known Member
6' 1" 171lbs

skinny peep...with a tiny tire about my gut
apparently my mid winter snackings have gone to far...

...absolutely livid...maybe i can make it go away this summer a get back to a respectable 155


Well-Known Member
Yes, I guess Im not really a fat ass.. just large & in charge I guess :)

I noticed on a trip to the states (Buffalo Bills Game) there are a HELL of a lot more HUGE people over the border. Holy shit. I mean we have 500 lb people in Canada, but you notice them. They stand out. Holy shit. There was SOO many minimum 500 lb people you stopped seeing them after a while. Had one HUGE black guy run up & hug me. fuck me, he picked me right off the ground & I'm not small. He thought I was a Jets fan.. glad I wasn't :)


Active Member
6'1 170lbs.. was 230lbs 6'0 and marijuana free.. about a year ago..
I started smoking weed due to stress, and the marijuana/stress made me lose weight..
Marijuana is great for losing weight i'd imagine, everything tastes good high, make something healthy (apple slices are crazy delicious high)


Well-Known Member
duuuuude I can help ya guys out!!! I know tons on the Health and Fitness field :]

add me if interested and just PM me any questions on diet and exercise or your goals and I can help ya out! xD